
Monday, December 02, 2019

Non-Malays will be 'orang asing', now and forever - It's not the crime but the ethnicity


Chin Peng: Lies, bigotry and double standards

Umno and PAS leaders appear to be getting all worked up over reports that Chin Peng’s ashes were brought home and scattered in a couple of different places.
PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, for example, protested that scattering his ashes in Malaysia disrespected the feelings of those who fought against the communists. Umno’s Mohd Puad Zarkashi argued that Chin Peng’s ashes should not have been brought back because Chin Peng himself did not want to return to Malaysia. Former prime minister Najib Razak, never one to pass up an opportunity to take cheap shots at the government, suggested that it might somehow endanger the peace and harmony of the country. Others opined that it was tantamount to glorifying communism.
Veterans Association president Shahruddin Omar, for his part, stressed that it was “insulting to the nation and its fight against communism.” It is a knee-jerk refrain we often hear whenever Chin Peng’s name crops up.
At the end of the day, however, this is a brouhaha based on lies, bigotry and double standards.
Chin Peng is, of course, no hero. As secretary-general of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), he led a long and bloody insurrection first against the then British colonial government and finally against the government of newly independent Malaya. Hundreds of Malaysians, both soldiers and civilians, Malay and non-Malay, died in what came to be known as the Malayan Emergency. With the help of British and Commonwealth forces, the communist terrorists (CTs) were pushed across the Thai border, there to slowly wither away.
In 1989, Chin Peng and other CPM leaders signed a peace accord with the government of Malaysia, formally ending their 21-year long armed struggle. In exchange for laying down their arms, the government agreed to allow all CPM leaders, including Chin Peng, to return to Malaysia. This has repeatedly been confirmed by former inspector-general of police, Rahim Noor who played a leading role in the 1989 talks.
The government, however, went back on its word and blocked Chin Peng from returning on the grounds that he was the leader of the insurgency. In the years since it was argued that allowing him to return would offend the sensibilities of the soldiers who fought against the CPM and dishonour the memory of all those who died in the Emergency. Others like Puad have attempted to rewrite history by insisting that Chin Peng was never interested in returning to Malaysia.
In fact, Chin Peng so wanted to return home that he engaged lawyers to challenge the home ministry’s ban on his return. In 2009, the Federal Court ruled against his application as he was unable to prove that he was born in the country.

COMMENT by Terence Netto in Malaysiakini's
Rahim Noor injects sense into ashes row:

Former Inspector-General of Police Abdul Rahim Mohd Noor has weighed in on the debate – firmly on the side of us keeping our solemn commitments as outlined in an international peace agreement.

Chin Peng, longtime Secretary-General of the Communist Party of Malaya, was denied entry into Malaysia and now that he is dead, his ashes are barred from being brought into the country for interment, presumably at the Chinese cemetery in the village of Pundut, in Lumut, where the graves of the CPM leader’s parents lie.

The disbarments, according to Rahim Noor (photo above), are in violation of the Hatyai Peace Accords signed in December 1989 between the governments of Malaysia, Thailand and CPM.

If it wasn’t for the fact that former IGP was the man who headed the Malaysian team in the negotiations that led to the Hatyai Peace Accords, his opinion that we are making an international “laughing stock” of ourselves in refusing Chin Peng’s ashes to be interred here would not have mattered, given the nature of the public debate, suffused as so many things are in Malaysia with racist sentiment.

Rahim has weighed in the public debate on the sanest side possible in this wrangle. This is the side of the letter of the Hatyai agreement that brought peace to the Malaysia-Thailand border, the focal area, between 1960 and 1989, of the conflict between communist terrorists belonging to the CPM and Malaysian and Thai security forces.

As Special Branch head at the time of accords with the CPM and as the government’s lead negotiator, Rahim should know the terms and conditions of the Hatyai agreement.

If there is anybody who can hold forth authoritatively on the contentious matter of whether Chin Peng had a right to come back to Malaysia and, now that he has died, have his ashes buried in his hometown of Sitiawan, it is Rahim.

Rahim said the government was in violation of the agreement when it barred Chin Peng from returning to Malaysia as the former Secretary General of the CPM desired and, when he was baulked, petitioned the Malaysian courts for recourse.

The courts upheld the government’s bar on Chin Peng’s return and now the government thumbs its nose further at the Hatyai accords by barring the entry of the CPM leader’s ashes.

Rahim believes in keeping his word

Rahim’s opinion that the government is behaving less than honourably is the more remarkable because he has appeared in recent years at public forums organised by Perkasa, the Malay right wing group that is prominent among the voices defending the government’s disbarments of Chin Peng.

At least, Rahim believes in keeping his word and in the government keeping theirs, but the NGO Rahim has seen fit to patronize does not.
At the time, many considered that the home ministry had acted in bad faith by refusing to acknowledge that he was, in fact, born in Sitiawan and had friends and family there to prove it. Interestingly, other CPM leaders like Shamsiah Fakeh had no trouble returning home, even though she had been living in China for many years. Even her non-Malaysian family members were allowed to return home.
As for the other reason for rejecting him – that he was the leader of the movement – it ignores the fact that many others also had leadership roles in both the CPM and its armed wing, the Malayan National Liberation Army (MNLA). Abdullah CD, for example, once held the position of CPM chairman as well as commander of the Malay-dominated 10th regiment of the MNLA. Rashid Maidin, reportedly the first Malay to join the CPM, was also a senior commander of the 10th regiment.
They all played key leadership roles, participated actively in the armed struggle and yet were allowed to return home following the 1989 peace accord. It is simply unfair, even patently racist, to excuse their actions while insisting that Chin Peng alone be punished.
Whichever way you look at it, there is no escaping the conclusion that ethnicity played a huge role in the whole affair; if Chin Peng were a Malay-Muslim, he would have almost certainly been allowed to return home along with his old comrades Abdullah CD, Rashid Maidin and Shamsiah Fakeh. Both Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Rahim have, in fact, alluded to this.

As well, why is it that even the return of Chin Peng’s ashes is considered offensive to some veterans while the return of Malay-Muslim members of the CPM’s armed wing created no outcry whatsoever? If veterans like Captain (rtd) Dr Wong Ang Peng, who was wounded in a battle with the communists, says he has no issue with the return of Chin Peng’s ashes, why do we have to keep making a big fuss about it?
And why is that only the feelings of one community are considered when deciding on such issues? Do the feelings of other ethnic communities – who also feel obliged by custom and religion to give their dead, whoever they may be, a proper burial – not matter at all? Have we become a nation that caters to the needs of only one community with no thought of the sensitives and feelings of others?

Maddy talked about non-Malays as ‘orang asing’ (foreigners)
Chin Peng and the insurgency are all history now; the nation has moved on. We have good relations with Japan, a country that perpetrated mass atrocities during its occupation, including the execution of several members of the then British-led Malay regiment who refused to join them. We even enjoy good relations with China which supported the MCP, gave refuge to many of its leaders and hosted the party’s radio station, Voice of the Malayan Peoples Revolution. Indeed, Najib was even contemplating a strategic partnership including military cooperation with China.
Why is it so hard then to move on when it comes to Chin Peng? Is his ethnicity such a huge stumbling block that even his ashes cannot be returned to Malaysia? Has Chin Peng become, in death, a convenient whipping horse for Ketuanan Melayu bigots?

It is also worth noting that when Noordin Mohammad Top, who was implicated by Indonesian authorities in the bombing of the Marriott hotel, the Australian Embassy and a Bali nightclub was killed in a police raid in Solo, Central Java in 2009, Putrajaya facilitated the repatriation of his remains to his hometown in Pontian where he was subsequently buried.

so-called Malaysian JI terrorists and mass murderers

Why is it acceptable for the government to facilitate the repatriation of someone like Noordin but not Chin Peng? After all, they were both terrorists. Again, was ethnicity and religious background the deciding factor?
It is, indeed, a sad commentary on where we are headed as a nation when we work ourselves up into a frenzy over the ashes of a leader of an extinct guerrilla movement and go after people with alleged links to a long-defunct terrorist organisation in Sri Lanka while at the same time mollycoddling Islamic State and Al-Qaeda fighters and supporters and facilitating their return home. It sends the message that in Malaysia it’s not the crime that matters as much as one’s religious or racial background.

The MOST dangerous man in Malaysia
now freed and residing in Ampang with conditions

Mahathir nurturing a fugitive from Indian law

BTW, Zakir Naik is NOT a Chinese

Mahathir with Xavier Justo, a convicted criminal in Thailand

Justo was sentenced to three years' jail in Thailand in 2015 on charges of blackmailing PetroSaudi but was later given a royal pardon, which commuted his sentence by one-third.

Justo mentioned he liked to stay on in Malaysia - BTW, Justo is NOT a Chinese


  1. What a shame that Chin Peng didn't have the late Karpal Singh as his counsel, who would have advised him to 'bertaubat' to ease his way into ordinary Malaysian life. There's no use of crying over spilt milk now. After all he was a bloody nuisance of a foreigner. Good riddance!

  2. Come on Toonsie and Mujahid. Show your Compassionate Islam.

    During the Vietnam war three million Vietnamese were killed on both sides, mostly civilians. Yet they made peace with each other.

    During WW2 Nazi Germany exterminated 6 million Jews, yet today Israel and Germany have diplomatic relations.

    Come on Toonsie, have a ceremony, invite Chin Peng's descendants, his ex-comrades and their descendants, ex-IGP Hamid Noor and everyone else who attended the Peace Talks, not to celebrate or revive communism but to re-affirm the Peace Accord, like a renewal of marital vows, hug hug kiss kiss. Put this thing behind us. That would make you a Statesman.

    After all KT can forgive Chin Peng....(but not LKS, Guanee, Tony Pua etc ha ha ha....)

    And the Kiwis try so hard to make amends with the Maoris for stealing their land and nearly exterminating them.

    And if the hook-nosed Jews can make peace with the Germans why not the flat-nosed Malaysians with Israel....? Ha ha ha noty TS.

  3. The previous government did not allow it. The government of the day did not allow it. Who had allowed it then? Please stand up! Why on September 16 huh? Why broadcasted and glamourised it eh? Did the Malays glamourised Noordin? Any banner or fanfare or kenduri?

  4. Mfer, the sequence of events should be

    1) planning to smuggle the ash back
    2) where to scatter the ash
    3) private memorial

    Thus, leading to yr - f*cked questions

    a) smuggling means NO govt approval required.

    Just a bunch of good friends fulfilling the dying wish of a man of substance!

    b) why on September 16?
    c) Why broadcasted and glamourised it eh?

    U should ask the f*ckhead who DID the broadcasting & added inflammatory remarks to invite the meme-ed hatred of the blur-sotongs about a private function.

    From 1,2&3) above, the planners would likely to keep the event quiet & to themselves - no glamorising!

    So WHO the f*ckhead(s) is/r?

    My guess is the k9 caretaker accidentally spilled the beans during one of the dangdut happy hours with its ketuanan freaks/zombies pals.

    & the irrational bunch of morons worked themselves up to their consistent Chen Peng bashing frenzy!

    DID the Malays glamourised Noordin?

    Wakakakakaka…. Haven't u read enough about the "shahid" praises showered upon him & ALL those other radicalised melayu jihadists on Facebook, Twitter & ketuanan/zombie blogs?

    There were banner, fanfare & kenduri photos too!

    Selective cherry pickings to fill yr blind hate?

  5. Most former CPM members were actually allowed to come back to Malaysia.
    Some opted to settle back here, some preferred to continue to live in Southern Thailand, that's their comfort zone now.

    Since 95% of CPM member were ethnic Chinese, so the upshot is that most of those CPM who have returned are Chinese.....its not right to say it is primarily a racial issue.

    Chin Peng was numero uno in the CPM.
    He was no lieutenant or deputy.

    Not that they are right, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out why some don't want him back, dead or alive.

    1. Indeed, it DOESN'T take a genius to figure out why some don't want Chin Peng back, dead or alive.

      For the blur-sotongs, to incite them into amokisk frenzy, have become an art by the elites of their jetuanan freaks & alpha zombies!

      Nothing beats these two:

      1st communist

      2nd Chinese M'sian

  6. They taught Madey is a changed person and now wants to reverse all his bad deeds....Now it is too late to find out that he is still the most poisonous snake to be with....ha...ha..ha..Pakatoon, Pakatoon!....

  7. Found this viral-ed on Wassup :

    "Orang paling ditakuti:

    Iraq- Abu Bakar al Baghdadi;

    Indonesia- Abu Bakar al Nasir

    Filipina- Abu Sayyaf

    Malaysia- Abu Chin Peng "

