
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

DAP ministers betray its Malaysian supporters

Betrayal of public trust

We have no idea whether our ministers are aware they have betrayed public trust, as they have not said a thing over the past couple of days as if this whole thing has nothing to do with them 

As DAP veteran Liew Ah Kim said, it is much easier to introduce Jawi calligraphy at schools than to stop it in future.

His words should serve as a timely warning for people who blindly follow, condone and feel indifferent to the controversial educational policy.

There are plenty of people who do not see the urgency of this matter because they believe in some political leaders who have strongly endorsed the introduction of Jawi calligraphy at Chinese primary schools, thinking that this is just a minor issue with no specific agenda behind.

I would like to ask:

1. Once Jawi calligraphy has made its way into our SJKCs, is there any chance for it to make an exit any time in future?

2. Now that Year 4 students are made to learn Jawi, will Year 5 and 6 students also have to do the same very soon?

3. Part of the school boards' power is being denied today, and is it possible they may lose all their powers one day?

Once the flood gate is opened, disastrous consequences may ensue. Chinese education is like a thick wall, and the little crack that we allow today may very well bring the whole wall down some day.

in 1987 the Mahathir's govt decision to appoint some 100 senior assistants and supervisors to Chinese-medium primary schools led eventually to Ops Lalang where hundreds of innocent people were incarcerated for years without trial

Five months ago, the newly raised Jawi calligraphy issue sparked tremendous backlash from the Malaysian Chinese community, but the cabinet approved it anyway.

“Jawi calligraphy will only be taught with the consent of the PTA, parents and students,” it said.

To be honest, the cabinet's decision was not wholly acceptable to the Chinese community, Dong Jiao Zong and other Chinese organisations, mainly because the school boards were excluded from the decision-making process.

People generally thought it was a compromise on the part of the government. As such, opposition voices have since weakened and the local Chinese community began to adopt a wait-and-see attitude with the hope the government would show some sincerity in resolving this matter amicably.

No one would foresee that even a cabinet decision could be just a guise meant to momentarily pacify the frustrated public.

The recently released guidelines are a different story altogether: Seni Khat will be taught in a school with at least 51% of parents agreeing to it.

Prior to this, many believed that indeed the PTA, parents and students all had the right to decide, and the curriculum would not be introduced so long as any party, or even any single individual, did not approve of it.

In addition, if a school fails to return the questionnaires within 14 days, it will be seen as accepting the teaching of Jawi calligraphy.

In the meantime, incorporating Jawi calligraphy in the Standard Document for Curriculum and Assessment (DSKP) means it will some day become a part of the regular school curriculum and may even be an examinable module in future.

With the education ministry now openly defying the cabinet decision, we can't help but ask how our ministers, in particular ethnic Chinese ones, will look at the question of a failed promise? Do they ever have the slightest feel that they have betrayed the people's trust?

I have no answers to those questions because for the past couple of days, these ministers have remained largely silent, never uttering a word as if this whole thing has nothing to do with them.

As for deputy minister Teo Nie Ching, her answers to media questions on Jawi calligraphy have been either evasive or irrelevant at best.

ferocious Tigress during pre GE14 campaign

but now, quiet as a mouse 


  1. 3 pages of Khat is going to castrated Chinese School boards ?
    3 pages of Calligraphy is going to destroy Chinese schools?

    Wow... they must be really fragile indeed.

  2. The Pakatan leadership under Mahathir is really fucked up.They do all sorts of stupid things and made all sorts of fucked up decisions.They should have left the decisions to students or their parents,whether they wanted to learn Jawi.

    Just look at the two timing Azmin getting screwed in the backside.And on tape,but to Mahathir it is fake and no big deal.Some assistant alleged that Anwar tried to sexually assault him and the police is all over it,making it look such as if had Anwar raped him.

    Under this Pakatan government,it looks like nothing has changed.This is like the same under the BN or even worse.Malaysians are really fucked.

  3. a eunuch party lead by a mahathir dog.

  4. There is a deep and strong vein of anti-Malay and anti-Muslim sentiment in the Chinese community.

    It is very obvious from the Khat issue, the severe, even violent objections raised against the very minor, very light introduction of Khat in vernacular schools.

    It is DAP's fault that it milked and nurtured such sentiments for political capital for decades.

    You reap what you sow.
    Padan Muka.

    1. Mfer, how about this in yr OWN words?

      There is a deep and strong vein of anti-Chinese and anti-Nons sentiment in the Melayu community.

      It is very obvious from the Khat issue, the severe, even violent objections raised against the very minor, very light introduction of Khat in vernacular schools.

      It is ketuanan's fault that it milked and nurtured such sentiments for political capital for decades.

      You reap what you sow.

      Padan Muka.

    2. Celaka Tanah Bukan Melayu

  5. The greatest betrayal of public trust in Malaysia in the last 10 years was surely the criminal siphoning of USD Billions in Malaysian-Government guaranteed borrowed funds into the pockets of cronies and corrupt officials.

    Of which both Tay Tian Yan and Ktemoc were conspicuous by their silence....
