
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Why Muslim nations lack behind

MM Online:

Dr M: Muslim nations have the capability to compete against developed countries

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad arrives at the 58th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Muslim Welfare Organisation in Petaling Jaya November 30, 2019. ― Bernama pic 

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 30 ― Muslim nations have the capability, strength and could compete against the other developed nations but do not have the will to do it, said Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

This resulted in the Muslim nations being perceived as weak and the Muslims continued to be suppressed, controlled and abused by the other countries.

“With a total of 52 Muslim nations in the world, none of them can be considered to be a developed nation, is this because of prohibition from our religion so that we do not progress? Does this mean that people professing Islam do not progress, are not allowed to develop?

“I wish to clarify that we are capable of competing with them. We are equal to the terms of the ability to think but we do not utilise this blessing from Allah SWT in the proper a manner that enables us to protect the Islamic religion,” he said.

He said this when speaking at the 58th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Muslim Welfare Organisation (Perkim), here today. ― Bernama

The Ottoman Empire now Turkey, Iranian Empire now Iranian Islamic Republic, Saudi Kingdom, Indonesia, etc, 'etc' being the rest of the Muslim World including Malaysia, Egypt, Pakistan, haven't the capability and competency to compete with the more advanced nations because of:

(1) Piss-poor leadership,

(2) Rampant corruption,

(3) Weak or non-existent legislative structure,

(4) Good education especially on science,

(5) Resilient culture, in particular, respect for education,

(6) Too powerful cleric interfering with politics, economy and commerce,

(7) etc.

The one exception, probably the only one bright spark, appears to be Turkey, OK and probably to be followed by Indonesia - WHY? You can speculate, wakakaka, and inform Mahathir (who in actuality hopes to lead the Muslim nations to forge ahead).


  1. indonesia sent ahok to jail, macam itu ccp, msia did this long long time ago under mahathir, n oso najib, very communist n ccp.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Mfer, u forget what yr favorite Formosa did to her political opponents!

      Memang macam tu CCP - as in yr own words.

      Thus, yr idol nation & indoctrinated f*ckhead like u r just very communist & CCP, deep down veiled by that demoncratic front!

      Any difference?

    2. taiwan go thru proper due process, unlike ccp that house arrest zhao ziyang until he died, the episode sound like an mandate from an dynastic emperor, n zombie just follow order given. so feudal, barbaric, authoritarian n unbelievable this thing happened in our modern world.

      still cant see the diff?

    3. Taiwan goes through proper due process?

      Wakakakaka… who r u kidding?

      What happened to those victims of White Terrors?

      More recently, what happened to political funds of kmt as dictated by tsai govt?

      What happened to a lone voice of a anti-tsai govt commentator?

      Ain't there a house arrest for Zhang Xueliang (張學良)?

      Mfer, ain't these ALL the episodes showcasing like an mandate from an dynastic emperor, with zombies, like u, still cheering on.

      Indeed, so feudalistic, barbaric, authoritarian & unbelievable this thing happened in our modern world veiled in the name of democracy!

      Keep digging up more of what u think u know. I have heard/read/argued about them long before u can fart clearly & cleanly about their irrationality!

    4. bodoh, when we talked abt modern world vis a vis taiwan, we of course refer to taiwan after jiang jinguo that embrace democracy. only a buta sejarah like u pull in jiang jieshi the emperor because u cant find a single fact that taiwanese dun follow proper due process under a democratic system. podah la half baked ck on anything china n chinese.

    5. Mfer, banyak pandai!

      So u defined yr modern world vis-a-vis Taiwan as the era after jiang jinguo embrace democracy!

      How convenience!

      Can I similarly define the era of modern China after Deng's 摸石头过河 communism?

      Can't find a single fact that taiwanese dun follow proper due process under a demoncratic system! Wow…… wow…

      Showcasing yr reading deficiency to the nth AGAIN!

      Wakakakakaka… reread lah, mfer since yr sejarah is so selective.

      Perhaps that's what the colonial remnants of the Japanese masters had incubated within those f*ckheaded Taiwanese in selective history remodeling to suit whatsoever farts people like u want to propagate!

      The Jap want to change their historical farts to fact. The f*ckheaed Formosa pygmies want to remodel their history after Iwasato Masao (岩里政男) fed on the shits from land of rising sun!

      & u want to define history timeline according to yr selective pickings on things China & Chinese!

      Blur on sopo theories. Nut about econ models. Now u want to fart about yr version of the China/Chinese history!

      Bravo!! Write some more lah!

  2. The common trait here is when Muslims are the majority they dominate the politics of the country, as their religion dictates. They can't separate the two. And when they dominate the politics they mess things up like suppress the minorities. The best Muslims are the ones that live in non-Muslim countries.

    “I went to the West and saw Islam, but no Muslims; I got back to the East and saw Muslims, but not Islam.”

    Muḥammad 'Abduh (1849 – 11 July 1905) was an Egyptian Islamic jurist, religious scholar and liberal reformer, regarded as one of the key founding figures of Islamic Modernism

  3. I bet New Zealand was not on Toonsie's list of 52 Islamic countries...

    The Most Islamic Country Is … New Zealand?


    “We are one,” New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said in the wake of the March mass shooting that left 60 worshipers in two Christchurch mosques dead and turned the small Pacific island nation into the center of the Islamic world’s attention.

    New Zealanders came together, regardless of color or creed, to mourn and to help the grieving Muslim community recover. Social integration and empathy are sacred in Islam. New Zealand’s population is only 1 percent Muslim, but …


    The Islamicity Indices, compiled by the Islamicity Foundation, a U.S.-based nonprofit, measure world governments by how well they adhere to the Islamic principles set forth in the Quran, including adherence to interest-free finance, equality of education, property rights and animal rights, among others. They don’t include the personal duties required of Muslims, like prayer, fasting and pilgrimages.

    In the most recent survey, the highest-ranking country with a Muslim majority is the United Arab Emirates at No. 45. (The U.S. ranks at No. 23.) The lowest-ranked country is Yemen, where Islam is the state religion. New Zealand has no official religion and nearly half of the country’s 5 million people identify as Christian, but it scored high in several areas tracked by the index, including anti-corruption laws and provisions to alleviate poverty.

    The index is the brainchild of Hossein Askari. An economist by trade, Askari was born in Iran and educated in the U.K. and the U.S., where he built a career researching Islamic finance. He launched the index with a controversial motivation. “Soon after the death of the prophet, Islam was hijacked by clerics and rulers acting in their own interest,” he says. “Islam contributed a lot in the early days, but if you look around today you have to question something about the interpretation.”

    Unlike some major religions, like Catholicism, that have a single global leader to issue binding directives, Islam relies on the interpretation of the Quran by ulema — a group of scholars. That allows for a variety of interpretations, both progressive and conservative.

    The Islamicity Indices measure four key areas — economy, law and governance, human and political rights, and international relations. The first three are weighted 30 percent each; international relations, or how each country interacts with the world, is weighted 10 percent.

    “I looked around at the key Islamic teachings. The Quran says there should be no poverty, so we look at all the poverty indexes,” Askari says. “Muslim countries do terribly. They jump around a lot year to year. Currently, Malaysia does the best overall, but problems still exist with corruption and human rights.”

    Not all Islamic countries fell in the rankings. Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim-majority country, moved up 10 spots in 2018, to 64. “There are some concerns in recent years,” Hamid says, including a blasphemy case that saw Jakarta’s former governor, Chinese-Indonesian Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, jailed on blasphemy charges, and recent postelection riots led by hard-line Islamists. But largely, reforms are on the right track. Oil-rich Senegal, currently at No. 83, is another one to watch, according to Hamid.

    Malaysia dropped four spots to No. 47, coming in third among Muslim states. A historic change of government last spring has increased sentiment for reform. The result was pleasantly received by local media, with letters to the editor praising New Zealand for its win.

  4. You can get a pretty good idea which countries are considered "Islamic" by simply looking at the countries where persecuted Muslims run to and seek asylum. Example many Syrians, Kurds, Sudanese etc....


    The continuing Islamisation of Turkey, especially under Erdogan's AKP.

  6. Member of the club of doom as in

    This religion does thing to one's mind. Especially the zombified version favours by the blinds & blurs.

  7. i think some r persistent towards their value system, n believe this is their way of life, they dun simply copy the west n name it muslim characteristic, they call a spade a spade, an honorable men i believe, unlike ccp the copycat, refer a deer as horse, only zombie listen to their fairy tale.

    1. Indeed, only zombies listen to those fairy tales as in those fabricated unicorn way of life THAT weren't/aren't EVEN mentioned in the Quran & termed them Islamic characteristics!

      U called that calling a spade a spade by honorable men?

      Mfer, how much jack daniels whiskey has those ketuanan freaks/zombies drowning out yr already irrational brain during those dangdut happy hours?

      Thus, refer a deer as horse as those hp6 sinologist trying to play play!

    2. Celaka least in 'deer as horse', these still fall under the animal category, hahaha, not that one would agree to your fanciful comparison.

      But your celaka-ness can't even distinguish between Demon and Human. 'Democracy' = rule by the people. The term is derived from the Greek dēmokratiā....dēmos (“people”). Your DEMONCRAZY is a twisted demon-infested can of worms where hooligans and thugs beat up, burn alive the elderly and pregnant women who disagree with them but are hailed by you as "courageous" and "brave" ! Mmmm...better stick to dangdut happy hours among your kindred spirit.

      Celaka HY

    3. jibaix2, thats the ramification when no democracy is allowed, let them pick their own leader then violence no more, just simple cause n effect.
      u seem so young yet so stubborn like mahathir, the voting result already tell u the answer but still talk nonsense.
