
Saturday, November 16, 2019

Tanjung Piai a Chinese warning to new running dog


DAP’s failed promises cost PH votes, says analyst

Political analyst James Chin believes the Chinese voters were sending a signal to DAP.
PETALING JAYA: The failure of the DAP to deliver on its general election promises last year was a factor in the swing against Pakatan Harapan in the Tanjung Piai by-election, according to political analyst James Chin.
The massive majority won by Barisan Nasional in the by-election tonight showed that Chinese voters had swung against DAP. It also showed that the partnership between Umno and PAS is working, he said.
The BN scored a massive victory tonight with its candidate, Wee Jeck Seng of MCA, obtaining a 15,008 majority against PH contender Karmaine Sardini of PPBM. Wee polled 25,466 votes to the 10,380 for Karmaine Sardini (PH-PPBM). The other candidates were:
  • Wendy Subramaniam (Gerakan) 1,707; Badhrulhisham Abdul Aziz (Berjasa) 850; Ang Chuan Lock (Independent) 380; and Faridah Aryani Abd Ghaffar (Independent) 32 votes.
Chin said the PH loss was related to national issues.
“For the Malay voters, it has to do with Umno-PAS working together, and a protest vote against prime minister and Pakatan Harapan chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad. For Chinese voters, it’s a stand against DAP,” he said.
“When the Chinese community supported DAP almost 100% (in the 2018 general election), they expected DAP to deliver on all their promises.
“If you look at all the Chinese core issues, the DAP could not deliver anything,” he said.
Major Issues included government recognition of the Unified Examination Certificate (of independent Chinese-medium schools), business opportunities, less discrimination and such, he said.
“They are also unhappy with what they perceive to be DAP’s inability to stand up to Mahathir. Some want to send a signal to DAP that they should not behave like MCA under the BN, when it was often accused of being Umno’s running dog who could not stand up to defend core Chinese interests. Some think this is happening to DAP under PH,” he said.
Another political analyst, Kamarul Zaman Yusoff, agreed that the result had to do with national issues, noting that there was a major swing among non-Malay voters.
“When our team went on the ground, Malay voters that we surveyed showed that those that previously voted BN maintained their support while those who voted for PAS said they would vote for BN,” he said.
Kamarul said voters had stated that Wee, who was MP for two terms from 2008, had taken good care of them previously. “Not just the non-Malay voters, the Malay voters as well,” he said.
Economic concerns were also raised by the voters when his team did the survey, he said.


  1. The keynote is HOW big is the Chinese vote swing.

    It seems that the total melayu votes (umno+pas) have improved BUT the major winning count comes from the disgruntled Chinese M'sians.

    So, beware! This portion of votes CAN swing both ways.

    This Tg Piai by-election has sealed the fate of the Nons as the REAL kingmaker!

    1. Jalan Rimba Terjun and Kampung Duku are Chinese-majority polling district - MCA sapu almost all

    2. Overall about 50% Chinese voted for MCA and about 50% Chinese voted for DAP in Tanjung Piai yesterday. Welcome back MCA.

    3. Prof Chin and FMT missed the mark, big time.

      The title

      DAP’s failed promises cost PH votes, says analyst

      is totally misleading.

      In GE14 there was no such thing as a "DAP Manifesto" or a list of "DAP Promises". There was a "Harapan Manifesto". It was compiled under the leadership of a Bersatu Chief Strategist. The failure to deliver on any promises lies with those in the government and cabinet who went against the promises.

      After GE14 6 DAP ministers were appointed, out of a total cabinet size of 26, or less than a quarter. On most major issues like UEC and Lynas, where DAP (& PKR) took a strong stand before GE14 they were out-voted by the other ministers. The DAP ministers stood their ground.

      Did Teo Nie Ching change her stand on UEC? No.

      Did Wong Tack change his stand on Lynas? No. Etc etc.

      In GE14 many Chinese voters voted for Bersatu, thinking Toonsie would make the reforms, but after winning he didn't. In this by-election I see the Chinese swing not from DAP to MCA but from Bersatu to MCA.

      Just as Prof Chin can easily (& perhaps erroneously) jump to his conclusion about the Chinese swing I can also jump to the conclusion that the Chinese voters who voted for Bersatu in GE14 has now swung to the other side. In this by-election they voted against Toonsie/Bersatu, not against DAP.

      DAP was not contesting in this by-election. Bersatu did. So how can we confidently assume the Chinese swing was against DAP but not even consider the possibility that it was a swing against Bersatu? If this by-election was DAP vs MCA and DAP got drubbed then and only then can Prof Chin make his conclusion.

      This "loss" is actually a "win" for DAP, PKR, Amanah, and all those who want the reforms to be accelerated.

      After this drubbing DAP's hand in the cabinet has strengthened, not weakened, and they have greater leverage (with the support of PKR and Amanah) to demand Toonsie step aside and Bersatu's influence reduced.

      Hammer Time, Rollicking Democracy....I'm Lovin' It...!!!

    4. QUOTE
      Overall about 50% Chinese voted for MCA and about 50% Chinese voted for DAP in Tanjung Piai yesterday. Welcome back MCA.

      Was DAP contesting yesterday?

    5. To these ketuanan freaks, every Chinese M'sians' vote is a DAP vote!

      That concept has been casted in stone for these mfers.
