
Monday, November 11, 2019


Stupidity in Tanjung Piai

Your cleverness may keep you alive today, but wisdom will take you much further from here! 
AHMAD ZAHID IS a very smart guy. But he lacks some wisdom.

Some say being clever is a gift for survival, and having the wisdom is a different realm of survival. Your cleverness may keep you alive today, but wisdom will take you much further from here!

During a BN ceramah in Tanjung Piai, Ahmad Zahid said the acquittal of the female driver in the basikal lajak case was a result of judicial manipulation.

Such a tactic almost always works in front of a Malay crowd, questioning the impartiality of the judiciary by exploiting public sympathy for the eight teenage victims, thus inciting hatred towards the Pakatan administration.

As expected, his speech was greeted with overwhelming applause. Ahmad Zahid did know how to control his listeners.

But this case is not as simple as it appears, and Ahmad Zahid failed to elaborate further.

The court had the answer. In the wee hours of the morning, a group of teenagers were racing their modified bicycles in the middle of a public road without any safety measure in place. As for the driver, she absolutely had the right to drive on that road at that particular moment and was not on drugs, drunk, speeding or using her cellphone while doing so.

While many may sympathise with the young victims, legally speaking the driver should not take the blame for the recklessness of others.

In a society ruled by law, the court's verdict needs to be respected.

While such a campaign tactic may win the party some votes, it has nevertheless obscured the concept of rule of law and distorted social justice.

A little clever idea may make a man a hero in a mass gathering, but a dearth of wisdom will not make him a respected leader of this country.

AGRICULTURE MINISTER SALAHUDDIN AYUB has always enjoyed a decent public image. He has never talked rubbish or done anything stupid ...

Until he screwed things up in Tanjung Piai.

The PH state government's announcement to distribute RM1,000 cash to each of the local fishermen during the campaign period has invited harsh criticisms.

Salahuddin said, “As ministers, we can give it any time!

“It doesn't matter to me as long as the fishermen and people benefit.”

He said it! The minister can give it any time he wants. But is it so?

During BN's time, this kind of thing would invariably be dismissed by the opposition as vote buying.

Now having crossed to the other side, vote buying suddenly becomes the people's benefit, to our minister.

Is it against the law to mobilise public funds and taxpayers' money to buy the voters' hearts? The EC and MACC will define it, but morally speaking such thing is simply not right and is contrary to the PH's erstwhile pledge for clean elections.

The agriculture minister is not alone in delivering “good news” to the voters. Youth and sports minister Syed Saddiq and rural development minster Rina Harun have done likewise.

The EC says this is not right, but the PM says it is mere coincidental.

So, the government has always wanted to help Tanjung Piai residents but the delivery of goodies has come at a bad timing such that it has caused a misunderstanding!

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