
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Pakatan government with worst record of lies, deceptions and U-turns


Ministers to award projects another U-turn by PH, says Sarawak activist

Dr Mahathir Mohamad with his Cabinet members. The prime minister has come under fire over his announcement that ministers can hand out projects within their jurisdictions. (Bernama pic)

KUCHING: A political activist here has slammed Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s statement that ministers are allowed to hand out projects within their own jurisdictions, calling it “morally wrong” and against Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) promise of open tenders.
Francis Paul Siah, who leads the Movement of Change for Sarawak, said the concept of open tenders is aimed at encouraging transparency in the bidding process and weeding out corruption.
“This is shocking, and more proof that Malaysians have been cheated again, as if the slew of U-turns by PH has not been enough to demoralise them and put them off,” he told FMT.
In September, Mahathir said Putrajaya would impose new conditions which would limit direct tenders to exceptional cases as part of the federal government’s plan to curb corruption in the civil service.

Francis Paul Siah.

However, he said last week that ministers are allowed to hand out projects as long as they are within their jurisdictions.
This earned him criticism from Bukit Gelugor MP Ramkarpal Singh, who said it could undermine PH’s pledge to eradicate corruption and create the perception of favouritism among ministers.
Siah said ministers would almost certainly award projects to family members, close friends or supporters if they were allowed to do so.
This, he said, would be a sure way to breed corruption within the Cabinet.
He also asked if Cabinet members had agreed to the matter or whether it was a unilateral decision by the prime minister.
“If so, it is appalling that none of the ministers objected to the move which they should know is wrong,” he said.

“If this move is not reversed, PH will go down in history as the government with the worst record of lies, deceptions and U-turns.”


  1. Completely objective government project awards is a piece of fiction, even in RELATIVELY uncorrupt governments such as Australia and UK.

    Project bidders are often aware there is such a thing as "Favoured" or "Unfavoured" bidders.
    Tender board members are often "made aware of" unstated political criteria.

    The rule is don't make the favouring too blatant, you got to give everybody at least a certain fair go at it.

  2. FPS, please Move to Change the Sarawak government at the next state elections. As you know there is rampant corruption in your state. Malayan elections are not so soon.

    Don't worry about what Toonsie says. That old man has already been reprimanded by a brave DAP MP Ramkarpal s/o Tiger of Jelutong. No need to waste a minister's time. Most of them just ignore what the old fella says.

    In the meantime FPS please Move To Change Sarawak Government. After all that is what your organisation is chartered to do, your organisation is not "Movement to Change Prime Minister". The example quoted below is just one very small example of how corrupt SARAWAKIANS (not Malayans) are robbing poor Sarawakians. Please let us Malayans know of your progress to create a Tg Piai shocker at the state elections. We want to "take our hats off" to you when you have achieved that.

    Ramkarpal: PM's assertion ministers have right to award contracts shocking

    Saturday, 23 Nov 2019


    PETALING JAYA: Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's statement that ministers have the right to award contracts as long as it is within areas of their portfolios is shocking and an affront to the Pakatan Harapan government's principles of reforms, says Ramkarpal Singh.

    The Bukit Gelugor DAP lawmaker said it was morally wrong for ministers to be giving out contracts, whether within or outside their respective jurisdictions, as such a practice would undoubtedly create a perception of favouritism.

    RM9m kickback in Felda-linked hotel sale went to S'wak political fund

    B Nantha Kumar

    Published: Nov 26th, 2019

    A consulting firm that was to receive RM10 million commission for facilitating the Felda Investment Corporation’s (FIC) purchase of the Merdeka Palace Hotel in Kuching had to return RM9 million in kickback, the Kuala Lumpur High Court heard today.

    JV Evolution Sdn Bhd director Azizi Abd Wahab – who is the prosecution’s 16th witness - testified that the money went to a ‘political fund’ in Sarawak.

    1. Francis Paul Siah and Movement for Change Sarawak is doing and saying FUCKING NOTHING to promote Government Change in Sarawak itself

      Which gives me a very strong suspicion he is in reality a GPS or BN operative.
