
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Nazri Aziz criticises matey Lim GE for politicising funding aid to TAR UC

Star Online:

Chinese votes will continue to swing until GE15 if Pakatan does not deliver promises, says Nazri


Nazri & Lim GE were good mates; wonder whether they still are? wakakaka 

KUALA LUMPUR: The swing of Chinese votes to Barisan Nasional will continue to be a trend until the 15th General Election if Pakatan Harapan fails to honour its promises, says Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz (pic).

The former tourism minister said this in response to Barisan's candidate Datuk Seri Dr Wee Jeck Seng winning Saturday's (Nov 16) Tanjung Piai by-election with a stunning 15,086 majority.

"It can also be a trend of next General Election if Pakatan doesn't give 'harapan' (hope) to them.

"They have done nothing, they have not honoured the promises so I think the rakyat was expressing (their discontent). I think it will continue," Nazri, who is Umno's Padang Rengas MP, told reporters in Parliament on Monday (Nov 18).

Nazri said that the Chinese community does not support Pakatan because it can be seen that the coalition has politicised education by slashing allocations for the Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC), which was founded by Barisan's component party MCA.

Nazri questioned whether it was fair for the Education Ministry to reduce TAR UC's funding to RM1mil for next year when Barisan had allocated RM30mil for the institution in Budget 2018.

"Is that fair? To say that you don't (want to) give money because MCA is there. You are politicising education, it can't be like that.

"That's the main reason why the Chinese don't support them," said Nazri.

coming 'Tuk, coming 

He added that Barisan must work hard to serve the rakyat if it wishes to be given the people's mandate in the next general election.

"We have to work hard. This is only one by-election. In politics, one week is a long time so we must work hard for the rakyat," he said.

Former Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein acknowledged that there were unhappiness among the Chinese community, as he pointed out that the government of the day must perform.

“Even for Wee, the work actually starts now, the real work. Now he has sworn himself into the Dewan Rakyat and he has to perform, ” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby shortly after.

Hishamuddin also said Barisan must ensure that it fulfils its election promises in Tanjung Piai.

“I will help Wee to represent the voices of voters in Tanjung Piai. The people had made the decision to land Wee a victory and now we have to deliver.

On Saturday, Pakatan was unexpectedly defeated by Barisan in the Tanjung Piai by-election with a huge 15,086 majority.

Thanks guys 😂😂😂  

Wee received 25,466 votes over Pakatan’s Karmaine Sardini’s 10,380 votes.

It was the biggest majority since 2004, where Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting won with a 23,615 majority.

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