
Monday, November 25, 2019

Najib put the screws on Lim Guan Eng in TAR UC saga


Why entrust RM30mil to alumni body in deficit, asks Najib

Former prime minister Najib Razak has questioned the government’s choice of an alumni association to handle funds meant for TAR University College 

PETALING JAYA: Former prime minister Najib Razak has questioned the government’s motive in entrusting RM30 million to a small alumni association of TAR College with only RM10,000 in assets and which is in deficit by RM6,900.

“Has anyone heard of university money being kept by an alumni association?” said the former premier in an online posting this evening.

Najib also questioned the association’s links with DAP leaders such as secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, who is finance minister.

Najib said the leaders of the Tarcian Alumni Association had been photographed with Lim last year when the association made a RM100,000 donation to the government’s Tabung Harapan to help pay off the national debt.

He said the same leaders were also photographed with Lim and other DAP leaders at a press conference at which Lim said a trust fund would be set up by TAA to handle the RM30 million government allocation for the benefit of MCA-owned Tunku Abdul Rahman University College.

Lim had previously announced that the government was withholding the annual grant to TAR college until the MCA relinquished control of the college.

Najib wrote that in 1971, Parliament had approved an annual government grant to the college.

He questioned the choice of TAA to handle the funds, and suggested it was because of the donation to Tabung Harapan, which was initiated by the finance ministry. “That’s why Guan Eng chose this small group of alumni to receive a grant of RM30 million a year. He didn’t want the one with 116,000 members. He chose the one with 7,000 members.”

He added: “Want to take care of students or keep cronies?”

Najib said TAA (set up in 2012) was the smallest and newest of the five TAR college associations. “Why did he not choose the oldest which has more than 100,000 members)?” he said, referring to the Federation of Tunku Abdul Rahman College Alumni Associations Malaysia, set up in 1989.

Najib said the TAR college issue was one of the causes for Chinese voters to reject Pakatan Harapan at the recent Tanjung Piai by-election.

The election defeat had caused Lim to panic and back-track on his earlier threat to withhold funds, Najib said. Before the 2018 general election Lim had made several promises to continue the allocation to the college, but later broke his promise, Najib said.

If Lim was sincere in wanting to help TAR college, he could have distributed the RM30 million a year directly to the 30,000 students currently enrolled, Najib said.

MCA president Wee Ka Siong also questioned Lim’s links with TAA, and said the federation was more qualified to handle the funds.

“So why did Lim Guan Eng allocate the funds to TAA and sideline the more practical choice? Is it because TAA is independent? Or is it because TAA is an organisation that is more pro-Lim Guan Eng?” he said in a Facebook posting.

Wee also questioned Lim’s call for MCA to relinquish its seats on the Board of Governors so that the college could operate free of political and government influence. However, he said the board also included four representatives of the education ministry and one from the finance ministry since 2013, a structure unheard-of among other educational institutions.

“Does he not trust officials of his own government? He could always appoint his own representatives. Why make a fuss now?” said Wee.


  1. mahathir give this stupid a lifetime opportunity to demonstrate how he, a chinese, could manage the economy, all he did is all this stupid politicking.

  2. As I have said twice already Guanee is three steps ahead of everyone else.

    He knew the TARUC funding would rile up the voters against the Bersatu (not DAP) candidate in the Tanjung Piai by-election. So he deliberately delayed his announcement about the trust fund until after Bersatu got trashed and bloody-nosed.

    Second step is being unveiled now; to announce the trust fund is to be given to TAA. He knows this will rile up Wee Ka Siong, which was what happened yesterday. Guanee already said this was a temporary solution while he give chan to MCA politicians like Ling Liong Sik, Wee Ka Siong etc to resign from the Board of Governors, Board of Trustees etc, knowing full well there is no way they will do that.

    This are the same Boards that refused philanthropist Koon Yue Yin's generous offer 10 years ago to build student hostels, instead of paying high rent to MCA property owners in Kampar. No mixing of politics with education with money.....yeah....right....

    The reason why Koon's generous offer was rejected was because MCA wanted to keep DAP out of TARUC. But isn't this mixing politics with education, the very same argument they are using now?

    Now after the expected protest over step two...the third step will be unveiled soon......but I predict direct payment to the poor deserving students' bank accounts, from MoE, Teo Nie Ching will coordinate.

    But why Jibby oso want to get involved? But since he so kaypoh let's ask a question.

    Was it Jibby who directed 1MDB to grant MCA's cooperative Kojadi 15 million in education funds which the ex-chairman of Kojadi now wants to return but Wee Ka Siong refuses vindictively, kiasu-ively and obduratively to give back?

    Did this education grant have any influence to MCA giving total support to Jibby and was it why MCA was totally silent, in fact supportive, of what Jibby was doing at 1MDB? Did Jibby buy MCA's silence with this Kojadi grant?

    In fact did all the past PMs buy MCA's dogged support by giving this special matching grant to TARUC for so many years? No other political party owns a university, and no private university has this type of special grant. Why TARUC so special?

    Taxpayer's money for MCA political support? Surely not. No mixing of politics of education right? That's MCA's mantra.

  3. Mega Thief Najis is the least credible person in the world to comment on the propriety of Financial transactions.

  4. Next election 18 yo can vote. MCA is lowering membership age from 18 to 16. TARUC Board of Governors and Trustees are full of MCA politicians.
    Recipe for disaster. This is unhealthy.

    Should other political parties be given universities too?

    Guanee is looking ahead, three steps ahead. No political party should own or manage education institutions. Start with TARUC.

  5. Some consultants and advisers were paid monthly salary and allowance and bonuses but too conspicuously out of place if listed under the government departments so they were parked at GLCs. Donation paid were already utilised so how to refund?

  6. Everytime Wee Ka Siong opens his mouth Guanee shoves in a spadeful of fertiliser. This time Jibby opens his mouth too, and KT who must still be a Jibby lover quickly quoted him. Both kena malu.

    Guanee want to give the trust money to TAA run by MCA lifetime members oso Wee Ka Siong doewan, so suspicious. But when Jibby gave 15 million to Kojadi (MCA’s cooperative) Wee quickly wags his tail, drools, accept the money and keeps quiet about the rape, pillage and plunder of 1MDB.

    I told you all, be forewarned, Guanee is many steps ahead of everyone, he has done all the homework on this matter.

    TARCian Alumni Association (TAA) today denied the accusation by former Prime Minister Najib Razak that it is a crony to Pakatan Harapan.

    In a statement, TAA president Yap Kuak Fong (above) said he and his deputy Chan Wah Kiang are MCA lifetime members.
