
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Melaka PKR 2 treacherous to party


Tian Chua 

Tian Chua: Don't blame absence of party leaders for Zakaria's dismissal

PKR vice-president Tian Chua has added his voice to the chorus criticising the party's disciplinary board for the sacking of the former aide to Works Minister Baru Bian, Zakaria Abdul Hamid, and another party member, Ismail Dulhadi.

"It is clear that due process has not been followed. As a party founded upon the movement for reform and justice, it is rather unfortunate that such heavy-handed action has been employed," he said in a statement today.

Tian Chua's statement was in a similar vein to the reactions of fellow PKR vice-president Zuraida Kamaruddin and others seen to be in the camp of party deputy president Azmin Ali.

The party's disciplinary board chairperson Ahmad Kassim said the board made the decision after being advised by the MACC, via a letter dated Oct 23, 2019.

Tian Chua may well be right BUT the party's disciplinary board should instead target its focus on Melaka.

There we heard about the defeat of a Pakatan state government motion to nominate a PKR leader as a senator, all because PKR's Machap Jaya ADUN Ginie Lim and also PKR's Rembia ADUN Muhammad Jailani Khamis left the Dewan as the motion was put to a vote and cause the Pakatan to lose that vote by 12 to BN's 13.

Both Ginie Lim and Jailani Khamis are in the Dwarfs faction.

What they did was undeniably treachery of the worst order to their own party, and more importantly to the rakyat who voted them in. Seemingly, they were more loyal to Azmin Ali than to the voters. Do they want a BN state government back in place?

For their treachery to the party and rakyat, they should be SACKED from PKR.


  1. Mahathir is laughing out loud.
    Part of PKR is doing his dirty work for him, and he can actually deny , with an element of truth, Not My Party, nothing to do with me.

    This does relieve what would otherwise be irresistible pressure for him quit the PM post after the Tanjung Piai By-election.

    Chin Peng's ashes come home ; I'm not sure whether with official permission.

    But if unrepentant ISIS militants can be allowed back in, I don't see why the ashes cannot be allowed back.

  3. Is permission needed to bring back ashes? It's just dirt right? I hear some Singaporeans have their ashes brought to Malaysia undeclared and interned at columbariums, much cheaper and their relatives are here anyway.

    1. Any form of human remains, including cremated remains, are subject to cross-border import regulations , must be declared and legal procedures adhered to. It is never legally just "dirt".

      That is the case with almost all countries that I am aware of.

      Yes, the substantial government Red Tape, even where there is no legal case involved , is such that relatives sometimes resort to bring ashes through borders without declaring it.

  4. Toonsie’s foreign policy is plain stupid. He is a walking disaster.

    After jeopardizing Teresa Kok's efforts to increase palm oil exports to India by giving shelter to Zakar Naik and by making comments about Kashmir, Toonsie announces Malaysia wants to re-establish relations with North Korea.

    And where does he make this announcement? In Seoul, South Korea, of all places.

    Doesn’t he know South Korea is still at war with the North? And Pyongyang is hell bent on developing nuclear weapons for the sole intent of war.

    “We want to be friends with all nations” he declares. So why don’t we establish diplomatic relations with Israel?

    Coincidentally at the same South Korea-ASEAN summit today Reuters reports that Hyundai announced a major Indonesia....

    Hyundai Motor to invest $1.55 billion in first Indonesia car plant

    SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea’s Hyundai Motor said on Tuesday it has signed a preliminary deal to build a new factory in Indonesia, which would be its first car plant in Southeast Asia...

    1. There are 1,000 North Korean artillery guns aimed at Seoul. Yes, including the place where Mahathir was standing right then.

      North Korea carried out an atrocious act of nation state-sponsored assassination on Malaysian soil, and all is forgiven ?
      And he calls it a "suspicion"
      That's an insult to his host South Korea, which has called it a North Korean organised assassination as a statement of fact.

      Ya, "friends with all nations" does not extend to Israel.

    2. Is your Toonsie alright? Seems he is shooting his own foot whenever he speaks. And the nation has to bear the brunt of his ire

  5. Looks like DAP is full of terrorist sympathisers

    The Tamil wing supports LTTE
    The Chinese majority considers the Communist Party of Malaya as heroes.

    What a bunch of dubious characters.
    I shudder to think what will happen to Malaysia if ever we are faced with a real external military threat.

    A full 40% of the population may be inherently of unreliable loyalty.

    1. From Wikipedia:

      Peace Agreement of Hat Yai (1989)

      The peace agreement required the MCP to disband its armed units, cease militant activity, destroy its weapons and pledge loyalty to His Majesty the Yang di Pertuan Agong of Malaysia. After 40 years, 5 months and 26 days (since the start of the Malayan Emergency, from 16 June 1948 to 2 December 1989), the MCP insurgency had ended

      So what "Chinese majority considers the Communist Party of Malaya as heroes" when there is MCP?

    2. The blur-sotongs, the ketuanan freaks & the zombies consider the radicalized jihadists their god-sent army.

      A full 50%+ of the population r inherently of unreliable loyalty to Malaysia when they have renounced ummat first & Malaysian second.

      What a bunch of dubious characters.

      I shudder to think what will happen to Malaysia if ever we are faced with a real external military threat from a bunch of radicalized ummat!

  6. In the last 50 years or so, we have never heard of any "blooded" terrorism by the communists except "show of strength / warning" missiles testing (the most severest) but it might be a understatement to say that there were weekly jihadists' bloodshed everywhere in the world. Your UK enducation (probably sponsored part of my tax money) is really wasted all because of your shitty corrosive ketuanan mindset. I shudder to think where will Malaysia heading to in the next 50 years since there are easily 40% of your type of zombies freaks
