
Friday, November 29, 2019

Mahathir's election modus operandi - prior election, lie and promise, after election capati the promises


Ex-Dong Zong leader dies, scolding from Dr M recalled

Quek Suan Hiang breathed his last yesterday at the age of 90.

He had led the prominent Dong Zong (United Chinese School Committees Association) for more than a decade before stepping down in 2005.

He also headed the Suqiu (Malaysian Chinese Organisation Elections Appeal Committee), which had courted Dr Mahathir Mohamad's wrath during his first tenure as prime minister.

Recalling another of Quek's meeting with Mahathir, Dong Zong's Johor chapter former president Wang Toon Jui said the deceased met the prime minister over the rights of Chinese Malaysians with regard to the New Economic Policy (NEP).

“Quek told me that during the meeting, Mahathir scolded him for more than one hour.

“Although at the time, Quek said he had prepared for such a tongue-lashing, the latter still considered it as one of his unforgettable moments,” he told China Press.

Wang also paid tribute to Quek's numerous contributions to the Chinese community, especially in the education sector and noted that it was during his leadership of Dong Zong, the New Era College was founded.

Chinese Malaysian votes had helped keep Mahathir and BN in power in the 1999 general election following the split among the Malays due to the sacking of Anwar Ibrahim as deputy premier a year earlier.

After the election, Mahathir angered the Chinese community when he likened Suqiu to the communists over the 17-point appeal which the organisation had submitted to him before the polls.

Kit Siang takes Mahathir to task

DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang had also excoriated Mahathir over the latter's parliament reply to then Kota Melaka MP Kerk Kim Hock on the Suqiu issue.

Apart from repudiating Mahathir's Vision 2020, he said the premier's remarks were also a confession that BN deceived the Chinese to vote for it in the general election to save its parliamentary two-thirds majority.

He said it was most unprincipled for Mahathir to state that the cabinet was forced to accept Suqiu "in principle" as the general election was approaching and that the election appeals were a threat to BN, which if it had refused to entertain, Suqiu would have told the Chinese not to support the coalition.

“Mahathir's claim that any potential chaos arising from Suqiu’s demands was defused because he personally forbade Umno Youth and other Malay groups from resorting to 'violent protests' is most shocking, when any form of 'violent protests' to any form of electoral appeals in a democratic society must be denounced without qualification.

“Is Mahathir suggesting that there would be circumstances when 'violent protests' by Umno Youth would be justified or could be condoned and that this was why no action had been taken to prosecute Umno Youth for the provocative and racist demonstration outside the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall?” Lim had asked.

Quek: Umno needed an imaginary foe to unite Malays

In 2005, Malaysiakini reported on Quek relinquishing his role in Dong Zong, where his wife Leung Lai Ming, in a pre-recorded interview, recalled the Suqiu incident.

Leung said she was inundated with phone calls from friends and family members concerned that the government would initiate an arrest.

She said she packed her husband's clothes and high-blood pressure medication in preparation for any eventuality.

Ops Lalang 

Despite this, she said Quek told her that the movement's past presidents had been arrested before and hence, there was no reason for him to be afraid.

Meanwhile, Quek claimed that Suqiu became a victim of Umno's attempt to reunite the Malays.

"After the fall of Malay votes in the 1999 general election, Umno needed to find an imaginary opponent to unify the Malays, and Suqiu became the victim," he said.

Apart from the Suqiu episode, Quek also dealt with the possibility of arrest when Dong Jiao Zong published a booklet entitled "The Last Defence", which protested the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English in all schools.

teaching of Science and Mathematics in English may slow down progress of vernacular students? 

According to Quek, police special branch officers raided his office and investigated the booklet's editor.

"I could not sleep well for the whole month. The noise of vehicles passing my house at night worried me. I was wondering if the police had come to arrest me.

"Luckily, I was trained to overcome this kind of pressure,” he added.


  1. The Mahathir of 2019 has had to meekly accept multiple dressing-down by Ramkarpal and Ronnie Liu.

    Look at how Lee Kim Sai was ar then time exiled to Siberia (figuratively) and you will understand it is not Same-Same Old compared to PM 4.

    1. but still with the same modus operandi of lying and reneging on election promises

    2. If yr beef with mamak is over his personality then what about sleepyhead? What about pinklips?

      Ain't they ALL still with the same modus operandi of lying and reneging on election promises?

    3. they didn't claim they led "New" Malaysia nor were reform-govts

    4. R u sure?

      What's sleepyhead's Islam Hadhari?

      What's happened to pinklips softened his stance on a promised reform of controversial preferential equity ownership rules for the majority ethnic Malays after taken office in April 3, 2009?

      Ain't they ALL claimed, unshamefully, about leading "New" Malaysia with reform-govts?

      Just admit lah, yr primary target IS always mamak, PERIOD!

  2. Let’s be fair shall we......

    Jibby’s modus operandi for GE14:

    Deny deny deny there was any wrongdoing at 1MDB; after losing GE14 deny deny deny he was responsible for the wrongdoing....


  3. DAP's election operandi:

    Before GE14 support Toonsie/Bersatu in order to gain as many seats in government as possible.

    After winning GE14 with 42 seats (nearly 20%) be the strong "opposition within the government", the "itchy rash in Toonsie's side that won't go away" and the effective "Check and Balance". So don't quit the government, otherwise you will be the barking dog outside, like MCA now.

    Yet another example of DAP opposition from within, the Check and Balance:

    After PAC report, DAP MP tells Redzuan to clear up confusion over ‘flying car’

    Saturday, 30 Nov 2019


    Kota Melaka MP Khoo Poay Tiong urges the Entrepreneur Development Minister

    KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 30 — The Entrepreneur Development Ministry must dispel any remaining confusion over the so-called “flying car” project Datuk Redzuan Yusof introduced to Malaysia, said Kota Melaka MP Khoo Poay Tiong.

    The DAP lawmaker said the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee has pointed out issues with the project that needed the ministry’s clarification.

    Khoo said it was especially vital to allay concern that taxpayers’ funds were going towards the project that Redzuan has repeatedly insisted to be a private initiative.

    “Nobody is denying that the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development has the role to support and encourage entrepreneurship, especially in the technology sector.

    “However, the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development should take heed of the findings and recommendations of the PAC to avoid further confusion,” Khoo said in a statement.

    The DAP MP also said Redzuan should be fostering entrepreneurship in other areas given that his ministry will receive RM539 million as part of Budget 2020.

  4. MCA's election operandi:

    Before GE14 grovel and beg UMNO for more seats to contest to improve its embarrassing 7-11 representation.

    Post GE14, after getting trashed and becoming a "lone ranger" party, grovel and beg from UMNO and PAS and become dependent on a "Malay Dignity" movement to win Tg Piai.

  5. Guanee is being too polite to Toonsie, actually it is Toonsie who is on the same page as DAP on the Chin Peng issue.

    DAP's position has never changed since 1989 when the Hatyai Peace Accord was signed. They still hold the same position. It is Toonsie's position that has changed since then.

    DAP on same page as PM over Chin Peng’s ashes, says Guan Eng

    Published on 29 Nov 2019

    DAP agrees with Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad position that the ashes of late communist leader Chin Peng should not be made into an issue, said Lim Guan Eng.

    The DAP secretary-general said the party agreed with the position and that it was time to move on.
