
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mahathir ber-kerbau semula


DAP at centre of voter unhappiness, says Dr M

by Ainaa Aiman

PUTRAJAYA: Pakatan Harapan lost the Tanjung Piai by-election because Malay and Chinese voters were both unsatisfied, with the DAP at the focus of their unhappiness.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference after chairing the PH presidential council meeting this evening, he said Malay voters felt that PH had been taken over over by DAP.

On the other hand, Chinese voters felt that DAP was being throttled by himself, as PPBM chairman.

“So there appears to be a balance, both sides are unsatisfied. We cannot satisfy everyone, but the situation now is that people are not satisfied because we are being fair to both sides.”

Besides these sentiments, he also admitted that the rakyat seemed unhappy about how PH was handling the rising cost of living.

“We are aware that this bad result was a warning to the coalition that there were a lot of things we had done that the rakyat were not happy with, especially with regards to the cost of living,” he said.

Mahathir is at his usual kerbau self, never acknowledging anything wrong with his government's policies, ministers or his promotion of the old Mahathirism.

Please read the following:


No point reshuffling the Cabinet now 

by Moaz Nair

Reshuffling the Cabinet now will not solve some of the predicaments faced by the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government. Even Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad recognises this.

It would be of no immediate advantage to the government, but would only add to the uncertainty and create resentment among existing ministers. This would certainly disorient the functions of the government, to a certain extent.

The best the prime minister can do now is to tell his Cabinet members to buck up.

If truth be told, the problem with the government now is that it has the habit of acting too late on sensitive matters that could hurt the feelings of the people, thinking that all is well with its policies. Matters of public importance are allowed to drag on and are left to be debated by disgruntled groups. This often becomes fodder for the opposition.

The government has not resolved quickly enough many issues that have made the people unhappy related to its decisions and policies. The government cannot push its policies down the people’s throats – this would be both wrong and unwise.

Chinese voters

Chinese voters are generally unhappy with PH because of three main reasons. First is the unnecessary and divisive Jawi-khat controversy that was brought up out of the blue by the education minister. Their perception of the government started to wither more when the prime minister defended the move and indirectly put the blame on Chinese educationist group Dong Zong for being “racist”. Then came another unnecessary move at racial pandering by the education minister who suggested that the non-Bumiputera pre-university quota would only be removed if the private sector employed more Malays.

Secondly, the Chinese were outraged when a foreign-born preacher blatantly suggested the expulsion of ethnic Chinese and Indian minorities, referring to them as guests in this country. The preacher was given leeway to go around the country preaching while claiming to be an expert in comparative religion, in the process being derisive towards other religions. The least the government should have done was to immediately advise the preacher to leave the country or look for a country that would accept him. This, the government did not do.

Thirdly, the Malay Dignity Congress became more of a Chinese-bashing session when some participants called for a ban on vernacular schools. To add fuel to the fire, after being criticised for attending the congress, the prime minister in his Chedet blog on Oct 25, 2019 wrote that “… the non-indigenous people were given citizenship even though they were not qualified”.

The Chinese value two things in life: the economy and education. The Chinese are not freeloaders. Being a resilient lot, they can survive in any economic circumstance. They have survived for the past 62 years and more without much assistance from the government. But the call by some bigots for Chinese schools to be banned has incensed them. The government has been quiet on this matter.

The deliberate delay tactic in making a decision on the UEC has also made many Chinese unhappy with the government. A few states in the country have recognised the UEC but this has not been done at the federal level. They feel that when other exams which are equivalent to SPM and STPM such as the O- and A-levels, Al-Thanawiya (General Secondary Education Certificate of Yemen), Al-Thanawaya Al-Amah (General Secondary Education Certificate), Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate) of Palestine, Al-Azhar General Secondary School Certificate, Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Ugama (STPU) and dozens of other foreign certificates can be accepted, why not the UEC. The PH government remains undecided on this issue despite promising to recognise it before the 14th general election. Why promise, then?

These factors are enough for the Chinese voters to be upset with the PH government. It’s not that they hate the PH government but they are not pleased with some of the ways the government is handling issues sensitive to them.

The Chinese have never criticised the government for allowing Islamic religious schools and Islamic education to flourish in the country. They have no interest in this as it does not concern them. The government, on its part, has failed to make national schools the schools of choice, and this has pushed the Chinese to Chinese schools. The Chinese are more concerned about their need to get a good education.

Malay voters

As for the Malays, race and religion are more important to them. This has become the vote bank for the opposition. The opposition is exploiting these two issues to make the Malays go against the PH government. They are deviously telling the Malays that DAP is their enemy and that the Chinese are behind PH, and that if this is allowed to go on, the country will be taken over by the Chinese and that DAP is now controlling the government under PH. They claim that important government posts have been taken over by the non-Malays and that this is eroding Malay power in the country.

Gullible Malays can easily be influenced by this political ruse, and this malady is spiralling out of control. On the part of the government, nothing concrete has been done to stop the politics of race and religion, unlike in many other countries. Fake news is allowed to flow freely through social media without much action taken against the perpetrators. If this is allowed to go on, not only will PH lose the support of the Malays, investors may leave from fear that the country’s political system is not stable.

It’s never too late for the PH government to reorient itself. It’s not that the PH government is not doing better than the kleptocratic government of the past. The few blunders it has made and its lack of political will to clamp down on the issues bothering the people have given rise to the perception that it is weak and only working to please a single race.

No right-minded Chinese or Malaysian in general would want to see those who are now involved in court cases for alleged corruption make a comeback. Neither are they keen for PAS to govern the country. Hence, enlightening the people with the right policies that will please all Malaysians will boost PH as a credible government. Just stop hurting the feelings of the people.

Cabinet reshuffle

Be that as it may, reshuffling the Cabinet is not a wise move for now. This will disorient the smooth running of the government. A reshuffle now would only be temporary as there will be another Cabinet team when the next leader takes over from Mahathir. As long as Mahathir is the prime minister, this Cabinet should remain.

Mahathir has said many times that he will remain as prime minister for at least two to three years before he passes the baton to another leader. Whoever takes over, most likely just after the Apec meeting next year, will surely come up with a new set of Cabinet members.

And this new team will again be tested and judged by the people before PH faces the 15th general election.


  1. RPK must have read my comments on this blog...ha ha ha....

    KT's favourite blogger RPK has belatedly "exposed" the fact that DAP pura-pura supported Toonsie's Bersatu in the Tanjung Piai by-election. RPK claims that DAP "sabotaj" Bersatu, that's a little strong, let's just say DAP didn't pull out all the stops. They allowed MCA to win ha ha teach that old rectal orifice a lesson.

    Mission accomplished, nose bleed the day after.

    Mahathir Disabotaj Di PRK Tanjung Piai

    By Raja Petra Kamarudin On Nov 23, 2019

    Kemenangan MCA di pilihanraya kecil Tanjung Piai minggu lepas bukan kerana pengundi Cina sudah swing balik kepada Barisan Nasional tetapi kerana DAP dan tauke-tauke Cina telah sabotaj calon PPBM atau calon Pakatan Harapan. Mereka tahu pengundi Cina akan undi calon Cina, jadi tidak susah kalau mereka nak sabotaj calon Melayu dari PPBM. Tujuan mereka sabotaj calon PPBM adalah untuk tekan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad untuk letak jawatan dengan alasan yang rakyat sudah marah dengan beliau.

  2. Tun doesn't have the political will to do what needs to be done to correct decades of mismanagement and corruption. Let's AI have his chance what is going to be worse under AI?

  3. DAP at centre of voter unhappiness? Go ahead Toonsie, sack Guanee, sack DAP. Don't lengah lengah.

    So Toonise wants to stay until APEC 2020? Another year? So what does he think he can achieve in one year that he couldn't in 22+2?

  4. DAP at center of voter unhappiness?

    One of the issues played up at the Tanjung Piai by-election was the TARUC funding. I did say Guanee was three steps ahead of everyone on this issue but he did not unveil his plan at that time because he knew this would rile up the voters and cause a swing from Bersatu (not DAP) to MCA....ha ha ha....

    But now that the by-election is over and Bersatu got a bloody nose...mission accomplished. The TARUC plan can be unveiled.

    Guanee offers to put 30 million in a trust fund to be managed by the alumni, but MCA must give up control of TARUC. But he knows no way Wee Ka Siong can do that. Lose face big time. Political suicide for Wee. But if the students don't get financial assistance due to MCA degil and big headed that would be suicide too.

    So now Wee is snookered and has effectively conceded defeat....he says just give monetary assistance directly to the students....which is what I knew was in Guanee's mind all along.

    By giving money directly to the students (ike PTPTN), bypassing MCA and the alumni (which may one day be infiltrated by political parties) we can be assured that taxpayers money is effectively directed to the students and not have to go through politicians.

    Syabas, well done.

  5. dap could pacify the racial unsatisfactory via good performance in the respective ministry under them, but too bad dap lack talent because only stupid can survive under lks, thats y we msian hv to suffer the stupidity of dap stupid, especially the stupid fm.

    1. Then, step forward to prove yr 2cent worth of fart lah!

    2. A poem by W.H. Auden zero-in-on human suffering, tragedy and pain by contrasting the lives of those who suffer and those who do not.

      Musee des Beaux Arts

      About suffering they were never wrong,
      The Old Masters: how well they understood
      Its human position; how it takes place
      While someone else is eating or opening a window or just
      walking dully along;
      How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting
      For the miraculous birth, there always must be
      Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating
      On a pond at the edge of the wood:
      They never forgot
      That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course
      Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot
      Where the dogs go on with their doggy
      life and the torturer’s horse
      Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.

      In Breughel’s Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
      Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
      Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
      But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
      As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
      Water; and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
      Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
      had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.
      ~ W.H Auden [1940]

    3. bro, i sekarang kat belitung, sedang baca andrea hirata.

      mimpi adalah kunci
      untuk kita menaklukkan dunia
      berlarilah tanpa lelah
      sampai engkau meraihnya
      laskar pelangi
      takkan terikat waktu
      bebaskan mimpimu di angkasa
      warnai bintang di jiwa
      menarilah dan terus tertawa
      walau dunia tak seindah surga
      bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
      cinta kita di dunia...
      cinta kepada hidup
      memberikan senyuman abadi
      walau hidup kadang tak adil
      tapi cinta lengkapi kita...
      laskar pelangi
      takkan terikat waktu
      jangan berhenti mewarnai
      jutaan mimpi di bumi...
      o! menarilah…

    4. monster, i think dap shd open more shop...... let'em in, let everyone in.

    5. ck, beside collect tax, whats lge contribution? n who do u think he collect more tax from? many received irb letter asking for 5 years records, what else this stupid can do? klse 1600, ringgit above 4, housing car necessities remain high, what has this stupid done? my responsibility is to pay tax n vote, to grant this stupid the freedom to continue politicking?

    6. Collecting tax?

      How about going ALL out to protect the financial health of the country in the face of galloping waves of massive monetary injections into those ketuanan outfits which r facing humongous cash flow problems due to yrs of irresponsible & lining-thy-pockets hp6 ketuanan elites' underhands? Meanwhile, STILL keeping the monetary stability & needs of the country!

      F*ckheads, likes u, know nuts about these fiscal challenges imposed on the country while howling stupidity here & there using those silo demoncratic farts!

      W/O someone like lge/tp to try every which ways to safeguard the international financial reputations of bolihland, u, ketuanan freaks & zombies would be out in the streets behaving like the Latin Americans across that US backyard!


      Fart is indeed so easy!

    7. tell me how the stupid do better than najib the thief? i cut paste yr shitty writes n put in najib name make no diff. show me the number...klse index, ringgit, housing price, disposable income, inflow n outflow of foreign investment, unemployment rate, u can use ccp number, i am perfectly fine.

      of course u can oso use one liner like ccp did, blame it on the west.

    8. OK!

      Let's peel away yr irrational monkey rants on econ data (where's yr numbers?) that as a hp6, completed with numeric reading deficiency, wanted to shout.

      Here r some macroecon data:

      1) "Malaysia risks downgrade if debt burden increases, says Moody’s"

      That news were announced on Jan2019.

      Why the threat of A3 stable credit rating downgrade? Who causes the rating downgrade threat?

      Since then, has not the govt, especially the FM's efforts, managed to circumvent that threat?

      2) "The Malaysian government announced on April 10, 2019 that the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) would be given a cash injection of RM6.23 billion (USD1.5 billion) to help ease its financial troubles."

      That RM6.23B came from where, when the country was fiscally very insolvent?

      Who managed to get that extra money (samurai bond?) & who advised mamak if not the FM?

      3) "The government will bear RM10.3bil premium to ensure the financial health of Lembaga Tabung Haji (LTH) is restored as part of the rescue and restructuring plan of the pilgrimage fund"

      AGAIN, mfer:

      That RM10.3B came from where, when the country was fiscally very insolvent?

      Who managed to get that extra money (samurai bond, again?) & who advised mamak if not the FM?

      Just these two financial legacies of that kleptomaniac pink lips, see RM16.53B "wasted" from the nation coffer that needs urgent development funds to evade the credit rating downgrade!

      Mfer, yr microeconomics data of ..klse index, ringgit, housing price, disposable income, inflow n outflow of foreign investment, unemployment rate etc WILL spiral out of tangent when the credit rating has been downgraded!

      U WOUND NOT know anything about that, would u?

      Those microeconomics data r just tags u used but hardly understood!

      BTW, have I used ANY CCP numbers (what have that got to do with bolihland financial health? Only a f*ckhead would just pluck a label to supplement his inconsequential tin-kosong monkey show!)??

      Ooop… where too IS that one-liner on blaming the west?

      Keep farting some more! I'm laughing none stop. So r many of the other readers here.

    9. under a thief is a3, under a stupid oso a3, whats the diff?

      u didnt read how much was being injected into glc during mahathir era? again whats the diff? did our debt go down now? n for 30 mil this stupid act like a monkey.

      answer y ringgit remain low, klse underperforming, the fm hv to do a the salesman job for property tycoon? my question is simple, if all rating remain same with the thief era, whats the diff? how is the fm is not a stupid if he cant do better compare to a thief? u hv answer or no? if dun know just keep quiet, dun show the same trait similar to that stupid fm.

    10. Mfer, very panda - "under a thief is a3, under a stupid oso a3, whats the diff?"

      So, u DON'T understand financial causality.

      No wonder lah - all these irrational farts!

      "how much was being injected into glc during mahathir era?"

      Which mamak era r u farting about?

      So, u also DON'T understand under who's care that bolihland's debts spiral out of tangent!

      Brilliant blur via pura2 to fart! U, the monkey!

      Mfer, financial debacles take time to manifest. Pink lips kleptomaniac acts during his regime results in the current A3 rating downgrade threat lah.

      So, u really DON'T understand how fiscal/financial data imply chronologically!

      Did u get yr A in simple finance management from that Formosa uni u attended? Or u never have anything to do with money management? Living from yr spouse supports so u can fart about yr stupidity here & there?

      Haven't I answered about how much the current FM is doing better than yr thief?

      Ooop… 10k litres of fart for u to continue yr gassy release just to prove yr rd monkey acts.

      Bravo! Do continue that trait u so wanted to bestow onto others.

  6. As if MCA cannot backslide even further. Their attempt to become a multi-racial party is stupid. Introduce a separate membership category (affiliate member) for NON-CHINESE with no voting rights.

    Chinese are already second class citizens. Does anyone know why a Malay, already a first-class citizen, would want to become an affiliate member of a second-class party MCA with no voting rights?

    MCA membership open to all

    Saturday, 23 Nov 2019


    KUALA LUMPUR: MCA is set to open its doors to all Malaysians from next year, says party secretary-general Datuk Chong Sin Woon.

    “Malaysians who are not Chinese but MCA-friendly could join as affiliate members, but they have no voting rights in the party, ” he said.

    Describing it as “transformation in tandem with times”, he noted that MCA, set up in 1949 as a Chinese-based party, has been taking care of Malaysians irrespective of race.

    MCA’s current membership is 1.068 million.

    “This affiliate membership is not open to Malaysian Chinese, ” he said at Wisma MCA here yesterday.

    Chong said a resolution to amend the party’s constitution to include the affiliate membership would be tabled at the MCA annual general meeting (AGM) here next Sunday for approval.

  7. It was a Bersatu candidate, but again, Mahathir chose to deflect the blame to DAP.
    Now is a moment for painful honesty, but Mahathir still chose to play his race-religion games.
