
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Lim GE jangan terlampau sombong-busuk hati atas perkara TAR UC

keangkuhan-kesombonganmya yang tidak cocok dengan kemampuannya, wakakaka 

From Malaysiakini's Readers Write-In:

FairMalaysian: This is one issue which I will not agree with Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng.

There are already four Education Ministry officials and one Finance Ministry representative on Tunku Abdul Rahman University College’s board of governors.

Despite the fact that it was "owned" by MCA, and despite the fact that TAR UC has helped thousands of students academically, the Chinese voted for Pakatan Harapan - which simply means the Chinese know well enough not to mix education with politics. Why should Lim rock the boat now?

all above three are alumni of TAR UC - did MCA influence or control them? 

If Lim or the Finance Ministry or the Harapan government want to ensure the funds are used for the intended purpose, this could be done through the appointed representatives from the government ministries and a properly and independently conducted audit.

While MCA may have its faults, TAR UC has always been close to the hearts of the Chinese.

Unless there are specific reasons that we don't know about, Lim should not drag the issue with stunts that may further alienate the people. In all honesty, neither the Chinese nor the people want the funds to be misused. All it takes is to ensure proper monitoring.

After all, when four vice-chancellors of premier universities openly thrashed non-Malays, the government did not cut off the funds to these universities, did it?

I do not wish to link the two matters but I’m just pointing this out as a matter of fact. Lim should not allow this issue to drag on.


  1. tk is not usm meh? she did form 6 only right? tarc is supposed a shame to mca, but dap stupid cant do better so act like monkey lo.

  2. You are out of touch.

    "all above three are alumni of TAR UC - did MCA influence or control them? " - if you notice, they are all middle-aged alumni.
    Those years up to the 1990s, when BN was safe and practically unassailable, MCA did not bother to propagandise on campus, though they did use TAR Kolej for political capital, especially during elections.

    Different story after the March 8, 2008, as MCA lost heavily.
    MCA has been heavily capitalising on its control, inconspicuously or openly telling students and parents they need to be "grateful" to MCA for the opportunity to study there.

    Lim Guan Eng knows full well this needs to be nipped in the bud, especially with Voting age now being lowered to 18 for GE15.

    1. I haven't read anything about MCA misusing TAR UC in Bn days (up to May 08 2018) to propagandise MCA the party, so stop tokking-kok

  3. Hamisu.

    Guanee, who is three steps ahead of everyone, already snookered MCA when he agreed to give 30 million to TAA alumni association which is run by MCA lifetime members. But MCA is still not satisfied? Siapa yang sombong dan busuk hati?

    And I hope somehow philanthropist Koon Yew Yin repeats his offer to build student hostels. I wonder if the TARUC owners (MCA) will accept?
