
Friday, November 01, 2019

Heaven sent cane to whip canoodling ulama


Indonesian who helped draft adultery laws caned for affair with married woman

Flogging is a common punishment in Banda Aceh under Islamic law. (Reuters pic)

BANDA ACEH: An Indonesian man working for an organisation which helped draft strict religious laws ordering adulterers to be flogged was himself publically whipped Thursday after he was caught having an affair with a married woman.
Flogging is a common punishment for a range of offences in the deeply conservative Aceh region on Sumatra island, including adultery, drinking alcohol, and having gay or pre-marital sex.
Aceh is the only region in the world’s biggest Muslim-majority nation that imposes Islamic law, part of a 2005 autonomy deal with the central government that ended a decades-long separatist insurgency.
On Thursday, a masked religious officer rained down 28 lashes on the back of Aceh Ulema Council (MPU) member Mukhlis after he was caught canoodling with a married woman last month.
Mukhlis, who like many Indonesians goes by one name, grimaced and flinched during the punishment in the provincial capital Banda Aceh, before his married companion was flogged with a rattan cane some 23 times.
The organisation that Mukhlis works for advised the local government and legislature on drafting and implementing Aceh’s religious law, including public flogging.
It was not immediately clear what he did for the agency.

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