
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Evaporation of Chinese support for Pakatan


In Tg Piai, Chinese voters abandon Harapan at more than double the rate of Malay areas

by Nigel Aw

TG PIAI POLLS | The Tanjung Piai by-election was Pakatan Harapan's ninth electoral outing since the 14th general election and its fourth defeat after Cameron Highlands, Semenyih, and Rantau.

In all those previous by-elections, BN won on significantly improved Malay support, whereas changes in Chinese Malaysian votes have largely been marginal.

In the Tanjung Piai by-election, however, Harapan was drowned by a wave of protest votes that cut across racial lines, with a substantial number of Malays and Chinese shifting towards BN.

Notably, Chinese-majority polling districts were abandoning Harapan at a rate more than double than that of Malay-majority polling districts.

The outcome was Harapan losing in all of the 27 polling districts in Tanjung Piai, compared to the 11 that it won in the last general election.

In the Cameron Highlands and Semenyih by-elections, Harapan was still able to win most urban centres; and even in the Rantau by-election, which is an undefeated BN stronghold, Harapan was able to retain at least one polling district.

To illustrate the severity of Harapan's defeat in Tanjung Piai, the decline in support for Harapan in polling districts with more than 80 percent Malay population ranged between two percent and 12 percent.

In contrast, in polling districts where Chinese similarly make up more than 80 percent of constituents, the decline ranged from a whopping 27 to 38 percent.

An example is the polling district Pengkalan Raja Pontian. Votes for Harapan fell from 19.45 percent to a mere 10.65 percent — the 8.8 percentage point drop is one of the worst in a Malay-majority polling district.

In contrast, the Chinese-majority polling districts of Bandar Pekan Nenas Timur and Bandar Pekan Nenas Selatan saw Harapan's support plummet by 38.01 percentage points and 27.48 percent points respectively.

Harapan's vote share in Bandar Pekan Nenas Timur went from 72.15 percent - a safe area - to 34.14 percent; while in Bandar Pekan Nenas Selatan, it fell from 54.85 percent to a measly 27.37 percent, which is less than what BN received in the last general election there despite the strong anti-establishment sentiment at the time.

Pakatan was tsunami-ed by its own unpopularity because of rotten divisive policies, non-reforms, reversal and non-fulfilment of promises & unfit or scandalous ministers

BN increased its votes in Bandar Pekan Nenas Selatan from 39.62 percent to 63.37 percent.

The turnout in all Chinese-majority polling districts were also lower than the overall average of 74.5 percent, suggesting that many stayed home while outstation voters did not return.

Even if outstation voters did return, considering voter anger, there is no guarantee that they would vote for Harapan.

The only saving grace was Harapan improving its vote share among advance and postal votes from 20.09 percent in the last general election to 36.32 percent in the by-election.

Harapan has always struggled in making inroads amongst Malay voters outside of the Klang Valley.

However, the slow but incremental progress it made in the Malay community coupled with strong Chinese support helped sweep the coalition into power in the last general election.

While the limited decline in Malay support in Tanjung Piai can be explained by Harapan's small support base as BN already controls majority Malay support in those areas, Harapan's Chinese support fell to levels almost similar to that of the Malays.

muhibbah in dislike for Mahathir & Pakatan 

The rapid evaporation of Chinese backing left Harapan with no support, resulting in its crushing defeat in Tanjung Piai.

BN's Wee Jeck Seng, who is from MCA, won by a landslide, securing his old parliamentary seat with a 15,086-vote majority. He lost the seat last year by only 524 votes.

With 25,466 votes, Wee secured 65.6 percent of the vote share compared to Harapan's Karmaine Sardini, who only won 26.7 percent of the votes.

Gerakan's Wendy Subramaniam came in third with 1,707 votes, Berjasa’s Badhrulhisham Abd Aziz bagged 850 votes in fourth place, and independent candidates Ang Chuan Lock and Faridah Aryani Abd Ghaffar received 380 and 32 votes respectively.

Najib's participation in BN's victory must have riled you-know-who, wakakaka

Mahathir's hurt and voters' pain

It is unclear how significant a role PAS' backing of BN has had in the by-election as Malay support for Harapan had already been on the decline in past by-elections, fueled by a lack of catalyst and aid for the rural economy as well as concerns over race and religion.

As for the evaporation of Harapan's Chinese support, it preceded a series of controversies such as the government's mishandling of the introduction of jawi lessons in vernacular schools and Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's attendance at the Malay Dignity Congress.

Mahathir had lamented that he felt hurt with being labelled "racist" for attending the Malay Dignity Congress but appeared oblivious that the hurt, particularly amongst non-Malays, was not because it was a Malay event but the inflammatory speeches made there.

racist speeches condoned by a racist just to gain Malay support through manufactured racism 

It should be noted a similar event, the Bumiputera Economic Congress, was organised in September last year and was also attended by Mahathir as well as Economic Affairs Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali and PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

The event's narrative stuck strictly on how to uplift the Bumiputera community, and while there were pockets of criticism, it concluded without incident.

The Port Dickson by-election, which came a month after that Bumiputera Economic Congress, saw Harapan's support remain largely intact.

The signs of Harapan's declining support amongst the Chinese was evident since the start of the Tanjung Piai campaign with MCA, which in the past struggled to attract a handful of people to its ceramah, saw larger crowds than Harapan.

one 'twin' disdainfully dictatorial, the other sickeningly subservient

Many voters whom Malaysiakini spoke to also expressed their intention to cast protest votes against Harapan to "teach the coalition a lesson".

In the face of this, Harapan deployed its top guns to Tanjung Piai, made multiple appeals to voters against casting protest votes and ramped up its attacks against the MCA, sometimes encroaching the realm of racial politics.

Harapan appeared confident of its own strategy as MCA began to be unsettled by the onslaught. It was further convinced by its own internal survey that Chinese votes have only declined marginally and in the overall, it was ahead by nine points.

Protest votes can turn into fixed deposits

In contrast to Harapan's optimism, many voters, even on the last day of the campaign, were still undecided.

Undecided - as they, including those at Harapan's ceramah, were weighing whether to vote for BN.

"I admit, last year I followed the trend (of supporting Harapan), but this time I need to make a more careful choice, so I'm listening to both Harapan and MCA ceramah sessions to compare for myself.

"Mahathir is very anti-Chinese. A lot of policies he proposed are geared towards a singular direction and are not inclusive," a voter at Harapan's finale ceramah had told Malaysiakini.

it's well known he didn't/doesn't like the Chinese, especially after 1969 GE
berating Najib when latter was PM for over-pampering the Chinese Malaysians, exactly as he did to (late) PM Tunku Abdul Rahman 

When they finally decided at the ballot box, the outcome was nothing short of a disaster for Harapan.

The fact that Wee is well-known as a hardworking and popular leader by the local communities also helped their decision.

BN chairperson Ahmad Zahid Hamidi hailed the Tanjung Piai by-election as the return of Chinese support for the coalition, which has struggled to court them for more than a decade.

While BN's opponents may argue that they voted not in support of BN but out of anger for Harapan, which is true for many voters whom Malaysiakini spoke to, it was very much the same for Harapan.

In 2008, the then disparate opposition had little governance record to show for, but voters, angry at then prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, cast protest votes in droves, sweeping the opposition into power in three previously BN-held states.

From there, Pakatan Rakyat and its successor Harapan consolidated support, resulting in a solid Chinese support base for a decade, until now.

Harapan will now have to face the double headache of arresting the decline of support amongst both the Malay and Chinese communities.

Tanjung Piai's Indian population comprises only 0.9 percent of the electorate, which makes it a poor measure for Indian support.

LTTE terrorists? 

But the government position on controversial preacher Dr Zakir Naik and the crackdown on sympathisers of the now-defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, all of whom are Indians, are unlikely to score points.

India wants to extradite Zakir Naik for alleged money laundering & alleged terrorist incitement but Mahathir refuses to honour the extradition application

Minister Mujahid said Zakir Naik has been 'inspirational'

Malays make up 57.6 percent of Tanjung Piai's electorate, while Chinese make up another 41.4 percent.


  1. What better way to signal to PH that voters are giving them the thumbs down in a by-election as it's outcome has no bearing on the National Front. Time to wake up, R&R has no place in Malaysia Baru

  2. The Tanjung Piai drubbing is the best possible result for DAP, PKR and Amanah. The way forward is now crystal clear. Toonsie and Bersatu must undur.

    Nearly 24 hours have passed....almost every notable politician from every party has spoken....but Toonsie remains silent.

    He is either still in shock, or in shame or maybe he is still having his weekend nap.

    You had your second chance at redemption old man, you should have stepped down soon after GE14, but you blew it. Now your time is up .....tick tock tick tock.

  3. This confirms what I said all along. Bersatu's defeat is actually what DAP want. They only pura-pura campaign for Bersatu but they really prefer Bersatu to lose to kick the old man and his racist party in the backside. Without them Harapan can accelerate the reforms.

    Crowd cheers when DAP MP announces landslide defeat in Tg Piai

    M Fakrul Halim

    Today 4:51 pm
    At a community event last night, Kepong MP Lim Lip Eng had to announce the Tanjung Piai by-election results to the audience, many of which were his constituents.

    However, to his surprise, the audience broke into applause when Lim announced that the Pakatan Harapan had lost dramatically.

    Most people in the audience were likely those who had supported Harapan in the last general election as Lim won with 92 percent of the vote...

  4. Anwar must now carpe diem...seize the day. Strike while the iron is hot. No more hiding under the sarong. If you can't, are not willing or not brave enough to do that then you are not a leader. We must look for someone else.

    No more "give Toonsie the space to govern, he knows what he is doing, I won't interfere" rubbish.

    The rakyat have spoken. They confirm Toonsie does not know what he is doing. In GE14 the rakyat voted Toonsie back into power only because of the promise that you will take over as soon as you were pardoned.

    So what are you waiting for?

    At the next Harapan Presidential Council Meeting the first item on the agenda must be a resolution for Toonsie to step down and for you to take over. Toonsie himself said that only the Presidential Council can decide who becomes PM. He is only PM today because of the goodwill of your wife. Toonsie is an ungrateful rectal orifice.

    And when you are PM make sure you put him in a suitable place and that he gives you space to govern without interference.

    The logical choice for PM is you and the DPM from DAP, following convention with the number of parliamentary seats. Forget Bersatu. They are rubbish.

  5. i dun understand y many see this from a chinese perspective n mahathir problem, maybe without the chinese swing, mca still win basing on umno/pas support? i dun really think mahathir care.

  6. The next election is a major one - Sarawak state. Changes must be made asap. Toonsie and Bersatu must undur, otherwise Sarawak will be lost for another 5 years, or more.

  7. Missing from the torrent of shallow analysis is historical context.
    The historical context is that Johore Chinese are MCA loyalists.

    From 1957 - 20012, a period of 55 years, Johor Chinese were notorious as "Die Die Support MCA" Voters. Johor Chinese are MCA's Fixed Deposit.

    There was a moderate swing in GE13 towards DAP as Lim Kit Siang stood in Gelang Patah. Even then, Tanjung Piai remained steadfastly loyal to MCA.

    In 2018, the Johor Chinese decided to give DAP, Pakatan Harapan 1-try.
    When they didn't get their instant gratification , they went back to supporting MCA.

    Never mind MCA failed to get Chinese Independent Schools recognised for
    60 years , all the while in power. Die Die Support MCA.

    That's how I read the situation. I have been travelling in and out of Johore for 40 years, most of these Johnny-Come-Lately "analysts" have hardly ever set foot in Johore.

  8. This is rubbish.

    A post mortem is only needed when we don't know what caused the death. In the case of Tanjung Piai the cause of death is clear. Death was caused by incompetent Doctor in the House. Get rid of this doctor.

    PH presidential council to do post-mortem on Tg Piai loss next week
    Bernama -November 17, 2019

    SEREMBAN: The defeat of Pakatan Harapan (PH) in the Tanjung Piai parliamentary by-election, including the unhappiness of the people towards the government, will be discussed next week at the scheduled presidential council meeting, said vice-president Salahuddin Ayub.

    Salahuddin, who is also Amanah deputy president, said the meeting would conduct a post-mortem on the defeat and subsequently draft follow-up action.
