
Thursday, November 07, 2019

Don't kerbau again Mahathir

From OutSyed the Box:

Dr M Threatens Tanjong Piai

  • Dr M reminded Tanjung Piai win would ensure election promises fulfilled
  • people will realise that win for PH mean promises would be fulfilled
  • That is what we hope voters will take into account
  • In GE14, PH won with just 524 votes against MCA

My comments:

It simply means if PH loses in Tg Piai then the people there will not get anything.

Wait a minute. What promises would these be?
Dr M already said he cannot deliver the promises made in the PH Manifesto.

Despite the entire nation supporting PH, none of PH's promises have been delivered. And now we have been told point blank those promises will NOT be delivered.

No abolishing or reducing tolls, no abolishing the Sedition Act, no reducing import duties on cars, no unwinding monopolies and oligopolies, nothing.

So what other promises is Dr M talking about now in Tg Piai?

Are they the same old set of promises or a completely new set of promises?

Dr M should try to answer a simple question.

He made promises before, the people supported him, then he broke his promises.

Now he is making promises again, what is the guarantee that he will not break his promises again?

If PH loses in Tg Piai we will not get anything.
If PH wins in Tg Piai the promises can still be broken.
No difference.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.


  1. MCA fooled as well as threatened the Chinese for 61 years

    1. MCA provided 'affordable' pre-U and university education - ask Teresa Kok (DAP) and Chong Eng (DAP) who were both graduates from MCA runned educational institutes

      What has DAP provided? DAP has instead marginalised UTAR and TAR-UC - Chinese Malaysians should be aware of Lim GE's anti-Chinese educational mentality

    2. Looking at the big picture lah!

      DAP as a whole has instead strengthen the vernacular education system, for primary & secondary schools, by providing MORE govt funds that were ELUSIVE to them before.

      MCA provided 'affordable' pre-U and university education - as a political hangman tool to the Chinese M'sians!

      By wielding a strong grip on their passion about the education, thus those f*cked MCA remnants sitting in the board of governors, MCA is exercising his intrinsic political gameplay of last survival.

      DAP is right to demand these bangs turncoats to give up the controlship of UTAR and TAR-UC before providing anymore fund. WHY should the fund be used as yr enemy's covert grip on its political life.

      This is NO marginalisation of UTAR & TAR-UC. It's a proper preemptive action to cut off the political capital of MCA - as shown by these mfers' interplay with Chinese M'sian's educational sentiment!

    3. "MCA provided 'affordable' pre-U "
      "MCA runned educational institutes"

      It is good that Lim Guan Eng has exposed the lie that it is.
      TAR UC operations were primarily funded by student fees, government funding, contributions from Chinese businesses and wider community

      MCA itself basically contributed nothing. Just cling on to control TAR UC with cold-dead hands for political capital.

      Lim Guan Eng may be playing nasty , but saying MCA has to stop using TAR UC for political capital if it wants to get funding from a PH government makes sense.
