
Saturday, November 09, 2019

Dignity - not exclusive to race but strictly no crutch

Of Christy Ng and crutch


Christy Ng's story reflects the Malaysian reality that even a nobody without a backup or a background can succeed. All we need is our own hands, not that damned crutch

Photo courtesy: Sin Chew Daily

Today, I want to talk about a woman entrepreneur.

Her name is Christy Ng, She is not from a well-to-do family. Her father is neither a Tan Sri nor a Datuk, but like many Tan Sris, she went through a lot of hardships and tribulations before becoming a successful businesswoman. For example, the late Lee Shin Cheng was once an ice cream man while newly crowned Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards 2019 Lifetime Excellence Achievement Award winner Lim Kuang Sia was a fishermen for two years.

Christy Ng was born in an average family. Her father was just an ordinary air con technician while her mother was half a housewife. At the age of nine, she followed her mother to sell flowers at Kelana Jaya LRT station, and later sold ice cream at 13. She started to see her career future after she successfully sold the cheap shoes she had worn to a friend at 18.

But she never complained the least. Through exemplary perseverance, she managed to complete her primary, secondary and tertiary education while taking up part-time jobs, and later started her online shoe store from scratch.

She didn't wait for a “crutch” from the government, her family or the society because she knew that her destiny lies in her own hands. More about her story can be found here. Since May 2019, Sin Chew Daily has been carrying inspiring stories of young Malaysian entrepreneurs on the last Monday of each month in a dedicated new section.

No one in this world can rob your wealth or privileges. Christy Ng's story has highlighted the fact that we cannot earn our dignity by holding a congress. While Chinese Malaysians do hold congresses, they are more for boosting relationships, building networks, exploring business opportunities or extending help to one another. None has been organised just to attack other people and find excuses for their own failures.

Christy Ng told us we need to work hard to succeed, not to envy other people, thinking that their wealth has fallen from sky.

As she said during the interview, “We must not take success for granted. No one sees how much effort I've put in!”

She didn't retire to bed until the clock struck twelve every midnight when she first started her business. She was reluctant to settle for what had been given to her and continued to work diligently to seek new breakthroughs despite all the challenges.

Our fathers and grandfathers managed to build up their wealth by saving every single cent they earned. Chinese Malaysians will normally not buy expensive cars or posh mansions after they make their first million, but use that to reinvest or expand their businesses. They know that while it is not easy to build a business, it is way more difficult to sustain it. And many of them do not even make it at first attempt, but after countless of failures and setbacks.

Christy Ng's story is only one of the many chapters in world Chinese entrepreneurship history. There are many more Chinese Malaysians not born with a silver spoon in mouth. Their parents are not loaded, just like Christy's, but they work very hard to raise their kids. They know they need to give their children a decent education even though they are not rich, and education is not all about attending school but also the morals taught by parents and wisdom we inherit from our ancestors.

I myself came from a family without a TV set nor a car, and had to help out in my father's sundry shop at the market when I was young. However, my parents never taught me to be jealous, telling me instead that I needed to work my way to success. They led by example to let me see that there is no shortcut to success. My parents worked from early morning to late night, and I had to wake up much earlier than my classmates in order to help my father before going home to bathe and then to school. I had to go back to the market again to help after school, no play time with friends whatsoever.

Similarly, many wealthy parents would tell their kids their wealth would not last forever, and if they do not work hard, their money will vanish in no time no matter how much they now have.

Never is there an ethnicity in this world that will earn its dignity by trampling other people's feelings. Without a change in attitude, there is no way a people can stand up in dignity even after another hundred years.

While prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad may be worried about the lack of success of the Malays, he has adopted the wrong education approach. On the one hand he keeps scolding them for being lazy, on the other hand he generously holds out a crutch. As if that is not enough, he excuses his own failure by attacking other communities -- thus obscuring the focus of the issue -- with the ultimate motive of controlling his own people. This makes him the biggest destroyer of national unity!

As a matter of fact, there are many Malays around us who are not lazy at all, and there are more and more of them who have become rich on their own without the help of a “crutch”. Some of them have even taken up several jobs in order to save up for themselves and their families without any complaint. These are the Malays who are shining examples of living in dignity.

Christy Ng's story reflects the Malaysian reality that even a nobody without a backup or a background can succeed. All we need is our own hands, not that damned crutch.


  1. if thats the case, y chinese bising abt crutch since we can success without one?

    1. Chinese haven't bising about 'crutch' - they have been too busy making a living. The article picked up from Mahathir's mention of crutches

    2. Mfer, the Chinese M'sians r glumping about the tongkat bcoz of the wastages.

      Remember too, that most of the tongkat r been extracted from their contributions of blood & sweat from making a decent living in an extremely lopsided distribution!

      It might be OK for a 1st attempt, just out of humanly compassion. But once it passes the never-ending proposal, as demanded, then that tongkat is the SHAME tag of humongous proportion!

      Mfer, like u, can only see the drips of Jack Danial as pouring out the bottle to cheer u on by yr f*cked kawan selubang during dangdut happy hour.

      Hence, this WHY bising-since-we-can-success-without-one rant of irrational mode pouring from u to justify yr drinking pals' incessant craving for free handouts!

      U r too deep into that herd mentality influence that u might as well join that ridhuan tee!

      At least he is game enough to openly declare about his intention. While mfer, like u, plays around with phrases that even a wordsmith won't use!

    3. "Christy Ng's story reflects the Malaysian reality that even a nobody without a backup or a background can succeed. All we need is our own hands, not that damned crutch"

      ok not chinese, but u did.

    4. "let some people get rich first" is the chinese/malay socialism, both deng n mahathir uphold tis vision. thus people in xinjiang tibet n many inland area hv to suffer the consequences of no assistance n crutch. n why the lucrative power industry is awarded to li peng family n not dalai lama? while mahathir is kind enough to award some to a chinese call ytl, so how msia is a wastage n ccp not? tell me whats the diff? li peng family is a born entrepreneur?

    5. "if thats the case, y chinese bising abt crutch since we can success without one?"

      What's that FART but a cry of the ketuanan freak?

      Just admit u r, mfer!

    6. "let some people get rich first" works in China - for under 40yrs, 800 million poverty strike peasants have been uplifted to decent living!

      "let some people get rich first" CAN'T works in bolihland - bcoz of the incessant demands of tongkat w/o efforts by the ketuanan freaks. & only the elites of the ketuanan freaks get the most of that cuts out of that policy while the B40 of their kindred r still mired in poverty after 50yrs of nep freeloading!

      So who's upholding what, mfer?

      U honestly know FARTS about true social engineering. U just want to give excuses for yr f*cked ketuanan freaks' prosper thy pocket plan.

      "people in xinjiang tibet n many inland area hv to suffer the consequences of no assistance n crutch"


      Mfer, didn't I recommend u to watch Anaguli's YouTubes for yr latest reflections of Xinjiang developments? Ditto with Tibet & other parts of the inland China for their unprecedented sopo developments?

      Since yr f*cked head has only those indoctrinated & twisted pictures from those equally moronic Formosa f*cks, WHY don't u go there & see for yrself?

      "why the lucrative power industry is awarded to li peng family n not dalai lama?"

      Fitnah, true & through!

      Mfer, read more Formosa farts lah. Soon only manufactured shits, would be yr daily rants of inconsequential.

      Li peng for all his faults, especially as the labelled Tiananmen butcher by those Formosa f*cks, was the architect of the electrification structures of the greater modern China!

      W/O his insistences, many rural areas, especially yr 'beloved' Xinjiang & Tibet, would still have no electricity supply. U DON'T want to know that bcoz yr Formosa propaganda tells u so, right?

      Li peng's daughter sits in one of the power generation board DOESN'T necessarily mean the family owned the company. She could be a nominated director for her expertise. & she did, with her teams, in doing their assigned jobs, thus leading the path of wide coverage of 4G internet services throughout China, remote rural & urban alikes, due to the readily available of electricity. Know WHAT & HOW fastspeed internet change the life of remote rural China?

      Can yr dalai lama does what Li Peng's daughter did despite the known FACTS he is in-feeding his family members with donated money from those blurred bleeding hearts all over the world.

      "mahathir is kind enough to award some to a chinese call ytl"

      Mfer, ain't u confused doers with dedak schemers?

      A simple question - how much an average rural Chinese family pays for its monthly electricity bill vis-a-vis the same B40 melayu family w/o subsidy in bolihland?

      Go & check with yr 'knowlegeable' Formosa f*ckheads lah. See what sort of the shits they r going to feed u, since u r unwilling to go to rural China to find out for yrself!

      Tell u 'msia is a wastage n ccp no'!!

      Wow… wow…

      Mfer, seeing is believing! Go there & stop farting liken to yr bloated stomach r full of those "flatus that is in urgent in need to be expelled through the anus".

      SEE the differences u r demanding? Or u need yr Formosa/ketuanan pals to give u a strong knock on that petrified lump of jelly inside yr zombified head?

      Yr “千里眼 & 顺风耳” can't penetrate the distances bcoz they r just yr f*cked imagination growing out of yr irrational CCP China hatred!

    7. i recommend u to read more, for eg world bank report. msia absolute poverty reduce fron 50% tp 7% in 20 years since the introduction of malay characteristics socialism, no one can tell the results is due to malay characteristics or rather the capitalistic natute under an open economy, sound familiar? while those earn less than usd 5.5 a day in msia is 2.7% versus china 27%, seem like malay characteristics hv better result compare to chinese characteristic.

      n dun tok kok abt li peng contribution, with or without him, even when under mao the infra is being constructed to serve the rural, li peng contribution via killing student earn him the access to wealth since killer hv no place in politics, n it was widely reported how his family get their billion thru all the power deal, no diff with our crony capitalism disguise under malay characteristics socialism.

      without the subsidy from govt on electricity n gas, many of the chinese entrapreentr kilang in msia can close shop because cannot compete with vietnam n thailand, n without ccp subsidy, how huawei can compete with such low pricing? without subsidy n govt infra, how usa can sell their corn n soybean so cheap? thats crutch for u to grasp so dun argue selectively n glorify the chinese characteristics.

    8. I also strongly recommended u to read Muhammed Abdul Khalid, a homegrown economist par excellent about the fact that the Economic Affairs Ministry's (MEA) yardstick for poverty was outdated.

      Ditto with a recent study by economist and former World Bank research department director Martin Ravallion found that, when compared to other countries with a similar average income to Malaysia's, about 20% of the population — 6.4 million people — should be considered to be in poverty.

      Who's to believe?

      How about world bank report is been compiled with data provided by the country under study! Thus, there r data & there r data, especially data from the ketuanan elites!


      Malay characteristics socialism?

      Don't u know that socialism is an affront to majority of the melayu, especially those ketuanan freaks & zombies?

      U SHOULD termed it capitalism with zombieic inputs w/o open economy!

      Keep twisting lah, when yr
      capitalistic nature (mfer, what happened to yr earlier Malay characteristics socialism??) under an open economy r kept skewing towards massive govt interferences for them tongkat addicts!

      "when under mao the infra is being constructed to serve the rural…"

      Wow… wow…

      Banyak pandai, tapi u lupa what u have farted earlier - "people in xinjiang tibet n many inland area hv to suffer the consequences of no assistance n crutch"

      How to jive with yr claim NOW? Fart first, worry about coherency of statements later on! Or just DON'T care as in those Formosa f*cked political commentators. Right?

      Fitnah is easy for mfer, like u! "it was widely reported how his family get their billion thru all the power deal"!

      Where's the beef? Or again, u have yr Formosa f*ckheads inputs as yr proof?

      "without the subsidy from govt on electricity n gas, many of the chinese entrapreentr kilang in msia can close shop………"

      It's the govt job to stimulate industrial activities in whatsoever means, utilities subsidies included!

      So what's yr point?

      Freeloading tongkat for ketuanan elites for eternity, right?

      Economic 101 or f*cked economy 1001 from Formosa indoctrinated moron like u!

      Keep writing lah, especially subjects u think u know BEST.

      I can't stop laughing, so as many out there.

      More monkey rants of inconsequential, please.

    9. the number is available openly for public reading n scrutinized, y not u ask wb where the 800m come from?

      electricity is baaic necessities n infra, did it suddenly become crutch as well when it suit u? r u saying without lipeng then xinjiang tibet would not enjoy basic thing like electricity? didnt his son n daughter a multi millionaire?

      the point is its a subsidy when given to chinese, n become a crutch when given to malay.

      reread yr own write, its full of double std, i tell u whats the diff, the diff is i am not as thick face as u.

    10. U tak tau baca ke?

      How about world bank report is been compiled with data provided by the country under study! Thus, there r data & there r data, especially data from the ketuanan elites!

      Ditto too with the reports from Muhammed Abdul Khalid & Martin Ravallion!

      YES, I am game to commit my take on Xinjiang & Tibet would not enjoy basic thing like electricity w/o CCP China! Just like the interiors of Sabah/Sarawak have not basic electricity infrastructures after so many yrs of empty talks from those prosper thy pockets politikuses.

      Where is yrs?

      A Formosa fart!

      Don't fitnah - put yr words to proof that li peng's son & daughter r multi millionaires!

      Mfer, read AGAIN - it becomes a crutch when that demand turns incessant! Did or has the Chinese M'ians demanded the same treatments as those shameless tongkat addicts?

      Know the difference? Or u buat tak tau?

      Double standard?

      Simple! Show the beef lah. Or perhaps that beef is already yr facial skin?

    11. then how u know ccp data is correct? we need a same set of ref as comparison, i now show u wb, or else tell me a better sources for comparison, u can show ccp data that cover both msia n china, i can wait.

      i am talking abt lipeng, not ccp, i am telling u with or without lipeng it make no diff, u dun agree so show us what lipeng contribution beside killing student.

      u can read the icij n leak panama paper of chinese leader hidden wealth, i guess its only a very small part.

      how u know the poor chinese dun need crutch when they oso no shame (yr word) line up for bsh? my view is that all poor r the same, the complaint is on fairness.

      if u want to see shameless, go work in a chinese firm that depend on malay politician for govt contract.

    12. btw, i just chk wb for electricity coverage, both china n msia is 100%, base on yr logic again, wb msia data is tipu while china is trustable, y not we change world bank to world msia bank since they just follow our number?

    13. Good!!

      Write some more lah with yr understanding of published data & reports.

      Whose proposed data checks r correct - yr WB & my two named reseachers' reports on m'sia poverty?

      Simple proof is - seeing is believing - go to the ground & see for yrself, mfer. China, u don't want to go. Yr own bolihland backyard tak jadi pula?

      Moreover, let me repeat for that petrified lump of jelly of yrs - WB data is extracted from data submitted by the country under studies. The investigation reports done by the two researchers r depending on independent ground surveys.

      WRT poverty uplifting data of CCP China - wakakakaka… WB has justified that data. Unless now yr favourite WB's report is now tak pakai! Who's playing double standard?

      Besides, have u seen the remote rural changes that uplift those peasants living standard with yr own eyes? Or again, u pick & choose those Formosa f*cked inconsequential rants?

      ("wb for electricity coverage, both china n msia is 100%, base on yr logic again, wb msia data is tipu while china is trustable"!!!

      Simple proof - just select any remote village, one in China the other in the interior of Sarawak/Sabah, go there & physically check the availability of electrification.

      Mfer, not depending on diesel generator lah but power grid supply! QED)

      What the FART about talking lipeng, not CCP? Lipeng was in charge of the electrification portfolio of the greater China when the modernization of China started.

      So a simple comparison is WHY a similar ministry when under Lipeng positive results were showing as those remote rural villages in China could eventually get electricity supply while a namesaking similar ministry in bolihland couldn't achieve anything significant in the interior of Sabah/Sarawak?

      While bolihland is just a MINUTE size vis-a-vis China with BETTER starting development point, too?

      Mfer, that key difference indicates the effectiveness & deterministic drive of the person/people in charge!

      It's unscrupulous of u to name him as a student killer bcoz of Tiananmen incident. He personally negotiated with that bunch of forked tongues 'student' leaders - not once but multiple times. If he was a butcher as claimed by f*ckheads like u, he should have just arrested those mfers before the incident turned riot! WHY having dialogues with a bunch of foreign-inspired-&-paid riot provocateurs?

      Mfer, there were/r many rioting situations throughout the world where deaths, mind u by both sides, were/r the collateral damages IFF the riotings had/have to be pacified!

      "icij n leak panama paper of chinese leader hidden wealth"?

      Can u claim any country in the world that's totally free of corruption & kleptomaniac officers?

      Look closer to yr Formosa 'paradise' lah.

      My take in this regard IS there should be enough spilled over effects to benefit the ordinary public at large. Human greed is impossible to eliminate but ways can be found to limit its damaging effect - as what Xijinping is doing now.

      "the poor chinese dun need crutch when they oso no shame (yr word) line up for bsh? my view is that all poor r the same, the complaint is on fairness."

      Mfer, AGAIN, u want to paint over that keyword - INCESSANT & illogical demands!

      Compared lah with yr ketuanan freaks' never-ending craving for 'bsh' vis-a-vis the berdikari attitude of the Chinese lah!

      What's yr definition of fairness? Semua ada lah kepunyaan bangsa bumi, NO?

      But cinapig, like u, only want to defend yr favourite drinking pals by keep playing phrases u hardly can handle/understand! Pitifully, by quoting 'official' data u hardly can dissect, analyse & understand!

      What entice u to defend these ketuanan freaks? A bottle of Jack Danial during yr dangdut happy hours?

      This is the best display of the SHAMELESSNESS, the lowest one if there is such category.

  2. Many Chinese businesses will absolutely not trade with Malay business clients , and will not hire Malay employees unless they have no choice or required by law or regulations.

    The NEP provisions are still very important to provide Malays a level playing field..otherwise Malays will be forever locked out of the Malaysian business environment.

    1. there are so many Malay billionaires, Mahathir's 3 sons included. Why depend on Chinese businessmen - there are many many Malay businessmen too

    2. Excuses for incessant free handouts for a bunch of freeloaders in a competitive marketing economy that k9 caretaker & his pals CANNOT understand!

    3. 101 business 'secrets' for dummies verse 8 line 18 chapter 88, treat every customer or supplier as a potential source of profit whether they are malays, indians, cinabeng, lgbts, gamblers, drunks, dogs or cats but if you pick and choose, which is rather stupid, be prepared to close shop

  3. There are so many types of crutches. Direct subsidies, investment grants, corporate income tax credits, bumi incentives,sweetheart deals, guilty until proven innocent, no further action, technical know who, SST in lieu of GST, etc..etc.. et al, all could be considered as crutches. So, what's the problem with crutches, huh?

    1. Tongkat crutches ARE freeloading demands just as yr zombified understanding of corruption is manna rezeki allowed in Islam?

      All others business incentives u have mentioned, need extra effort & inputs that tongkat addicts like u DON'T want to partake!

      That's the DIFFERENCE!

    2. u mean chinese dun take bsh? so whats the diff among msian?

    3. Truly, ketuanan infested!

      Nobody has claimed clear conscience over anything about handouts.

      The only thing & u is that persistently never-ending fart about freeloading tongkat that f*cks like u & yr ketyanan pals must insisted to continue.

      That's the difference!

    4. What have take or no take got to do with incessant craving for endless freeloading demands!

      Have u got no shame, just like yr ketuanan freak drinking pals!

    5. u go see how the chinese q up for bsh, stick to topic n dun divert, pls.

    6. Ain't I out of the topic to argue?

      Or u pick & choose AGAIN?

  4. CK...talking or attempting to talk rationally with this OCBC is like talking to a dumb brick...nothing gets thru ! I have picked up a technique found in M'siakini commentator by the name of Kongkang Kangkong....he knows full well the futile effort to engage with bigoted imbeciles/dimwits, so his blanket reply is : "Celaka ...." from now onward, I will reply such to this idiot

    "Celaka HY "....hehehehe

    By the by, kudos to your skill in describing this fool in such apt and fitting manner :

    "... can only see the drips of Jack Danial as pouring out the bottle to cheer u on by yr f*cked kawan selubang during dangdut happy hour " HAHAHAHAHA....super delicious ! LMAO !

    Agreed with you that at least that other OCBC Riduan Tee have the rattlesnake-infested guts to come fully out to run down his own Chinese race, even to the extent of 'killing' his own father...all because he wants so much to be part of the "winning' majority. This " Celaka HY " likes to play hide and seek...pretending to be Chinese but openly stabbing the Chinese in the back. OCBC oh OCBC, hehehehe

    1. shoot the messenger when brain not functioning, go learn chinese la, to stimulate yr brain a little if u do hv one.

    2. No wonder those shameless ketuanan freaks dare to keep demanding the continuation of the freeloading nep.

      Bcoz there r equally shameless spurious cinapigs doubled up as their vocal 'messenger' when the arguments r lost!

    3. Well, your knowledge of Chinese ain't doing you any good, hehe, as plainly shown here. Nope....seeing as how you have shown your idiocy here, ain't inspiring enough for me to learn Chinese. Eat your heart out, hehe.

      Oops...I am supposed to say.." Celaka HY". Haha

    4. i am not here to inspire, just to expose yrs n ck double std for the stupidity they represent, n glad u decide not to takw up chinese, one half baked ck is more than enuf.

    5. Hi HY Rhan.. dua orang itu got brain one but the size is only as big as the size of the mice testicles. Wakakaka...

    6. Double standard?

      Yes, it has been dissected, analysed & exposed by yr showcased arguments & stupidity!

      My half baked Chinese - wakakakakaka…


      Cinapig die2 still want to enact 死鸡撑饭盖! Another sign of don't know what shame is lah!

      Ya-loh, even now yr dangdut drinking pal, also want to prove its zombieic reasoning capability about mice testicles vis-a-vis both of yr brain(?? U have one ke?) size!

      Banyak cantik. More please!

    7. "I am not here to inspire.."

      Then why the heck are you continuously urging for the learning of Chinese ? Isn't it obvious you do know some Chinese and by implication, you are saying ONLY by knowing Chinese, then one would have the 'full' picture, the 'real' picture ? As far as can be seen, YOU don't even half a quarter picture, your knowledge of Chinese is not doing you any good....maybe in the hands of others who happened to be blessed with higher IQ and EQ, then the knowledge of Chinese is a tremendous help. Ain't doing any good in the hands of a dumb brick.

      Bye ~ Oops...mustn't forget to add...

      Celaka HY ( ha ha ha ha )

      ( a thank you to KongKang KangKong who inspire me this, LOL )
