
Monday, November 18, 2019

Chinese Malaysians are like 'Palestinians'

In 2001, after the USA suffered the tragic attacks from al Qaeda terrorists with nearly 3000 killed, and news reached the Middle-East about 9/11, there was great rejoicing in Palestine. Locals were seen dancing with joy and jubilation.

New York on 9/11, 2001 


The Palestinians who hated the Americans as another enemy because the USA has blindly supported their principal enemy the Israelis in oppressing them since 1948, couldn't help but being elated by the punishment and misfortune suffered by the American foe.

Many in the Western World like Australians were aghast at what they saw as wicked cruelty in Palestinians. How could those Arabs revelled in teh 9/11 tragedy?

But they didn't realise or refuse to realise that to the Palestinians, when faced on a daily basis, year in and year out, the utter oppression, helplessness and brutal victimisation from the far more militarily, politically & economically powerful Israelis and its American backer, every and any misfortune the antagonists suffered from, would be joyous and to be celebrated.

Hatred becomes even more pronounced when the enemy(s) was/is far far far too powerful, rendering them generally helpless without any practical solution. Thus every stumble, loss or tragedy the enemy(s) encounters would be considered as sweet justice from Heaven, and to be celebrated.

So read on, see and understand how the Malaysian 'Palestinians' who have "suffered" (in a way) generally in silence and helpless humiliation at the hands of Malaysia's institutionalised 'Yanks & Israelis' for years, behave when their opposition has suffered. 

Crowd cheers when DAP MP announces landslide defeat in Tg 
At a community event last night, Kepong MP Lim Lip Eng had to announce the Tanjung Piai by-election results to the audience, many of which were his constituents.

However, to his surprise, the audience broke into applause when Lim announced that the Pakatan Harapan had lost dramatically.

Most people in the audience were likely those who had supported Harapan in the last general election as Lim won with 92 percent of the vote.

Lim wrote briefly about his experience on Twitter and Malaysiakini contacted him today for details.

He explained that he was giving a speech at the Taman Pusat Kepong resident's association dinner and decided to share the outcome of the by-election mid-way.

"They clapped as though it was good news," said Lim.

"When I congratulated the by-election winner Wee Jeck Seng, they clapped even harder. Granted, Kepong MCA division members were present."

Wee Jeck Seng 

When asked for his reflections on the reaction, Lim said the lesson for Harapan was that the coalition has to fulfil its promises.

"In my speech, I said no more time-wasting. No more 'We've been in power for less than two years' or 'the manifesto can wait'. No more of that.

"We must fix a time frame. No more delays," said Lim, who claimed that this received the best reaction from the crowd that night.

As for DAP, Lim said the party has no choice but to go back to the voters and investigate how they think the party has strayed.

According to Malaysiakini's analysis, Harapan had suffered a small drop in Malay support in Tanjung Piai and a massive drop in support from Chinese voters.


  1. It was abundantly clear that DAP, PKR and Amanah were not really pushing hard campaigning in Tanjung Piai. They only pura pura go all out. LKS himself did not show up until Day 5, despite his constituency being just next door. In the end Toonsie himself and Muhyiddin (past Johor MB) had to personally campaign. In spite of that Bersatu got trashed.


    1. DAP did not lose this by-election. Bersatu did.

    2. DAP did not lose any seat in parliament. Bersatu did.

    3. The Chinese vote swing was not from DAP to MCA. It was from Bersatu to MCA

    The Chinese did not want to teach DAP a lesson. They wanted to teach Toonsie/Bersatu a lesson.

    So the only real loser is Bersatu/Toonsie. DAP, PKR (minus Azmin, Zuraida..) and Amanah won big. They secretly enjoyed seeing Bersatu/Toonsie humiliated.

    1. you are exactly like Zuraida Kamarudin who defended Mahathir (whilst you defend LKS & DAP), saying Tg Piai was NOT a referendum against Mahathir, wakakaka

    2. I think if dap contest, they will get additional 2.5k vote, dun forget there r still many zombie around, so the loss margin can reduce to 10086.

    3. Zuraidah is wrong.

      Simple logic. Bersatu was contesting, not DAP. Therefore Tanjung Piai is a referendum against Toonsie and his party, not DAP.

      In a contest between A and B, how can C be declared loser?

      Lim Lip Eng's constituents understood that, that's why they cheered.

  2. Poor analogy. Malaysian Chinese = Palestinians?

    Who then would be the Israeli Jews? The Malays?

    1. poor analogy? Think (a) who's the racist (b) Is Israel a ketuanan racist state? (c) who are the oppressed?


    2. a better one is people from Xinjiang Tibet hk twn the Palestinians, CCP the tuan.

    3. we were/are talking about Chinese Malaysians

    4. oh is it, then i would say many chinese msian sound exactly like a tuan when they comment on ccp.

    5. Or mfer sounds like a democratic lapdog when commenting about CCP!

  3. The videos of Palestinians cheering and celebrating 9/11 would come back to haunt them for years, until now.

    Many American taxpayers may not have realised then, and most Palestinians didn't care, was that the United States was the major funder of multi-lateral aid to Palestine. America was the single largest provider of UNRWA's budget.

    It was not until Donald Trump cut off American funding for UNRWA in 2018, that American taxpayers realised they were the single largest payer of Palestinian aid in the world.

    Today, there is no political support in America for reinstating aid to Palestine. UNRWA has lost 40% of its budget, and nobody is picking up the shortfall, not the Midas Rich Arabs, not China with its gigantic cash reserves.

    What do you expect , after the scenes of joy in Palestine after 9/11.

    1. quid pro quo (USA always have a quid pro quo) was for Palestinians to kuai kuai obey Israel

    2. Quid pro quo is allowed for the Palestine!

      What about quid pro quo for the Israelis?

      How yr simplistic bleeding heartish fart WORKS?

    3. USA is blindly beholden to Israel because the Christian Right in USA (Heartland of most Republican presidents and wannabe presidents) on the basis of their religion, support Land of the Hebrew, where Jesus will make His Second Coming (on condition Hebrews are still there)

    4. If USA is so blindly beholden to Israel, how come it continued to be the biggest funder of UNRWA from 1948 - 2018, a period of 70 years ?

      In this world , cold hard cash is the surest commitment, Put Your Money Where Your Mouth is, as they say.

      The flow of cash to the Palestinians only stopped after Donald Trump chopped it off.

    5. whenever USA puts money in an organisation like UNRWA, it's in its blind loyalty to Israel (for its Christian Right).

      The UNRWA is not only for Palestinian refugees but also for relief to Jewish and Arab Palestine refugees inside the State of Israel following the 1948 conflict. That went on for a while until until the Israeli government took over responsibility for Jewish refugees in 1952.

      Providing relief to Palestinians has the unstated aim of moderating, mollifying and ameliorating Palestinians' and general Arabs' hatred towards Israel, though it was a failure in this respect because Israel kept grabbing (robbing) land from the Palestinians (and instigating the Palestinians to rail and wage stupid war against the Israelis in the eyes of the American Christian Right, thus justifying Israeli continued oppression of the so-called terrorist)

    6. "Providing relief to Palestinians has the unstated aim of moderating, mollifying and ameliorating Palestinians' and general Arabs' hatred towards Israel…"

      Then, what have those ummat Islam done to moderating, mollifying and ameliorating the pains of the Palestinians BUT lip services!

      American Christian Right?

      There r many Palestinians WHO r Christianity faith too!

      White, perhaps?

      R Palestinians considered white?

      Is Jesus, white?

      Bigoted IS only been blindly reinforced by the intrinsic segmented nature of the Abrahamic believes!

    7. US Christian Right don't give an EFF for Palestinians - must be Hebrew (or rather Israelis of Judaism faith) - they believe jesus Second Coming will be dependent on the premise of "Hebrews walking the Holy Land AGAIN" - they want to ensure the AGAIN part

      Are they wrong or silly - for answer, ask our Muslim friends like followers of Zakir Naik: What is BLIND FAITH?

    8. You have been making totally fact-free statements which are impossible to prove or disprove.

      For 70 years, the USA was the largest contributor in the world for Palestinian aid - because they are beholden to the Christian Right and don't give an EFF for Palestinians.

      The USA recently cut-off aid to Palestinian aid - because they are beholden to the Christian Right and don't give an EFF for Palestinians.

      This is what I call Bull-shit thinking.

    9. you refused to read what I have written, deciding on your biased thinking - This is what I call Bull-shit thinking.
