
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Chin Peng shunned for his Chinese-ness, not communism

finance twitter:

Uproar Over Chin Peng’s Ashes But Happily Welcome Back ISIS Radicalized Terrorists

Yazid Sufaat an unrepentant JI terrorist with links to al Qaeda and the 9/11 terrorist attack
released by Malaysian police to reside under conditions in Ampang

he has been described as "The MOST Dangerous Man in Malaysia"

and they're tokking-kok sedition ab
out the ashes of a man long gone , with police wasting time probing the return of ashes to Malaysia instead of probing the Gay Sex Semburit video clip involving a minister

As the grand plan to form a new “Malay only” government fails to take off, the opposition continues their search for new racial and religious issues to play. The intention is to ensure ethnic Malays keep on hating the ethnic Chinese. The fallen Barisan Nasional coalition, after losing the government for the first time in 61 years, still cannot forget or forgive the Chinese for voting against them.

Up to 95% of Chinese voters had voted for the then-opposition Pakatan Harapan coalition in the May 2018 General Election. Chinese-based DAP, one of four components of the coalition, was the biggest beneficiary. Hence, the frustrated Barisan repetitively stirs up racial and religious sentiments among the Malays that they have lost power to the “Chinese, Christians and Communists”.

author missed out 'Chabor' wakakaka 

In reality, the Malays did not lose any power to the Chinese, Christians or Communists. The new prime minister is another Malay Muslim – Mahathir Mohamad. But considering the majority of the unemployable graduates consists of Malays, you don’t need a rocket scientist to tell how easy it is to influence and brainwash this community with fake news and false propaganda in social media.

Besides being the majority (61.7%) of the 32 million populations of Malaysia, the ethnic Malays dominate the civil service – 78.8%. The Malaysian army comprises 98% of Malays, while in the Royal Malaysia Police, 80% are Malays. In terms of King, Sultans, Malay Rulers and Governors, all of them – 100% – are Malay Muslims. So, how on earth could the Malays lose power?

Thanks to their insecurity and gullibility, the Malay community has again been bombarded with another mind-boggling threat – a dead man’s ashes. Yes, some Malays, despite claiming their race and religion are the most superior in the universe, are now spooked by the news that the ashes of former communist leader Chin Peng were brought back to the country.

While it’s understandable that opposition UMNO leaders would use the ashes to make a mountain out of a molehill, it’s jaw-dropping that Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and his deputy, Mohd Azis Jamman, have chosen to join the bandwagon and dance to the tune of the opposition party. Suddenly, the police resources are diverted to investigate how the ashes were brought home.

Apparently, the Royal Malaysia Force under the leadership of Mr. Muhyiddin tries to be the Malay champion after Opposition Chief Ismail Sabri Yaakob said even though Chin Peng is as dead as his ashes, the fact remained that he was a communist terrorist. Sabri said many soldiers, policemen and civilians were killed or injured during the conflict against the communists.

UMNO warlord Sabri Yaakob said – “Their families are still here, their grandchildren, children and wives. What happened to their fathers cannot be forgotten.” Well, using the same logic, thousands of people of Malaysia (then Malaya) were tortured, raped and killed by the Japanese during the World War 2 and their families – grandchildren, children and wives – are still here too.

So, why Malay leaders like Ismail Sabri Yaakob and Muhyiddin Yassin have zero issue whatsoever with the Japanese brutality, but foam at the mouth when learned that the ashes of Chin Peng was brought back on Sept 16 from Thailand (with a funeral ceremony being held on the same day)? How come the Malays could easily forget and forgive the Japanese cruelty, but not Chin Peng?

Heck, for some weird reasons, the Government of Malaysia had even allowed the building of a monument to remember fallen Japanese soldiers. Yes, the state of Kedah Tourism Department did not see it offensive when three giant billboards were erected to remember three Japanese soldiers who were killed during the Japanese Occupation in 1941.


Chin Peng, whose real name was Ong Boon Hua, died of cancer in Thailand on September 16, a month before his 89th birthday. Born in Sitiawan, Perak, the ashes of the former communist leader were thrown into the sea near Lumut, Perak and in the jungles in Titiwangsa Range without any memorial or grave.

The idiocy of those who lose sleep over the return of the ashes has gotten former Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Abdul Rahim Noor really impressed. The ex-top cop said those complaining about Chin Peng’s return in the form of ashes were either ignorant of the treaty, intentionally refusing to acknowledge that communism no longer exists, or are simply racist.

The treaty mentioned was the Hat Yai Peace Agreement signed in 1989, which saw the end of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) insurgency in the country after 40 years. The MCP delegation involved not only Chin Peng in his capacity as the secretary general, but also Abdullah Cik Dat (MCP chairman) and Rashid Maidin (MCP central committee member).

As part of the terms of the Hat Yai Accord signed on December 2, 1989, MCP members who laid down their arms would be allowed to return to their homeland if they wanted. A total of 330 former communist members was allowed to return to Malaysia, included its chairman Abdullah CD (Cik Dat). However, in the case of Chin Peng, the Malaysian government broke its own promise.

By ex-IGP Rahim Noor’s own admission, Chin Peng should be allowed to return home to Malaysia. However, his wish to return to his home in the coastal town of Sitiawan in Perak state to visit his parents’ graves and to eventually die there had been blocked by the government numerous times. In 2009, then-Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin insisted that Chin Peng cannot be allowed to return.

Depending on which angle you look at Chin Peng, the ageing guerrilla fighter might have ended up a national hero. During World War II, he took to the jungles to lead a fierce war against the Japanese, who occupied the then-British colony in 1941. He was even awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE), one of Britain’s highest honors, as well as two campaign medals from the British.

From the beginning, it’s all about racial and religious extremism. Even MCA, a component of the previous Barisan Nasional government admitted in 2013 that the refusal of the regime to allow Chin Peng’s burial in Malaysia was due to racially motivated decision. Yes, even among the communists, the colour of their skin will determine whether one can return home or not.

How could other leaders of the communist party like Syed Hamid Ali, Rashid Maidin and Shamsiah Faekah allowed to return to reside in Malaysia, but not Chin Peng? Former Prime Minister Najib Razak had labelled Chin Peng as a “terrorist leader that waged war on the nation”. Yet, the same Najib was impressed with ISIS and told his UMNO members in 2014 to learn the terrorists’ bravery.

Even though a new government has taken over, it’s business as usual for racism, extremism and bigotry in the country. As hilarious as it may sound, the Malaysian government has gladly welcome home its citizens who left to join the terror group Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL), but not the “ashes” of Chin Peng, an ethnic Chinese communist member who had died since 2013.

Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay, the head of Counter Terrorism for Special Branch, previously announced that Malaysians (all of them Malay-Muslims) who made the mistake of joining the ISIS may return provided they comply with enforcement checks and complete a one-month government-sanctioned rehabilitation programme.

Exactly how the police could be absolutely sure that the radicalised terrorists had made a mistake – and not shedding crocodile tears now that the ISIS has been defeated – is quite a mystery. However, Chin Peng, who signed the 1989 Hat Yai Peace Accords, was never granted permission to return home – even after his death in 2013 and his corpse was turned to ashes.

Despite being slapped by the United States as a transit point for terror groups in the latest “The Country Reports on Terrorism 2018”, Malaysia appears to take pride with its achievement. Amazingly, the same Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay said – “This is nothing new. In fact, such report (that Malaysia was a transit point for terror groups) had surfaced since the 1980s.”

Essentially, Malaysian police has done almost nothing since 1980s about the country being the terrorist haven – a favourite breeding ground for “Radical Islamic Terrorism”. Deputy Inspector-General of Police Mazlan Mansor said the police will be calling up the group of people who were involved in bringing back Chin Peng’s ashes. But he was silent about ISIS terrorists.

The best part was when the police, approved by the Home Ministry, found it fit to release notorious terrorist Yazid Sufaat, who had direct links to the September 11, 2001 terror attack in the United States. The convicted Malaysian terrorist, who acquired four tonnes of ammonium nitrate in 2000 in preparation for a foiled bombing plot in Singapore, was freed after serving only 2 years behind bars.

An “unrepentant” terrorist, the 55-year-old US-trained biochemist has previously been jailed three times in the past 17 years for terrorism-related activities. To justify the surprising release, the police said Yazid Sufaat will be under police surveillance for 2 years and will need to wear an electronic monitoring device (EMD). Why wasn’t Chin Peng given such a similar “privilege”?

Yazid is allowed to use a phone and is free to leave home except between 8pm and 6am. The terrorist can even freely accept visitors. Clearly, it screams hypocrisy and racism that dozens of ISIS terrorists and an unrepentant Al-Qaeda terrorist are welcome home with red carpet but not the ashes of Chin Peng. As a Chinese and a former communist leader, naturally Chin Peng is a perfect punching bag.

Instead of wasting taxpayers’ money investigating the ashes of a dead man, perhaps the police should explain to the public what they had done about the mysterious missing of a Christian pastor, Mr. Raymond Koh, and a Muslim social activist, Mr. Amri Che Mat. Malaysia’s human rights commission has concluded that the country’s police are behind the disappearance of both individuals.


  1. Chin Peng and his family came to Malaya from communist China. They don't belong here even if he fought the Japanese. Unfortunately he was not able to take over the peninsula on behalf of China. They all should have been deported to China like what Indonesia did to hundreds of thousands illegals and usurpers originating from the Chinese mainland in the last century. Go home and make your motherland proud.

    1. Chin Peng was born on 21 October 1924 into a middle-class family in Sitiawan, Perak, whilst Zakir Naik was born on 18 October 1965 in Mumbai, India


    2. i think mcp report to vietnam/ussr, not china, just like tunku at that time take advice from britain, not indonesia or any other muslim world.

    3. Celaka Eduard...hanya pandai with your fake news. Podah

    4. HY, what was Vietnam at that time?

    5. lai teck is a vietnamese n mcp was formed with instructions from moscow, while ho chi minh was the south east asia communist main base.

      china at that time have very few communist, they barely survive under kmt n later japanese, i dont think they hv the people n resources to get involve in nanyang.

      but of course when cp take over n china turn red, there is closer working relationship between mcp n ccp due to most member were chinese but still the taiko is moscow. mao n zhou make it clear ccp dun get involve in other countries domestic affair, but would support the
      propaganda of communism ideology, hence the saying that malaya would become a china satellite state is a bit absurd.

      that say, the obor could be a diff story, its a demonstration that economy can work equally good if not better under a authoritarian regime, on the assumption that human main function is to eat n shit, thats no diff with zombie.

      i think vietnam just used to be a base for ussr, nothing much. similar to singapore, just a base for usa in sea today.

  2. Wow, SOMEone's frothing at their mouth like a rabid dog. Classically conditioned to do so at the slightest mention of anything or anyone vaguely Chinese, maybe?

  3. Back in the 1980's , the Japanese were big investors in this region, like China now.
    I had dealings with a Japanese executive who mentioned he had been in Malaya before. Estimating his age - about 60 - I guess he was one of the Japanese invaders during WWII.

    I never asked him what he was doing here, but you never know, maybe he was one of those who had committed war crimes....most Japanese soldiers were involved, from at least a petty level, up to serious War Crimes.
    My dealings with him were strictly professional, and there was never any indication of him being a Fascist

    Any, let bygones be buried (NOT forgotten) as long as there is no revisionist whiteWash and their actions today are no longer threatening.

    Recently , Japan's new Emperor again spoke of Japan's deep remorse at their actions during World War 2. He wasn't even born then, and I appreciate what he said .

    Contrast that to actions by many here to sanitise, even glorify, CPM's War against Malaya/ Malaysia 1948 - 1989

    1. Who is sanitise, even glorify, CPM's War against Malaya/ Malaysia 1948 - 1989 here?

      Or u trying hard to sanitise, even glorify, an unjust War against MCP, happened in Malaya/Malaysia 1948 - 1989?

      I felt like vomiting to read these history revisionist, including treacherous Sungai Pelek Assemblyman Communist sympathiser Ronnoe Liu.

      FACT - the Communist Party of Malaya ,led by Chin Peng, murdered many, many innocent Malayan civilians.

      Deliberate , calculated murder.

      And not a single ounce of contrition today.

      At least Japan has repeatedly expressed their deep regrets.

      That is why I can let go the Japanese atrocities, but I CANNOT let go the CPM atrocities.

    3. Mfer, what happened to collateral damages (deliberate , calculated murders) done to both sides?

      Or u ONLY read what u want to read?

  4. The Japanese have great difficulty in SINCERELY apologizing for their WW2 war crimes and atrocities, mainly because their ancestors in the past were 'directly' involved.

    Most politicians are the sons / daughters / in-laws of those from the their former generation's political counterparts. This is especially true at the upper end of the echelon. For example, Shinzo Abe's mother is the daughter of Nobusuke Kishi , who was a minister in charge of munitions for WW2 in the infamous Tojo cabinet.

    Abe's deputy Tarō Asō is a direct descendent of Ōkubo Toshimichi , often hailed as one of the founders of Meiji Japan and every generation from Toshimichi to Aso have been in politics. 

    It is inconceivable for these Japanese to 'betray' their ancestors no matter what the atrocities committed. There were indeed some expressions of apologies given, but the problem is not a lack of apology.  The problem is the continual retraction afterwards and whitewashing of the history to turn the Japanese into victims instead of the aggressors that they were. One example is the Hashima island, where many Koreans were forcibly relocated and put to labor under the most inhumane conditions. After the site there were declared a UNESCO site, they promptly retracted their statements, saying that they did not mean to use the words "forced labor". The whitewashing of history in some school textbooks bound for the impressionable young minds of Japan, the yearly homage paid by their top echelon to their war criminals at the Yasukuni Shrine and the persistent refusal to remove the names of the Class A war criminals ( imagine German Chancellor Merkel giving yearly salute to Hitler's shrine !), the issue of 'Comfort Women' for which the Government of Japan persistently refusing to acknowledge any legal responsibilities....all these only point to the fact that Japan never really want to face up to her WW2 war crimes, and this mentality permeates in the whole society.

    Coming back to the whitewashing of history in school textbooks, it must be pointed out : the entirety of World War II is covered in 45 minutes or less in Japanese schools, and get this...out of this 45 minutes, 40 minutes are devoted to the dropping of A-bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki ! Given the pervasive historical distortion, it is not surprising that most Japanese in their heart of hearts feel that they themselves are the biggest victims of WW2 (mostly under the hands of Americans). Given the situation, one does wonder what might happen if Japan one day becomes powerful enough to challenge China and/or US. 

    Another thing about the Japanese...many have written about their 'sense of 'superiority' over the rest of the Asians, the only race they look to are the Westerners and at one point, the West even categorized the Japanese as 'White', their yellow skin notwithstanding :)
