
Friday, November 29, 2019

Anti Chin Peng ashes but pro Faekah Shamsiah?


Chin Peng (Ong Boon Hwa) 

Chin Peng's ashes and 'Heil Hitler!' salutes

by Kua Kia Soong

One would have thought that the return of Chin Peng’s ashes to his homeland would have led to a sigh of relief that there is finally closure to our turbulent anti-colonial history and perhaps some reflection leading to reconciliation for all who have suffered tragically during the “troubles”.

Instead, Bukit Aman CID director Huzir Mohamed has said that the police are investigating the group who had reportedly brought in the remains of former Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) secretary-general Chin Peng from Thailand to Malaysia.

So, it looks as though Chin Peng’s ashes are being treated like contraband drugs, the possession of which could make the possessors liable to terrifying penalties!

While this recent “storm in an urn” has been going on in West Malaysia, we read another report that a graduating student at the convocation ceremony of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), had given a “Heil Hitler” salute during the ceremony.

Despite such a blatant salute to fascism, it appears that this student received none of the reprimands accorded the Universiti of Malaya graduate who had carried a placard calling for the vice-chancellor to resign for racism. The graduate at UMS, known only as "Ibn Ruru" justified the salute by claiming solidarity with the plight of the Palestinians against the Israeli establishment, and venting his anger towards the Jewish people.

It is interesting that these two news items should appear in the same week given that Chin Peng was centrally involved with the anti-fascist and anti-colonial struggles that led to our independence in 1957. Did we not fight the Japanese fascists who were in the Axis with Hitler’s Germany?

One wonders what Malaysian students are taught today in schools and universities about fascism, Nazism and World War II that cost so many lives and resources. Who among our past leaders can we say sacrificed more in the struggle against Japanese fascism and British colonialism?

Today, we have forgiven the Japanese and our prime minister is the main proponent of the "Look East Policy". The leaders of post-colonial Malaysia never had any problems with the British anyway - independence was handed to the Alliance on a plate even though the British colonial power had sapped our workers and resources dry by then.

Forgiveness is indeed taught in all religions but our nation’s leaders maintain that Chin Peng and the CPM cannot be forgiven for their past actions during the Emergency. It is clear, however, that these leaders are certainly capable of selective forgiveness. Let us put all this into perspective.

During the 12-year Emergency when the CPM was waging a war against British colonialism, a total of 3,945 security forces, 2,473 civilians and 6,697 insurgents were killed. Because of this record, it is argued, Chin Peng and the CPM he led cannot be forgiven. Now, how does this compare with the casualties of the Japanese occupation?

During the Japanese Occupation of Malaya, more than 100,000 Malayans (mainly Chinese) were killed in the three years between 1942 and 1945. The Japanese killed 5000 Chinese in an operation called “Sook Qing” in just one month in February 1942 in Singapore. During the three years of occupation, 66,000 people were killed in Singapore.

The atrocities committed in the name of Japanese fascism during the Occupation left an indelible mark on those Malayans who suffered the terror of those dark years. And yet we are, quite rightly, prepared to forgive and reconcile with the Japanese even though their authorities have not formally recanted for their fascist and imperialist actions as the Germans have.

Do our history books extol the patriotic role of Chin Peng and the CPM during the struggle against Japanese expansionist aggression during World War II? The CPM-organised Malayan Peoples’ Anti-Japanese Army was decorated by the British queen in London after the war, but their contributions have not been acknowledged in our own country. How’s that? And how do our school textbooks portray this part of our history?

All over the world, the progressive democratic alliances were the true patriots who fought against German and Japanese fascism during World War II. Can we name any of our independence leaders who distinguished themselves during that effort to liberate our country from Japanese occupation?

Our nation’s leaders say that the CPM’s insurrection against British colonialism was wrong but what alternative strategy did the Alliance have to liberate the country from colonial exploitation? Do they believe that independence could have been won without the insurrection against British colonial power?

My research at the British archives shows that the Malayan Emergency was essential for securing western economic, political and military-strategic interests. With this aim in mind, it was the British High Commissioner who had initiated an “Alliance” formula between the Malay aristocracy and non-Malay capitalist interests which led to the post-colonial status quo.

The colonial strategy against the CPM and the workers’ movement can be seen in the fact that the Emergency was declared by the British colonial power in June 1948, while the CPM only launched their armed struggle in December 1948.

Against 10,000 Malayan National Liberation Army regulars, the colonial power arraigned 40,000 British Commonwealth troops; 70,000 armed police; 300,000 Home guards, “including aircraft, artillery and naval support…perhaps the largest armed force in proportion to population ever used in a colonial war.”

Anthony Short (UM lecturer, later Aberdeen University) was commissioned to write the official history of the Emergency but his work was rejected by the Malayan Government. Why?

Bukit Kepong was screened by the BN government at every election before 2018, but where is Mat Indera in the film when he was the Malay CPM leader who led the assault on the police station at Bukit Kepong? This telling fact was exposed by none other than the present Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu when he was in the opposition previously.

Mat Sabu and book on Mat Indera the communist fighter but proclaimed as 'pejuang kemerdekaan' whilst Chin Peng sebagai 'pembunuh Melayu'

The rest, as they say, is history. The task for us reflective Malaysians is to painstakingly record the contributions of all true, progressive Malaysians who have contributed to our blessed homeland. Let Chin Peng rest in peace while we continue our struggle against racism and fascism in the world today. As the British Poet Laureate John Betjeman put it so wittily:

“History must not be written with bias,
Both sides should be given,
Even if there is only one side…”


  1. I abhor the current campaign by some to turn Chin Peng into a hero.
    He led the MPAJA which fought the Japanese, for which he was honoured.

    His subsequent leadership of the murderous campaign of terror against Malayan/Malaysian civilians negates whatever good he did during the war against Japan.

    I regard Ong Boon Hwa as a traitor against his country.

    Yah, let his ashes come back and his relatives scatter them where they want.

    But do not try to glorify what he did 1948 - 1988.

  2. The student's Heil Hitler” salute during the graduation ceremony has the same mentality as Ktemoc's favourite photograph superimposing the Nazi swastika on the Israeli flag.
    Ye . Both are execrable use of Fascist symbolism in support of the Palestinian cause and should be punished.

    1. wakakaka, what Bullshit - student Hitlerian salute was a praise of Nazi genocidal treatment of Jews

      my superimposition of the Swastika on the Israeli flag was/is a reminder to Israelis (not necessarily Jews) and their sympathisers that the state of Israel is today behaving like their Nazi oppressors of WWII

      stop being blinded and choked by your humongous intake of dedak, wakakaka


      Earlier this year, University of Sydney sacked a lecturer for superimposing a Nazi swastika over an Israeli flag.

      I am sure his arguments were just like yours - and just as unacceptable.

    3. firstly, he was a nut case

      secondly, western universities and governments are truly well-dedak-ised by very strong and powerful Jewish lobbies - Australia (both Coalition and Labor Parties) definitely is one of those financed by the very powerful Jewish lobby - some of Australia's richest are Jews

      Haaretz said:

      South African emigre Ivan Glasenberg, the chief executive of Glencore, is second on the Forbes list with a fortune estimated at around $7 billion; Westfield Group chief Frank Lowy, a Czech-born Holocaust survivor who arrived penniless in Australia via Israel in 1952, is fifth and worth almost $4.5 billion; property tycoon Harry Triguboff, the son of Russian Jews who was born in China before immigrating to Australia in 1947, is sixth with about $4 billion; Anthony Pratt, the boss of the cardboard recycling giant Visy, whose father came as a refugee from prewar Poland, is seventh with an estimated $3.5 billion; and Australian-born businessman John Gandel, the son of Polish-immigrant parents, is listed eighth with $3 billion.

      Wiki says:

      The Jewish day school system provides an excellent academic, religious, Zionist, sporting and social experience. In recent decades, the ultra-orthodox and Reform movements have established their own schools and community schools have also formed. All in all, there are 19 Jewish day schools in Australia. It is estimated that in Melbourne between 70% and 75% of all Jewish students attend a Jewish school at some stage of their schooling. In Sydney, this figure is 62%. In 1996, over 10,000 Jewish students attended a Jewish school in Australia.

      Jewish day schools in Australia are much more expensive than the government/state schools. Therefore, a number of state schools, especially in Sydney, have a large number of Jewish students. The Boards of Jewish Education attend to the Jewish educational needs of such students. As a result, several state schools offer Hebrew or Jewish Studies as elective courses. Further, a number of education boards also attend to Jewish students in the smaller centres of Adelaide, Brisbane and Canberra.

      In addition to Jewish education at a school level, Australian Jewry have opportunities for Jewish higher education. The University of Sydney and Monash University in Melbourne both have full Jewish Studies departments, allowing students to study Jewish Civilization, Hebrew (Modern and Classical), Holocaust Studies, Yiddish and Zionism. Adult Jewish learning is also very popular in Australia, with the Melton Adult Education Program offering a variety of popular programs linked to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Rabbinical College of Australia and New Zealand offers post-High School education in Jewish studies.

      Multiculturalism as an ideology developed in Australia during the 1970s. During this period, Jewish cultural life expanded and was in some cases assisted by the government. There are numerous cultural and social organisations, Jewish radio shows and newspapers, and Jewish museums in both Melbourne and Sydney

  3. maybe the japanese is here to liberate malaya from colonialism.

    why this phrase sound so familiar one? i think i read it from somewhere.

    1. Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (Japanese: 大東亞共榮圈/大東亜共栄圏 Hepburn: Dai Tōa Kyōeiken)

    2. Now Chinan is building the Greater China Co-Prosperity Sphere, with full support from Chinese Malaysians, and Malays as well.

    3. As people like u WANTED so much to fabricate.

      So as to massage yr anti CCP hatred!

  4. Chin Peng fought the British with the ulterior motive to take over Tanah Melayu for the sole purpose of Chinese hegemony over the Nusantara.
    Let those ashes burn forever in the inferno.

    1. Mfer, pray to yr god for that to happen if he is not too busy to jaga those inferno flame currently cooking the souls of the jihadists!

  5. KT, fully agreed with your article.
    Even we have people playing "Bad cop, Good Cop" on this issue.
    Never trust any politician.

  6. KT is so kind and forgiving to Chin Peng, come to his defence etc even though he and his gang killed many.

    But for Toonsie, LKS, Guanee, Tony Pua etc no mercy, only hate (?) ha ha ha...they never killed anyone did they...?

    1. worse than Chin Peng, they kill our dreams, hope, trust and future

    2. Does anyone still bother to care about the dreams, hopes, trust and lost future of the civilians who were deliberately murdered by the Communist Party of Malaya that Chin Peng was the supreme leader ?

    3. good question - what about those hundreds of thousands killed by Japs during WWII, Brits pre WWII, and those in May 13?

    4. The surviving top Japanese leaders who had started WWII were tried in courts , and hanged. Post War Japan has foresworn the act of war, and that is why a peaceful, non-threatening Japan has been accepted back as a normal nation.
      Any actions to glorify Japan's role and behaviour in WWII has been heavily condemned.

      Unlike Kua's writing above, which attempts to portray Chin Peng's CPM role as that of a freedom fighter, which I strongly condemn.

    5. Japan lost teh war which has been why her leaders had to eat shit.

      CPM did not lose the war; there was a Peace Accord (Treaty) but which Mahathir's government reneged on

      how can you compare the two, like apples to oranges? Don't talk cock lah

    6. There are two separate matters here, apples and oranges.
      One - The Haatyai Peace Accord, by all means go ahead to insist the terms should be adhered to.
      Two - Attempts by some (like Kua above) to sanitise, nay, glorify CPM's and Chin Peng actions during 1948 - 1989 as freedom fighters and gloss over the murder of so many civilians.
      This I strongly condemn.

    7. Yr Two above is just but attempt to simplify a sopo struggle that has led u sored to the soul (bcoz u come from a 'rich' family background that most CPM members were affronted to.)!!

      CPM's and Chin Peng actions during 1948 - 1989 as freedom fighters and gloss over the murder of so many civilians were the ONLY side of the stories that u wanted so much to propagate.

      What about the equal & atrocious treatments done to the CPM members, families by the pommie Malaya & ketuanan M'sia administrations?

      Ain't many of those people civilians too, but with different political ideology inclination?

      Or yr winner side story has the righteousness claim as u so wanted to showcase.

      Thus, yr strongly condemned chant IS bias, true & through!

      Maybe munafik too.

    8. from my reading in the past, monster condemn both, u r the munafik that always side anything communist, we r still waiting for u to vote with yr feet n move to ccp china.

    9. Wakakakakaka…

      Vitriols from a rd & small-minded moron!

      From my reading in the past, monster condemned anything communism related. Just like u.

      U r that true munafik that always side with anything demoncratic!

      & mfer, who r u to tell where should I live?

      Using yr f*cked logic, why r u still stay put in bolihland where yr K9 r having a field day running yr shows of demoncracy?

      Same kind of 'understanding' as those HK 废青 vis-a-viz their indoctrinated western inclination of don't-challenge-what-I-said-otherwise-my-group-would-wollop-u demoncracy!

    10. Celaka HY gone demon-crazy
