
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Anarchy prevails in Hong Kong

SBS - Hong Kong 'pushed to the brink of total breakdown,' police warn.

This morning I watch a video on SBS TV (Australia) and saw a Hong Kong protester shooting arrows at policemen - didn't that make him a wannabe MURDERER of policemen?

Silence from the USA and Amnesty International 

Shame we don't get to hear Amnesty International or the USA saying anything about this criminal act of murderous atrocity.

And the USA keeps bleating that China shouldn't meddle in the freedoms guaranteed under the "one country, two systems" formula put in place when the territory returned to China in 1997.

Can anyone help point out what meddling has China done thus far to the "one country, two systems" arrangements?

Hong Kong protesters set a man who didn't agree with their protest alight - the victim is in a serious critical condition

Silence from the USA and Amnesty International

Hadn't the Extradition Bill proposed been evidence of China's respect for the system?

Why are the HK protesters continuing their violence when the contentious Extradition Bill has already been withdrawn? In fact their militant and anarchic violence violates the "one country, two systems" formula?

There's no doubt there has been gross interference and intrusive meddling by foreign elements (we know who) when we consider how these entities keep criticising China even when it does nothing to inflame the situation, but keep silent when out-of-control protesters resorted to despicable acts of brutal violence against not only the police but to ordinary HK civilians, anyone who disagrees with them. Innocent shops, malls, MRT stations, vehicles etc have been atrociously vandalised. Anarchy now prevails in Hong Kong.

The HK police, while having shot a couple of protesters (no doubt out of necessity for their own safety), have been extremely disciplined and restraint, considering the violence, atrocities and stress the protesters have subjected them to day in day out.

Carrie Lam, CE HK, has shown her calm and restraint in refusing to act even proportionately against the protesters. As I mentioned to a matey, Carrie Lam is a Hongkie herself, a mother, and a world leader thus we cannot expect her to easily lose her cool, patience and forbearance with young thugs and anarchists but to keep searching for a mature and considered solution to the riots. 


  1. "gross interference and intrusive meddling by foreign elements"

    You state it like a statement of fact.

    Where is the Evidence ?

    1. in 2014, just a mere 5 years ago, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a private non-profit foundation in the US, has been funding the local pro-democracy movement.

      Leaders of Occupy Central had met Louisa Greve, a vice-president of the NED. The NED said the projects it had supported in Hong Kong focused on encouraging good governance, supporting informed citizen engagement in the political process, and protecting human rights, the statement said.
      NED projects for Hong Kong totalled US$695,031 last year. The Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor is one of the groups in Hong Kong that received funding from the NED last year. The NED receives funding from the US Congress and supports over 1,000 projects of non-government groups overseas each year.

      Accusations of collusion between the United States and the Hong Kong protests showed in published articles which included a photo of an American diplomat whom China accused of contributing to civil unrest, meeting in Hong Kong with leaders of Demosistō including Joshua Wong and Nathan Law and other pro-democracy figures including Anson Chan and Martin Lee

      From Wiki: In September, the [Chinese] Foreign Ministry called a meeting between Joshua Wong and the German Foreign Minister as "disrespectful of China's sovereignty and an interference in China's internal affairs". The meeting came after German Chancellor Angela Merkel's trip to the PRC, where she said that the rights and freedoms of people in Hong Kong "must be guaranteed" and to whom Wong had written an open letter seeking her backing for the protests - what right does Angela Merkel has to comment on behalf of Hong Kong, a region of China?

    2. Just today, The chairperson of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee said yesterday he wanted the Senate to pass legislation to support pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, as violence rose in the Chinese-ruled city wracked by months of unrest.

      Republican Senator Jim Risch noted that he is a co-sponsor and “strong proponent” of the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act,” which would place Hong Kong’s special treatment by the United States under tighter scrutiny.

      “We want it moved,”

    3. Diplomatic missions all over the world have the duty to assess and report back to their home governments on the conditions , and thoughts of the people in their host country.
      That involves talking to a wide range of people, and yes, including Opposition leaders and members. That does not count as interference, just doing their job.

      The kleptocratic Najib Administration had the same misunderstanding when it protested against US embassy officials turning up to listen to Pakatan Harapan functions.

      Anson Chan is the highly respected retired Chief Secretary of the Hong Kong Civil Service, hardly a terrorist.

      Angela Merkel gave a broad statement of principles in support of human rights and freedom in Hong Kong....Indon't count that as meddling.

  2. We are getting this all wrong.

    What started out as a small issue (extradition law) was capitalised by Beijing to accelerate the 50-year "One-Country-Two-Systems" experiment. Beijing don't want to wait till 2047 to fully absorb HK. No patience. They want it now. As entre. Taiwan is main course. South China Sea is dessert. Then Cambodia, Mongolia, Malaysia.....One Belt One Road....My Road.

    The mobs doing all the violence are backed by Beijing. Create chaos, then The Red Army will simply march in, welcomed by the locals.

    1. A wet dream in making!

      Simple question - why Beijing still sits tight with their 'red army' while HK burns?

      "The mobs doing all the violence are backed by Beijing. "


      Yr f*cked deduction that even those k9 caretakers DARE not to announce in the faces of overwhelming foreign interferences (especially uncle Sam) in words & money!
