
Monday, October 28, 2019

Padan muka Hong Kong


HONG KONG: Hong Kong has fallen into recession, hit by more than five months of anti-government protests that show no signs of relenting, and is unlikely to achieve annual economic growth this year, the city’s Financial Secretary said.

Protests in Hong Kong have reached its 21st week and show no signs of relenting. (Reuters pic)

“The blow to our economy is comprehensive,” Paul Chan said in a blog post yesterday, adding that a preliminary estimate for third-quarter GDP on Thursday would show two successive quarters of contraction – the technical definition of a recession.

He also said it would be “extremely difficult” to achieve the government’s pre-protest forecast of 0-1% annual economic growth.

Protests in the former British colony have reached their 21st week. Yesterday, black-clad and masked demonstrators set fire to shops and hurled petrol bombs at police who responded with tear gas, water cannon and rubber bullets.

Protesters have routinely torched store fronts and businesses including banks, particularly those owned by mainland Chinese companies and vandalised the city’s metro system MTR Corp as they view it as acting at the government’s behest to curtail protests.

The MTR has shut services early for the past few weeks and said it will close around two hours earlier than normal today by 11pm to repair damaged facilities.

Tourist numbers have plummeted, a decline Chan called an “emergency” with the drop in visitor numbers worsening in October, down nearly 50%.

Retail operators, from prime shopping malls to mom and pop businesses, have been forced to shutter for multiple days over the past few months.

While authorities have announced measures to support local small and medium sized enterprises, Chan said the measures could only “slightly reduce the pressure”.

“Let citizens return to normal life, let industry and commerce to operate normally, and create more space for rational dialogue,” he wrote.

Protesters are angry about what they view as increasing interference by Beijing in Hong Kong, which returned to Chinese rule in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” formula intended to guarantee freedoms not seen on the mainland.

China denies meddling. It has accused foreign governments, including the United States and Britain, of stirring up trouble.


  1. Considering that Hong Kong is next door , with vast intelligence resources at its call, China has not been able to serve up a single shred of credible evidence of US stirring up trouble in Hong Kong.
    Public statements of concern from the State Department don't cou t as interference

    1. and in what way has China eroded HK rights, as alleged by USA?

    2. "… single shred of credible evidence of US stirring up trouble in Hong Kong."


      Let Nathan Rich, the CCP paid propagandist as fitnah-ed by u, answers u.

      But will a f*cked head with blind CCP hate open to reasoning?

      Most likely NO.

      But then, this comment is not for him - a definite waste effort.

      It's for those out there who happened to read this post & don't know the facts as so succinctly describes by Nathan.

    3. we all know nathan rich love hot pot that come with ccp dedak, take out the dedak he is no diff with utusan writer, both cant find a job.

    4. So eating favorites now becomes yr fart filled attack!

      If u fitnah Nathan Rich is been enticed with CCP dedak, what about u?

      Uncle Sam's shit remains for doggy must be the best meal of the k9 caretaker.

    5. me no blogger, no youtuber, no working/living in ccp china or usa/west, no attend anglo school, pay tax to msia, vote in msia, see the diff whos a ccp/usa dedak eater?

    6. What have THOSE farts u have mentioned, got to do with yr fitnah about Nathan Rich?

      Dedak eaters come in all sizes! But the most easier to spot is mfer like u.

      Making all sorts of fitnah, then claimed u do these & that to justify yr shits!

      Mfer, do remember, u r maybe only good in one-liner statement. The more u fart, the more yr inadequacy shows.

      Tak malu ke?

      Or yr ketusnan freak drinking pals have infested u with their (tak)maruah display syndrome?

    7. all the facts i express n implied show that has every reason to support ccp, like how the utusan staff n so called historian kkk support umno.

    8. What FACTS?

      "…no blogger, no youtuber, no working/living in ccp china or usa/west, no attend anglo school, pay tax to msia, vote in msia, …"


      Vis-a-vis Nathan Rich's YouTube presentations of China facts!

      Do write some more. Many r laugh waiting for more monkeying & irrational farts from u!

  2. Protesters have actually met their target. Now they're continuing their protest for a simple reason that shit stirers just want to stir shit

  3. padan muka ccp, still waiting for their not so harmony os, growth now below 6% n ccp ass licking propagandist comic kena ban, now only left with some hypo living in the west n democracy to defend their lies.

    1. Is that the best u can shout when u r been caught with yr pants down?

      Mfer, u wrote what u wrote bcoz within that cozy tempurung of yrs, that's what u want to see mah!

      If u dare to crawl out from that shithole then u will faint knowing how many people, not necessarily only those living in the demoncratic west, r actually voicing out for CCP vis-a-vis the affairs surrounding China!

      Eat yr heart out ler, mfer. Better stay within that hive & play with yr zombies, closet ketuanan freaks. The moment u step out, u will turn into a real 脑残 caused by massive 脑中风!

    2. as usual ccp n their lackeys could only attack the person n not the message. mine is a reciprocal response to tis article, which statement i made is not a fact? do more reading la, watch too much ccp comic harm yr brain.

    3. Wakakakaka…


      Wow, a know-nothing - best for acting as a canon ash messenger boy, wants to dissect infos he just rant about!

      The statements u have farted about r just regurgitated twisted shit that u read but cannot distinguished!

      CCP comic definitely better than what u have as usual - demoncratic manna to fill out CCP hate.

    4. i know factual shit is not that easy to ingest. read yr comic la, suit yr intelligence.

    5. Let's dissect yr factual shits for fun (wakakakaka… more to prove that u only know how to regurgitate yr uncle's shits)

      1) "still waiting for their not so harmony os"

      For a f*cked-head hiding inside a cozy tempurung, u obviously DON'T know that Harmony OS is already been deployed in the latest Huawei smart phones & telecommunication equipments.

      蹈光养晦 & 肥水不流外人田 Mah!

      But then how do a f*cked head with zilch technical knowledge understand this?

      2) "growth now below 6%"

      So what do u want - still in the range of 9-10% GDP growth rate in the light of the current irrational trade war initiated by the biggest bigmouth yr uncle Sam ever produced?

      Besides, it's within the low 6% - not below 6. Any country in the world can do better with the size of economic cake that China commands now?

      Obviously, mfer like u, with zilch economic sense (mind u, not even training) can fathom!

      Wakakakaka… u better read more of those economic predictions about China from that infamous China doomsayer - Gordon Chang lah. Definitely will lead u to our financial ruine!

      3) "ccp ass licking propagandist comic kena ba"

      Wakakakaka… CCP ass licking propagandist comic?!

      How cone when that comic was present to Xi by mamak, that ccp ass licking propagandist theme was never mentioned?

      Ask yr closet ketuanan freaks about it during yr next dangdut happy hours lah!
      Their clarification would put to rest about yr insight about bolihland sopo developments!

      4) CCP defense?

      Done with & do refer to previous comment!

      Prove once again a real 脑残 losing his ability to read & understand!

      Mfer, satisfied?


    6. 1) hahahahaha

      2) then i can oso say hk gdp per capita is 5 times higher than china, so if china no issue, y tis article so kpc talk abt hk?

      3) i dun know, moreover who dare to sound a dictator? i mean 2 dictators.

      4) only in a democracy u r allowed the freedom to express yr view, be it agree or defend ccp. in a authoritarian regime u can only hv one side of story, its not defense, its lie. i think thats oso y do it in utube, not youku wakakaka.

      now go read comic, boy.

    7. 1) haha haha… the cry of a tin-kosong mfer!

      2) "hk gdp per capita is 5 times higher than china"!!!


      GDP growth rate ≠ GDP per capita

      GDP measures the economic output of a nation. It's at best a half cooked econ matrix so often quoted by hp6 econ wannabe.

      The GDP growth rate measures how fast the economy is growing. It does this by comparing one quarter of the country's gross domestic product to the previous quarter.

      GDP per capita is a measure of a country's economic output that accounts for its number of people. It divides the country's gross domestic product by its total population. That makes it a good measurement of a country's standard of living. It tells you how prosperous a country feels to each of its citizens.

      HK's GDP growth rate has not been in the league of China for the past 20+yrs & is still declining!

      Besides yr claimed of HK's 5x GDP per cspital is obviously due to her VERY much smaller population count vis-a-vis China.

      Moreover, the GDP per capita is an average numeric that doesn't truly reflect the REAL economic status of the populace due to the huge income GAP existed in HK amongst the super rich & the ordinary hkies.

      The current 废青 riots have indeed pushed HK GDP growth rate into negative territory. So what the fart IS yr claimed of kpc?

      Do write some more about yr 'knowlegeable' econ insights. The more u wrote, the more u r showing that gordan-chengish level of econ sense!

      Bagus lah.

      3) so u don't know lah! Then what the f*ck is yr rant? To prove yr now openly known stupidity?

      Quick, take my advice & seek "carifications" from yr ketuanan freak drinking pals. So all of u can be laughed off the cliff.

      4) "…i think thats oso y do it in utube, not youku…"


      Obviously u have known nothing about the freedom to protest as seen in Youku!

      Do u know that many corruption cases in China were brought to the open via Youku disclosures? So, how does that jive with yr "a authoritarian regime can only hv one side of story, its not defense…"?

      Oooop… like yr usual self, shooting from the mouth using regurgitated shits that u haven't clearly analyzed & understand. U just want to syiok yr 2cent CCP hatred lah!

      Besides, Nathan Rich does what he does in YouTube IS bcoz 99% of the materials where he wanted to defense/object appeared in YouTube, not Youku! NR is smart enough not to waste his time & effort preaching to the people who share his similar ideas. Hence propagating his China defenses in YouTube, where most of the twisted farts lied, despite the fact that YouTube demobilized his presentations! Reaching out, not making money IS his aim.

      U don't want to know that, RIGHT, mfer?

      Perhaps, reading some comic can help to improve our level of maturity!

      Now, go play dead at that corner - 物以类聚 for a k9 caretaker.

    8. 1) i know u r crying reading yr own joke.

      2) a millionaire can afford to hv stagnens growth as compare to a peasant, this is common sense, no need econs theory. moreover the title of this article is padan muka.

      3) i dun know what others think, unlike u. to me, its definitely a ccp ass licking comic, n later turn to become a asslicking propaganda when try to brainwash school kids. u tell me if u hv other view.

      4) anyone know ccp politics aware that xi is infamous for anti corruption campaign target towards jiang faction, its still one side of story to influence the commonner perception, u cant learn this from reading comics.

      utube reward for being able to attract ccp zombie, now go watch utube n become one wakaka.

    9. 1) Pandan muka indeed! No need to argue, we ALL know who's crying & laughing!

      Wakakakaka… “死鸡撑饭盖” - u tak ada maruah ke?

      Ooop… ketuanan infestation terlalu kuat! Betul tak?

      2) know-nothing is know nothing lah!

      Hp6 sinology, lousy economic understanding & inches thick facial skin - no matter how u want to twist, u r in the trap u set yrself ni.

      3) who's asking u? The readers know best when a clown is trying his best to earn a laugh.

      Brain wash school kids - as in brainwashing those HK 废青?

      Wakakakaka… keep going for an extra mile of yr monkeying. Many have not stop laughing yet!

      4) why u so location about other's internal conflicts - too free?

      Then better looking inwards to yr favourite Formosa lah. Is tsai any better? One definitely can learn something from her comical acts!

      YouTube demonitized (that's no ad commissions for whatsoever presentations done via YouTube) NR's YouTube presentations!

      So what YouTube rewards u r talking about?

      Ooop… unlike those f*cked Taiwanese sopo 名嘴 farting about anything to earn their keeps!

      U buat tak tau or u r brain dead already?

      Tsk… tsk… write some more lah & let yr monkeying show continues!

