
Sunday, October 20, 2019

Incompetent VC of UM


Yoursay: Why isn’t there any discussion on VC’s speech?

YOURSAY | ‘Clearly, the VC is unsuited for his role as a leader of a ‘prestigious’ university...’

Anonymous 770241447347646: Convocations are not the right place to hold a protest. That we can agree with you, Minister of Youth and Sports Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman.

But what Universiti Malaya (UM) vice-chancellor (VC) Abdul Rahman Hashim did is also wrong. Why did he use a university for his personal agenda? Why was he not reprimanded for his actions?

Why was only the student, Wong Yan Ke, hauled up? It should cut both ways.

If the VC had not resorted to such actions and statements (during the Malay Dignity Congress), the students would not have acted as they did.

Suq Madeeq: Is there such a thing as a "right" place to protest? Isn’t a protest by definition supposed to be disruptive? What’s the point of protesting alone in a corner if no one will hear or see you?

Actually, if UM had just dealt with this internally, it would not have been an issue. However, because the university lodged a police report against its own student, it became a big deal.

By the way, is there also a "right" place to make racist speeches or is that something that can be done anytime, anywhere?

Goldfinger: Well put, Syed Saddiq. Some balance and sanity amidst the recriminations.

Analyser: @Goldfinger, perhaps, instead of idolising Syed Saddiq, you should suggest he check up on the dictionary definition of “hypocrisy”. Meanwhile, you should also check the meanings of “balance” and “sanity”.

It is simply not acceptable to support freedom of speech and then put geographical limitations on its practice.

Protests by their very nature are disruptive, particularly in this case where students have moderately voiced a valid opinion and they have been ignored.

Clearly, the VC is unsuited for his role as a leader of a “prestigious” university and a role model to young Malaysians.

Like so many people in high office in this country, their appointment has nothing to do with merit.

Hmmmmmmmm: Syed Saddiq, have you even heard what you just said? Everything you said was about how it was the wrong time and place for the graduate to protest but nothing about the VC's racist speeches which started all these.

From this, I guess you do not see anything wrong with Abdul Rahim’s speech. Any sane morally upright person would immediately be offended by racist speeches but seemingly not you or the rest of the government.

By the way, for a protest to be effective, timing and location are everything. In this respect, the student protester has scored an “A”.

Thickskin: Yes, precisely because of families, friends, fellow students, lecturers, VIPs and of course, the racist VP were present, it was not only the right place and time to protest but the perfect place and time.

The fact that so much publicity was given to the protest proves it. If Wong had protested alone in an empty stadium at midnight, would it be effective?

Non Compliant Non Liar: Syed Saddiq, on the contrary, when the VC is being high-handed and prejudiced, the authorities have lost their right to decide what is right or wrong.

You are not fit to be a minister when you do not stand up for the rights of all Malaysians. You have shown that you are biased, unfair, whimsical and as such, are not qualified to be a leader.

I don't see how Wong has committed a crime to merit action from the police.

Gerard Lourdesamy: Minister, you should have advised Abdul Rahim to step down instead and become a full-time politician. There is nothing wrong with protesting at a convocation.

It has been done many times in universities abroad. The VC brought it on himself by his own poor management of the university and his rabid racism displayed at the Malay Dignity Congress.

Today another lackey of this VC in the faculty of sciences is demanding that the student's scroll and transcript be withheld because of his behaviour that apparently “insulted” the ceremony and the chancellor.

The ceremony is not a natural person for it to be insulted. Neither is it religious or sacred.

Under which university regulations can the scroll and transcript be withheld when the degree has already been conferred? I hope the student sues the VC, the board of directors, and the university for breach of contract and claim damages.

The problem with UM is that it is being run by a group beholden to politicians. They have been appointed not because of their abilities, competence or experience.

Oriole: Are you addressing the crucial issues of:

1. The racist comments made by a VC who is supposed to be a VC for all students and staff?

2. The fact that this educational institution helped to organise an ethnocentric event that resulted in the bashing of minorities?

3. The fact that students tried to approach the education minister, who then deflected his responsibility by asking the students to sort things out by themselves?

4. The issues of racism and promotion of Malay interests have been an ongoing situation in universities and minorities are often sidelined in both studies as well as in job opportunities at these educational institutions?

If you have an iota of ability to empathise and to reflect on the decades of discrimination and harassment of minorities in public universities, you would not be openly uttering such holier than thou inanities.

Work for all Malaysians and stop your tendency for ethnocentric sympathies. Good luck with this.

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