
Saturday, October 19, 2019

HK protesters trying to humiliate and bring down its own government

Has Hong Kong and its residents throughout the centuries ever experienced 'democracy' under its various rulers, Chinese dynasties up to the Qing (Manchu), 156 years of British Colonialism and now the People's Republic of China?

shameless HK protesters waving US flags
America should 'adopt' these 'patriotic' pseudo-Americans & take them home to the USA 

Yet it (the protesters) now brazenly wants among its non-negotiable 'five demands', the practice of 'universal suffrage', even though its people can already vote in local elections but admittedly the candidates have to be approved by a committee whose majority of its members have political/economical links to the Communist Party of China.

The protesters seem to be suffering from the wet dream of becoming totally independent (from China) nation like a bustling Singapore.

They forget Hong Kong has a different history and politics. The British in a sneaky sinister scheme had the last Pommie Governor of HK Chris Patten encouraging and giving impression to the HK guppies into believing they could enjoy democracy on their own if they struggled for it (not mentioned was they need NOT run away to Mother England who didn't and still doesn't want them, unlike white sheep farmers from Falklands etc).

Baron Patten of Barnes, CH, PC 

Thus Mother England washed her 'Pontius Pilate' hands off her 7 million 'former' citizens but ones with slanted eyes and yellow skins, thanks to Chris Patten's brilliant deception. His grateful country made him a baron, hallelujah. Mangy old lion as she might have been, no one deceived as well as England had.

Even Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong remarked of the current HK protests, that "Hong Kong protesters demanding universal suffrage and an amnesty for those charged with rioting are trying to humiliate and bring down the Chinese-ruled city’s government."

“The demonstrators say they have five major demands and not one can be compromised but those are not demands which are meant to be a program to solve Hong Kong’s problems. Those are demands which are intended to humiliate and bring down the government.”

“There is no simple solution ... to say we want universal suffrage, but Hong Kong is not a country, it is a special administrative region.”

“When Hong Kong is troubled, when there are demonstrations or worse riots, when the chief executive is booed out of the Legislative Council chamber, I think that is very sad for Hong Kong and bad for the region. We look on with concern.”

Undeniably, there has been 'outside' incitement plus (political, financial and advisory) prompting, but the reality is HK cannot survive on its own. All China has to do is to sit tight (as she has been doing though the US and EU have accused her of oppressing HK) and let the protesters destroy themselves and, unfortunately, the rest of the Hong Kong population with them, but to be truthful, such trivialities of 7 million suffering people in HK would in all likelihood be of little consequence to Beijing who looks at a far bigger picture.

The US Congress has passed an extra curricular intrusive Bill which would mandate an annual review on Hong Kong as to whether the Island has sufficient autonomy from the rest of China to justify its special trading status. Isn't that just gross interference in another country's affairs?

some are well meaning but most are looking after US interests, not idiotic Hongkies'

But it's in the interests of the USA to have other nations, especially those it sees as potential major threats (eg. China, Russia, anyone who is a major competitor, even EU, Japan, and one day India, etc) in states of weakened disharmony rather than as a powerful cohesive monolith. That's the Wild West Frontier mentality of the Americans, to eff up Geronimo and Crazy Eff-ing Horse.

Bizarrely, just like US imposed sanctions around the world, the actual-effective implementation of the Bill, should it ever come to that, (though no doubt to the delight of young moronic HK protesters) will hurt the Hong Kong people more than China, as previous US sanctions had hurt-killed Iraqi babies and children far far more than Saddam Hussein's regime.

But the Yanks don't care and the idiotic HK brats don't know.


  1. “.....trying to humiliate and bring down its own government.....”

    Isn’t that what some Malaysians are doing...? Remember the ICERD and Rome Statute protests....? More to come in the name of Race, Religion and Royalty?

  2. Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong's speech was meant to suck up to and curry favour with Beijing, nowadays the Suzerains and Overlords of Asia.

    The Hong Kong protestors will not get what they ask, but I salute their courage.

  3. Not to forget, Lee Hsien Loong himself runs an oppressive authoritarian Chinese-based regime in Singapore.

    Of course, his mentality will align with Beijing.

    1. And what's your mentality?

      Syiok-sendiri-ism in a fart filled tempurung!

  4. but spore only become a country pretty recently due to the magnanimous of a malay. li ao did say sporean r more stupid, n a survey done tell apparently most sporean wan to be white n prefer to live in a western country like kt did, so in a way, sporean is not that stupid, just kiasi with slavery mindset, in this context, emperor lee n his son is lucky to govern a not so stupid slavery mindset zombie live in a island, like how umno did in peninsula for the last 60 years.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      "magnanimous of a malay"


      So much amounting to the nth!

      Why not saying Tunku couldn't handle the critical issues related to the opposing ketuanan farts' demands. Thus took the easy way out, like he always did till his death!

    2. not everyone will send in pla to solve a problem, only a killer did that.

    3. Did tunku needed the assistance of PLA?

      What kind of fart r u spreading?

      And ONLY a incoherent f*ck would let the problems germinating underground while taking the easy way out.

      Leadership in a chaotic situation demands hard & right decisions which wouldn't be necessary the kindest one.

      But demoncratic f*ck can only see shorten superficial bleeding heartish negotiating of no ending. Thus DIRECTLY resulting in prolong greater sufferings to the ordinary people who r non vocal & acquiescent in the long run!

    4. the magnanimous tunku allow both countries to prosper in their own way while a china civil war kill millions, even today this killer wan to kill people in tibet, xinjiang, taiwan hk n anyone that disagee with them, a very cruel n brutal polity that even the dictator mahathir dare not to criticise.

    5. Read yr f*cked history properly lah!

      Tunku wasn't in ANY way magnanimous. In his small mind he thought that Lao Lee would crawled back to him for helps when the RedDot have found humongous difficulties in establishing a coherent nationhood w/o ANY natural resources, water too, not soonest than declaring independence!

      Like always, Tunku misjudged LaoLee & most of all the resiliency of S'pore people in facing up to the formidable challenges during her nationhood building.

      Tunku's tommyknocking approaches resulted in the current prosperity of RedDot while bolihland is now deep in the shitpool of 3Rs!

      Didn't I read someone mentioned about one Atatürk? Now that's one who could see through the background jingos & refused to complied & went all the way to build a secular nation even when the base population of the country was majority Mohammedans!

      Mfer, "…this killer wan to kill people in tibet, xinjiang, taiwan hk n anyone that disagee with them, a very cruel n brutal polity…"

      In our wet dream did that 'killer' do that RIGHT?

      Since it's in yr wet dream, WHY don't u wake up to face reality for a change?

      Guess not! How could a petrified brain be reawaken when it is a stone piece!

    6. can i therefore claim hk can do well with or without ccp? so u fucktart shd shut up n let hker do what they wan.

      64 do happened, not in our dream. its logical deduction base on history to infer this murderer will kill again any chinese that disagree with them especially student that r young, unarmed n dare to criticised a authoritarian regime.

      that said, we all know ccp the murderer only capable of killing student, they dun even hv ball to touch the american tail when their embassy was bombed, tis no ball coward murderer ccp malukan cina saja, thats the reality la u ccp dog.

    7. Based on WHAT u therefore can claim HK can do well w/o CCP?

      It's not even a sovereign state on her own - unlike RedDot was brutally kicked out of an agreed federation bcoz of ketuanan EQUALITY issues.

      So, AGAIN, based on what can hkers do what they want to challenge the LEGITIMACY of China in governing HK territory, especially when CCP China has consistently followed the terms of 1country2systems agreement?

      Can Penangites do what they want using yr f*cked demoncratic analogy?

      Demoncratic rights as bestowed by uncle Sam & auntie pommie?

      64 do happened. So were there many past historical atrocities. The key point IS what's next!

      800M uplifts from dirt poor poverty status in under 40 yrs. The country is prosperous & advancing in ALL sectors of sopoecon & tech developments. The Chinese citizen of all races have not tasted any better peace & harmonious livings since the downfall of the last dynasty.

      Ain't these the works of the CCP? There were MANY unsavoury incidences happened along her climb to establish a decent nationhood - chief amongst them were the forced isolation - in almost every human endeavours, by western powers, coming up from a lowest sopoecon denominators, crashes of ideologies due to infallible human greeds etc etc.

      Yet mfer, like u, JUST want to zoom in in 64 Tiananmen riot to justify yr historical projection.

      Looking back into the world history, which country has NO horrendous pasts?

      U just DON'T want to factor in these facts - same people & timelines of the underlying prerequisites.

      All u care is to condemn the communist ideology! U don't even care to factor in into the changes (Chinese characters, mfer eats yr heart out!)

      In that same light, WHY don't u curse yr idolised Formosa for her past WHITE TERROR? Currently, tsai is still following that 你民我主 ideology since that era!

      BTW, for a f*cked historical twister like u, do u know that there were similar white terror incidences in Soviet, in France & yr uncle Sam's famed McCarthyism?

      Wakakakaka… "…dun even hv ball to touch the american tail when their embassy was bombed, …"

      Get yr uncle Sam to try AGAIN this time lah! Why fart about an incident when the Chinese was still politically & military weak.

      Guess the current Chinese would get yr uncle Sam to pay through the nose - while hopefully not leading to WWIII!

      Incidentally, what happened to the Taiwanese stranded in Japan by Typhoon Jebi?

      The mainlanders were evacuated by their govt when all other nations sat tight with their hands under their butts. The 白眼狼 Taiwanese were evacuated too by the Chinese while tsai's govt did NOTHING!

      In lights of ALL these known issues, ain't yr killer wet dream a deranged mind construed by a petrified mindset, building on to syiok & sustain yr twisted Communism hatred?

      Keep to it. & Don't forget to pipe-pipering yr equal minded f*cks to yr cliff stampede!

      Good ridden!


    Let us not forget, the Communist Party of China committed one of the greatest crimes against it's own people any ruler has ever carried out in world history.


      u can read the above to hv a diff view. i cant tell whose writes is more factual, just 2 points to share:

      1. there is no evidence on the number of deaths, just a statistical guesstimate, eg birth rate is 2%, 3 years the population shd be 500mil, since the number is now 470mil, 30mil is therefore die bec of famine.

      2. deng said 30 mil died, its ccp official number, or else how to justify the reversal of mao policy n open up china? didnt mahathir said najib telan 42 bil?

      i believe freedom of press speech n whatever is necessary to lets the people know the truth, which many countries r lacking of, n i dud understand y some believe it is all right, as long as its a malay or chinese govt, n they claim this freedom is a west conspiracy.

      a chinese language forum ask a question who is more racist, malay or chinese, surprisingly the answer that hv the highest vote is "both".

    2. DON'T just pick on CCP of China.

      Look closer to yr own melayu elites in limbo of how they have consistently sacrificed the down&trodden B40 to fill their own pockets.

      Which is a greater crime - a quick kill (Mao's 10 yrs of horrendous cultural revolution) or a slow & blurred suffering (melayu elites' feudalistic mind-block of hundreds of year for their kindred serf) ??

      Mfer, lest u know that's the true reality as reflected in the current stage of humanity evolution.

  6. Did I not tell this before. Let HK burn on its own. When the time comes, the Purge will happen. Lol. The price of this so called "freedom" will always be pricy. But people never learn.. to pay the price ONLY when it's worthy. So let them burn. Lol

  7. HK is no longer the jewel of China before the vast development of China provinces. The protesters are dreaming too much, communists will never back down to your escalating demand. In fact your initial one is already settled why protesters continue to wreck havoc. I think they have lost their direction
