
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

DAP kerbau continues in Tanjung Piai


DAP rep expects tough fight for PH in Tanjung Piai

Tanjung Piai will go to the polls on Nov 16. (Bernama pic) 

PETALING JAYA: A DAP assemblyman says Pakatan Harapan (PH) will be at a disadvantage in the Tanjung Piai by-election next month due to anger within the Chinese community over what is perceived as broken promises.

“They feel that we (DAP) have lost our principles and direction since we became part of the government,” Pekan Nanas rep Yeo Tung Siong told Singapore’s Straits Times.

Yeo Tung Siong 

“But they have to understand, it is not easy to change something that was in place before we took over.”

He said PH is aiming for at least 70% of Chinese votes, a drop from the 80% and more it garnered in the May 9 general election.

The Malay support is not entirely with PH either, he added, due to the recent collaboration between Umno and PAS which he said are targeting at least 40% of votes from the community.

He also listed other factors that might work against PH including the recent arrests of DAP assemblymen over alleged links to the now-defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam separatist group and what he called the opposition playing up issues of race and religion.

His remarks come days after DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang said PH’s reform agenda had fallen below expectations.

On Sunday, Lim said the economic scandals inherited from the previous administration had prevented the government from immediately and fully implementing its pledges and promises.

The Tanjung Piai by-election will take place on Nov 16.

Wakakaka - what a spinner this bloke Yeo Tung Siong is - to say the erstwhile DAP supporters 
“..... feel that we (DAP) have lost our principles and direction since we became part of the government, ... but they have to understand, it is not easy to change something that was in place before we took over.”

The aim of overthrowing the previous BN government was premised precisely in the belief the Pakatan Harapan government would do just that.

Instead we get Car No 3, a consumption tax system that is worse than the simple no-loop-hole easy-to-understand GST, Kasut Hitam, return of crony system (eg. the Yamsung crony sapu-semua - see my previous posting "Dignity"? of the Crony Yum Seng-ing), Mahathir's insistence that Lynas would be good business and a model for FDI, refusal to sign the ICERD, Rome Statute, quarrelling with India and Mahathir's 'hooked nose' Jews, kay-poh interference in Hong Kong's business, etc etc etc.

And there were his participation at the Malay Dignity Congress with its contents of racist vilification, threats and kerbau 'social contract', still un-deported Zakir Naik, Young Brat's ultimatum to the DAP, "lim KHAT siang", insults and threats to popular Hew Kau Yau, Ronnie Liu, recent attempt to make vernacular schools illegal, etc.

Then there's the matriculation injury (non%) & insult (Chinese are rich not require matriculation), non-recognition of UEC, non-funding of UTAR, Mahathir's old-UMNO policies.

Yeo put on another kerbau-ish spin to say said PH is aiming for at least 70% of Chinese votes, a drop from the 80% and more it garnered in the May 9 general election.

The Pakatan Harapan (in reality Parti PRIBUMI) candidate will be lucky to get any significant Chinese support (unless the DAP is so convincing in its campaign, or those voters still believe in Mahathir, wakakaka).

As I mentioned in an earlier posting Mahathir, Maslee, Syed Saddiq & Malay Dignity Congress eff PRIBUMI's prospect in Tj Piai, there are 57% registered Malay voters in Tanjung Piai, so it's best for Parti Pribumi to rely on 50.1% of that 57% to win, wakakaka.

There are 3 possible reasons why the DAP didn't demand Tanjung Piai (its traditional seat) back from Pribumi, namely:

(a) it's subservient and obsequious to Mahathir,

(b) it will face a very hostile 57% Malay voters since the allegations (no doubt all kerbau) of the Rocket Party being pro communist, pro Christian, and pro LTTE, apart from being a Cinapek Party,

presented by Mahathir to Xi Jinping 

(c) it knows that NOW it will likely face a humiliating loss in that seat, as the Chinese in Tanjung Piai (and throughout Malaysia) are disenchanted with a guli-less DAP, the type of political party they aren't used to nor like and had thrown out in GE14.


1 comment:

  1. You forgot a (d) on why DAP did not demand Tanjung Piai from Bersatu.

    (d) DAP wants Bersatu to contest against BN and get trashed. This will be a significant loss of face for Toonsie, thus weakening his leadership and accelerating the ascension of Anwar to the PM-ship.

    I oso want Bersatu to lose, so I am rooting for Gerakan...ha ha ha...
