
Thursday, September 26, 2019

What former Brit PM John Major has taught us


Say sorry for dragging queen in, former British PM tells Johnson


Major urges parliament to be recalled immediately to recommence its work. (Reuters pic) 

LONDON: Former British Prime Minister John Major said Boris Johnson should apologise after his decision to shut down parliament was ruled unlawful and future prime ministers should avoid dragging the queen into constitutional issues.

The United Kingdom’s Supreme Court ruled Johnson acted unlawfully when he advised Queen Elizabeth to suspend parliament just weeks before Brexit.

“Parliament must now be recalled immediately to recommence its work, and to receive the prime minister’s unreserved apology,” Major said in a statement.

“No prime minister must ever treat the monarch or parliament in this way again.”


Kaytee notes:

Well said John Major. Though you sent Chris Patten to 'chong' 7 million of your British citizens, but of yellow skin and slanted eyes, wakakaka (and unwanted in Britain inasmuch as African Indians weren't wanted after Idi Amin expelled then from Uganda), into believing they could strive for democratic Independence for Hong Kong from the People's Republic of China (PRC), you have partly made up for your gross sin in berating Boris Johnson now, wakakaka.

Our dear Hongkie 2nd class citizens, yes, we your Brit Overlords have eff-ed you all up kaukau - be happy here in Hong Kong and don't come to Britain (we won't let you in as we've changed entry laws) 

Jolly good show Chris, I'll tell Mummy to make you a Baron for 'conning' those stupid Chinkies into fighting for Hong Kong Independence rather than running to Mother Britain as her citizens

so it was said, so it was done, and

today we have Christopher Francis Patten as Baron Patten of Barnes, CH, PC

Malaysia should follow your brilliant words, namely, that a PM should never treat the nation's Sovereign nor its Parliament, in such a cavalier deceitful manner - which BTW we did in Oct 1987. We even arrested dozens of Members of Parliament.

lookee- see-ee, who was No 1 on Star?
And No 2 and 5 and 9?

Except for No 5, they now all love their Oppressor


Then-PM Mahathir (as he is PM today, wakakaka) did it AGAIN to the rulers, eff-ing them up kaukau in 1993. Malaysiakini reported (extracts):

Seventeen years ago in 1993, Umno, the promoter and defender of the institution of Malay rulers, savaged the sultans when it decided to strip them of their immunity by way of amending the Federal Constitution.

Umno leaders led by their then president and premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad justified the move on the grounds that "the amendments were necessary to protect the rulers and preserve the institution of the rulers as constitutional monarchs."

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah of Semangat 46, while conceding the need for some mechanism for the rulers "to hear the grievances of the rakyat", opposed the amendments stating that they interfered with the "sovereignty of the rulers", and that this would eventually lead to the "formation of a republic".

Initially, DAP and PAS supported the amendments proposed, but for different reasons they abstained from voting for the proposals.

To PAS, the proposed removal of the rulers' immunity was acceptable because it was "not in accord with the principles of Islam."

But, it contended that the proposed amendments were "not comprehensive enough".

PAS was then thinking more of becoming like this man (above), even though he was Shia


In addition, PAS vice-president Abdul Hadi Awang made it abundantly clear that it did not like the manner in which the "wrongdoings of the rulers were exposed" in the House.

However, he did not make any reference to the exposure of even more serious wrongdoings of the rulers outside the House.

It is ironic that Karpal Singh (above), who now stands charged with insulting the Perak sultan, told the House then that while DAP fully agreed with the amendments proposed by the government, it would not vote for them because the Federal Constitution required the prior consent of the Rulers' Conference to amendments affecting their privileges and that the government had yet to obtain the consent of the rulers.

However, Mahathir and his Umno cohorts were in no mood to listen to appeals to observe constitutional niceties.

WTF for, he considered himself (still does) above mere rulers 


  1. Jibby must apologize to the former Agong for disobeying His orders...thereby dragging His Highness into the scum and slag of the TIA/1MDB cesspool....

    Shahrol: Najib pushed on with bonds issuance despite opposition by Yang di-Pertuan Agong

    September 25, 2019

    KUALA LUMPUR: Former Terengganu Investment Authority Bhd (TIA) and 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) chief executive officer Datuk Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi testified that Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak had ordered TIA to push on with the bonds issuance, despite opposition from Terengganu’s ruler.

    Shahrol and TIA director Tan Sri Ismee Ismail had a meeting with Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin — who also reigned as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong then — and his sister Tengku Datuk Rahimah Puteri Mahmud on May 22, 2009, during which he was asked to sign a resolution for the suspension of the Islamic medium term notes (IMTN) issuance.

    “I don’t know why (she) had ordered AmInvestment Bank to suspend the issuance of the IMTN bonds (which was already agreed by TIA),” he said, while reading out his witness statement.

    The witness said Mizan seemed angry and mentioned an “unsavoury character”, although Shahrol did not know who he was referring to.

    He had notified Low Taek Jho — otherwise known as Jho Low — and Najib after the meeting, with the former premier asking him if he knew what had angered Mizan and whether he received a copy of the resolution. Shahrol said no to both.

    “[Najib] said something along the lines of “You go ahead, I will talk to Tuanku”. I saw that as an order and a mandate from the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance to carry on with the IMTN, because he was the minister that was responsible for the government guarantee. Jho Low also heard the order,” he testified.

    Senior deputy public prosecutor Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram asked him about the atmosphere at the meeting with Najib, which the witness described as neutral.

    “I expected it to be more tense,” the witness said.

    “You were expecting something more tense? Why?” Sri Ram asked.

    “Because this was a very big deal. Tuanku was very upset, and we had a RM5 billion bonds issuance — the first-ever 30-year Islamic bond to be issued by the government. [Najib] as Minister of Finance, I expected a lot more questioning,” Shahrol said.

    The witness was also referred to a statement by a representative of the State Palace, which questioned the role of Low who had “misused the name of Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong”, and was asked what he thought of the statement.

    Given the events that transpired since May 22, 2009, relating to the conflict between Terengganu and the Federal Government, as well as Low informing him that the bonds issuance would proceed, Shahrol said he concluded that Low was representing the interest of Najib.

    “At your meeting that night, after you met Seri Paduka Baginda, did the accused tell you that Jho Low had nothing to do with him?” Sri Ram asked.

    “No,” Shahrol said.

    “Did he, on any occasion, tell you to follow what Jho Low had told you? Whatever instructions he gave you?” asked the senior DPP.

    “No. However, he has indicated on one or two occasions. One of which I can remember, when I queried Datuk Seri Najib about bringing back our funds that was invested with Petrosaudi International (PSI).

    “This was most likely in 2010 or 2011, in which Datuk Seri Najib told me to talk to Jho,” the witness responded.

    He also mentioned that on certain occasions where he checked with Najib on the instructions given by Low, the former premier would always indicate his agreement. This happened more frequently in 2009, when Shahrol had just joined TIA.

    Later on during his testimony, Shahrol said he was very sure that Low played the role of orchestrator for Najib to execute his plans at 1MDB, including the IMTN issuance, the 1MDB-PSI joint venture, the purchase of Tanjong Energy, Genting and Jimah, and the issuance of the two US$1.75 billion (RM7.32 billion) bonds.

  2. Wakakakaka…

    What a piece of simplistically surface scammer to entice the blurs & simple minds.

    Should add the prerequisites AS stated in the Prime Directive of human sopo evolution!

  3. "did it AGAIN to the rulers, eff-ing them up kaukau in 1993"

    Tut...tut to Ah Mok.

    The 1993 Constitutional Amendments removing the Ruler's immunity from prosecution for personal matter was a very necessary and very correct action in light of the nauseating facts that had emerged at the time of abuse of power by the Johor Royalty , perpetrated against common citizens.

    Your ad hominem hatred of one person leads you to condemn what is roundly considered (except by Royals) a correct and necessary clipping of Royalty's immunity from abusive behaviour.
