
Friday, September 20, 2019

Wawasan 2030, 2040, 2050 20 to power of N

MM Online:

Ilham Centre: Pakatan yet to gain Malay votes, failed to manage perception war after GE14

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Cabinet minsters hold a press conference in Putrajaya September 14, 2019

Picture by Firdaus Latif

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 19 — Pakatan Harapan (PH) has yet to secure Malay votes in the country and has also failed to manage the perception war in the digital world post-GE14, a recent study by think-tank Ilham Centre showed.

In a statement, the research outfit pointed out that acceptance of PH among the Malay community was “minimal and fragile”, to the point where the union between PAS and Umno had been widely accepted as an alternative to Malay representation in the country’s politics.

“Even though it is too early to determine and measure collectively, if PH fails to respond immediately then this coalition will be able to contest PH on equal terms as existing issues were advantageous to the Opposition,” it said today, adding that the voting trend study was conducted over a period of a year.

On September 14, PAS and Umno signed a joint charter for their political cooperation that contained a “national agenda” accommodating the other races but was primarily concerned with Malay-Muslim interests.

The collaboration was formed with the express purpose of defeating PH in the next general election.

Meanwhile, Ilham Centre said PH in its entirety failed to manage the perception war in both the digital and conventional mediums, adding that the ruling coalition was unable to provide factual responses that could convince its audience.

“Despite so, PH still has time and advantage if serious attention is given to Malay-Muslim issues effectively while recovering the economy successfully as stipulated in the country’s long term economic policy direction based on Shared Prosperity Vision 2021-2030,” it said.

On September 14, Cabinet ministers gathered for a special meeting chaired by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to discuss the government’s new Shared Prosperity Vision.

In a statement issued by the Economic Affairs Ministry, the Shared Prosperity Vision is the new hope and agenda for the future of Malaysia as the foundation to unite the nation.

The vision outlined the aspirations of Malaysians to achieve a reasonable standard of living by 2030.

It will also encompass the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) and the 13th Malaysia Plan (13MP) in which the annual budget of the government for 12MP and 13MP would be aligned with the Shared Prosperity Vision.

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