
Monday, September 16, 2019

Capati-ing Party at Finance Ministry but under whose lead?

MM Online:

Guan Eng on RM450m direct negotiation project: I have to discuss with the PM first


Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng answers questions during the Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme in Petaling Jaya September 16, 2019

Picture by Ahmad Zamzah

PETALING JAYA, Sept 16 — Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng today said that he would be discussing with Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad a now viral letter, purportedly from the Ministry of Finance (MoF), about a RM450 million project allegedly awarded through direct negotiation in Kota Baru, Kelantan.

Lim when queried about the letter by a journalist who pressed him for comments, questioned the journalist in return, asking if the letter bore his signature.

“Was it signed by me? Was it signed by me?” Lim asked the journalist when she posed the question.

“So please lah. There are so many letters signed. If it is not signed by me, you must first let me go do the assessment first.

“I think you are referring to what the PM said, isn’t it? So can I discuss with my PM first? It is not right for me not to discuss with the PM first before talking to you,” Lim said referring to Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,

When pointed out that the letter was issued from his ministry, owing to the letterhead, Lim again repeated that the document did not bear his signature and said there are many other officials under him at MoF.

“There are how many letters signed by me and other officials? So if it is signed by me, at least there is some basis. Signed by so many other officials. You know how many staff are there in MoF? Please be reasonable,” he said, again asking for space to discuss the matter with the Prime Minister.

However, last night Dr Mahathir had also told reporters that he would also be looking into the said letter that claims to have his backing and the approval of the MoF for a direct negotiation for the project located in Tunjong, near Kota Baru in Kelantan.

Speaking to reporters after the Putrajaya Boat Race Championship 2019, the prime minister said he has never approved any new direct negotiations since taking over Putrajaya last year.

However, he said that there was a possibility that the purported direct negotiation for the Kelantan project, could be a continuation of what was done during the previous Barisan Nasional’s (BN) regime.

The letter dated July 26, 2019 was allegedly faxed to the Prime Minister’s Department’s Senior Deputy Chief Secretary Datuk Hasnol Zam Zam Ahmad.

It referred to a ‘design and build’ project for a “Bangunan Gunasama Persekutuan” Kota Baru, Tunjong.

The letter said that it referred to a letter sent by the prime minister dated July 9, 2019.

“We would like to inform you that his honourable Finance Minister have agreed for PDM Builders Sdn Bhd to be appointed through direct negotiation to implement “Bangunan Gunasama Persekutuan” Kota Baru, Tunjong with the price of RM450,000,000,” said the letter allegedly penned by Datuk Zamzuri Abdul Aziz from the Government’s Procurement Section.

The letter was tweeted by Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Razlan Rafii yesterday.


  1. Depending on approval procedures, the RM 450 million project may not have directly required the Minister's approval.
    Or it may have already been approved by the previous Finance Minister .. ahem... Ah Mok's beloved idol who is never criticised on this blog.

    But if he has a good management system, he should ensure he gets a summary of what projects may have been approved at more junior levels or proceeded based on existing approvals.

    Trust but Verify is needed for sound management.

  2. Guanee give chan to Jibby by extending the Special Voluntary Disclosure to end September; he still has 2 weeks to declare his undeclared "2.6B income/donation" and pay only 15% tax ha ha ha...

    There are 20 Divisions & Units under MoF, of which the good Datuk Zamzuri is head of one division, Procurement, he is only JUSA B level...note his letter said "the Honourable Finance Minister have(sic) agreed...", he did not say "Saudara Guanee has agreed"...

    National Budget Office (NBO)
    National Strategy Unit (NSU)
    Special Commissioners of Income Tax (PKCP)
    Statutory Body Strategic Management Division (SBM)
    Tax Division (TAX)
    Customs Appeal Tribunal (TRK)
    Legal Division (BUU)
    Public Asset Management Division (PAM)
    Remuneration Policy and Management Division (RPM)
    Government Procurement Division (GPD)
    Fiscal & Economics Division (FED)
    Government Investment Companies Division (GIC)
    International Division (INT)
    Corporate Strategy and Communication Division (CSC)
    Strategic Investment Division (SID)
    Treasury Internal Audit Unit (ADP)
    Information Technology Division (ITD)
    Registrar Office Of Credit Reporting Agencies (PPK)
    Integrity Unit (UI)
    Fiscal Policy and Debt Management Office (FPDMO)

  3. 1/2 price minister. What did u expect?

    1. He is shrewed but flawed by overly thinking of 1MDB.

  4. Wee Ka Siong asks Guanee to lodge polis report if he is unaware of the RM450 million letter. But first Wee should lodge polis report if he was unaware that Jibby gave MCA money stolen from 1MDB.

    Lodge a report if unaware of RM450mil project approval letter, Guan Eng told
    Monday, 16 Sep 2019
    By Rahimy Rahim

    KUALA LUMPUR: Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng should lodge a report to the authorities if he is unaware about an alleged approval letter that is being spread on social media involving a RM450mil project that was awarded through direct negotiation.

    MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong said the second paragraph of the letter issued to the Finance Ministry's contractor, showed that the Finance Minister had agreed to it.

    "If the Finance Minister is not aware of the letter, he immediately needs to lodge a report to the police or the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

    "This is a serious mismanagement and abuse of power. If the Finance Ministry does not lodge any report, it is hard for him to convince the public and continue to lead," said Dr Wee in a Facebook post on Monday (Sept 16)

    1. The Finance Ministry letter is true. But it seems that you know (too) and presumably have evidence that Najib gave MCA money from 1MDB - please be a good citizen and report same to police

    2. Wee himself already admitted the money Kojadi received came from 1MDB. At Jibby’s ongoing trial his defence is not even disputing 1MDB money was stolen but that Jibby “was fooled” by Jho Low and others, ha ha ha...likely story, but Wee Ka Siong still degil to make polis report...

      Wee: Kojadi wrote to MACC over RM15mil grant
      Friday, 12 Jul 2019 12:00 AM

      Koperasi Jayadiri Sdn Bhd (Kojadi) has written to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) regarding details of a RM15mil grant received by the cooperative from Yayasan 1MDB in 2012 to provide microcredit for the youth, said Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong.....

      .....Dr Wee, in an earlier report, had questioned how the money Kojadi received from Yayasan 1MDB was considered illegal when RM1.03mil was already paid as income tax.

    3. Recalling the incident that the AG chamber tasked a fat bitch Syazlin to representing three parties: the family, the housing and local government ministry and the fire and rescue department.

      Blame was laid solidly on Tommy!

      Now this spurious award of a negotiated contract by the FM. Lge is targeted!

      Don't u people see the same motive of operation?

      Moles within the various govt Depts trying all out to sabotage the ph administration!

  5. As usual MoF under Guanee’s lead cleans up BN/Najib’s mess and saved us RM80 million but Jena blame instead.

    DAP rep challenges MCA president to lodge report on Najib
    Sep 19th, 2019

    Pahang DAP secretary Lee Chin Chen today challenged MCA president Wee Ka Siong (above) to lodge police and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) reports on the RM450 million construction project in Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

    Lee, who is also Bilut assemblyperson, slammed Wee for attempting to hide details of the project which was actually approved in 2016 by then prime minister and finance minister Najib Razak.

    His challenge to Wee follows clarification from prime minister Mahathir Mohamad that there is no new tender via direct negotiations awarded to PDM Builders Sdn Bhd.

    This isdespite claims that the project was approved by the previous Barison Nasional administration.

    Lee, in a statement today, said that Najib has misled the public by covering up his wrongdoings and shifting blame on to others by accusing Pakatan Harapan.

    He was referring to Wee's previous statement urging finance minister Lim Guan Eng to lodge a report with the police or the MACC.

    “Just read the letter carefully, you will notice that the project was approved during Najib’s era with the value of RM530 million.

    And now, the Harapan government is negotiating to cut down the cost, as long as the developer agrees to continue the project with RM450 million, then there’s no need to open tender,” said Lee.

    On Sunday, Umno supreme council member Mohd Razlan Rafii had published a letter addressed to the prime minister's office which stated that the finance ministry had conditionally agreed for PDM Builders Sdn Bhd to undertake the project.

    The following day, Najib had published a post on his Facebook page, ridiculing Mahathir and Lim for not addressing the issue.

    However, checks revealed that the approval for the project began during Najib's tenure as prime minister and finance minister.

    According to the Works Ministry website, preliminary earthworks began in 2016 while the value of the project was revealed by then Kelantan Federal Development Committee chairperson Mustapa Mohamed, in Najib's presence.

    He also said since Wee was once a minister in the prime minister department and had attended cabinet meetings before this, he should know the value of the project.

    Therefore, Lee (above) urged Wee to be a role model and to lodge reports with the police and MACC in order to investigate the costly project which was approved by Najib.

    “If the Finance Minister does not know about this letter then Wee should make report to the police and the MACC immediately.

    “This is a very serious allegation of misconducting and abuse of power. If the finance minister does not make any report, it is very hard for him to win the confidence of the public," Wee said in a post on his Facebook page.
