
Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Tiananmen Square Revisited soon in Hong Kong?

China warns Hong Kong protesters of 'immense strength' of government

Hong Kong riot police clearing the streets in Mongkok district

Photo courtesy: AFP

Beijing (AFP) -- China warned Hong Kong protesters Tuesday that "those who play with fire will perish by it", adding the immense strength of the central government should not be underestimated.

The comments represent one of the strongest-worded warnings yet from China's central government over protests in the semi-autonomous city, which has been plunged into chaos by weeks of clashes.

At a press briefing in Beijing, Yang Guang, spokesman for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, said the "radical protests... have severely impacted Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability, pushing it into a dangerous abyss".

The protests were triggered by opposition to a planned law that would have allowed extraditions to mainland China, but have evolved into a wider movement for democratic reform and the protection of freedoms.

Yang said the government still "firmly supports" both the Hong Kong police force -- who have been criticized for their handling of the protests -- and Carrie Lam, the city's pro-Beijing leader who protesters want to resign.

In a strong warning aimed at the "criminals" behind the unrest, Yang said: "Don't ever misjudge the situation and mistake our restraint for weakness... Don't ever underestimate the firm resolve and immense strength of the central government."

'Restore order'

Yang was speaking at a press conference held by China's cabinet-level State Council in Beijing about the unrest.

Such media briefings are normally very rare, but Tuesday's was the second in as many weeks.

The clashes have piled pressure on Chinese President Xi Jinping, and led to speculation that Beijing might be forced to intervene in some capacity, even militarily.

Yang, however, seemed to downplay any idea of mainland police or military helping with law enforcement, saying the Hong Kong government was "fully capable of punishing the violent crime in accordance with the law, restore order to society, and restore stability to society".

The protests on Monday paralyzed the subway system during morning peak hour, led many shops to close and delayed scores of international flights.

In a press conference in Hong Kong, Lam warned the city was nearing a "very dangerous situation" as she framed the protests as a challenge to China's sovereignty.

"I dare say they are trying to destroy Hong Kong," said Lam.


Kaytee notes:

Carrie Lam has been right in saying "I dare say they are trying to destroy Hong Kong,", which typifies the anarchic scenario in Hong Kong the moment the 'extradition bill' fracas had been dealt with. 

She also mentioned in another article that the protests against the 'extradition' bill have morphed into another form, a ridiculous demand for democracy and independence for Hong Kong (from Mainland China).

In short, the Hong Kongers want secession. I'm not sure what they have been smoking but I guess the protesters are mainly affluent idealistic (but impractical) youths acting as leaders for today's general civil disobedience, with perhaps 'encouragement' (including finances) from some people from the West.

China (Beijing) has given its sternest warning thus far by stating 'the immense strength of the central government should not be underestimated' and, if push comes to shove, the blokes in Beijing will NOT hesitate to take harsh actions - they aim to show 'no one effs around with China in China', and Hong Hong was, has been, is and will be a part of China.

Let's all hope it won't be another Tiananmen Square, but we cannot rule that out when Chinese sovereignty is involved.


  1. if carrie lam hv heart n conscience, she shd withdraw the bill n resign, she is the one that wan hk die along with her.

    same logic apply to mahathir.

    1. Same logic?

      Mfer, that's the beginning of the slippery slope for f*ck like u to demand more & more outrageous 'rights'!

      HK isn't belong to Carrie lam. Neither is it belong to hkies. It's an inseparable territory that has been hard earned to be return to China.

      NO F*CKS will ever be able to secess her from the motherland ever AGAIN!

    2. only a dictator stay on when everyone wants him or her go. we hv here a ass kisser toadying to mahathir n ccp, even bring his mother along wakaka.

    3. Mfer, look at it this way. Whose the dictator when she bans a TV talkshow bcoz she doesn't like the host?

      She even has the cheek to seek for 2nd term when she knows very well that everyone & their dogs hate her.

      Ooop… isn't that YOUR definition of a dictator?

      Whose the asslicker NOW?

      U DO have a serious case of selective rd deficiency!

      Yes, I'm in favour of mamak & CCP!

      Know WHY?

      Bcoz in bolihland NOW, mamak IS the ONLY one who can unite & govern a toadying up coalition in the face of kleptomaniac coffer cleansing & zombieic fanaticism wildfiring! Not perfect BUT at least the country is seeing some SENSES & DIRECTIONS.

      AND CCP has the records of good governance & uplift at least two generations of the dirt poor people to decent standard of living within 40yrs.

      It gives them PRIDE & a reason to be PROUD in the face of the goals achieved.

      Something that mfer, like u, CANNOT fathom!

      BTW, China under CCP has popular supports as been reflected in over 2 billions 护旗手 supports! That's 600millions more than the whole population of China!

      What have u? & yr f*cked logic?

      One-liner fart of inconsequential rant with the favourite pigeonholing included!

    4. any proof tsai stop mandy wong program? ncc is an independent institution, taiwan media believe main reason is mandy talk show hv low rating, only 20% taiwanese wan unification, taiwan hv very less wumao like u that wan to watch her show. in fact many believe she was stopped when she started to criticise han being the main reason, the broadcast co ie ccp sponsored love han more than this big mouth mandy. u know nothing bec u only read utusan ccp.

      n of course we know u r obsessed with dictator.

    5. Wakakakaka…

      Now u r asking for proof!

      Don't throw that usual farts about low rating for a show that broadcast at graveyard hour lah! What rating & advertisements u expect? 阴府币 & ghosts ?

      Ncc is independent institution?

      So, 'many believed' ncc loves han IS a proof it is not independent! It plays favor to keep its broadcasting business relevant!

      Never mind, how could a rd moron know about filling up broadcasting slot to attract sidelined viewers? U have zilch business sense, thus remain forever in yr ivory jail!

      20% taiwanese want unification? That's bcoz the majority relevant youth voters have moved to mainland China to find their ways of life that that f*cked island won't be able to provide when those govegning petrified Yankee doodles could never be able to implement!


      Mfer, u haven't even answer the question about WHY sanmao commit suicide le!

      Too much farts from demoncratic irrelevant like u, perhaps?

      Ooop… whose the dictator?

      So u like a namesaked demoncrat/republican who cheats/misuses the bestowed power to benefit his/herself over a benevolent 'dictator' who has the well-beings of the people under his/her care in the heart!

      Just bcoz of a label!

      Mfer, what has u learnt?

      Oooop… that's ONLY possible in a hellhole academia if fart. Right?

    6. u write many words but say nothing. show me the proof, if cant we stop this topic.

    7. Wakakakakaka…

      What other proofs u want?

      Not the large number of Taiwanese youths working & living in mainland China? That figure is, unofficially, 3 out of 5. So much so that the current tsai administration has to hide this data!

      Ain't the talkshow of Huang Chih-hsien (黃智賢) slotted at a graveyard shift where viewer rating is of limited significance? Check with yr pro-independent media morons lah.

      NCC is independent & yet has to force-closed Huang's talkshow bcoz ncc likes Han & Huang makes critical commences about Han? How independent is that?? Perhaps, in yr f*cked definition of independence!

      A closed mind!

      Remind me about my heated conversation, over the same topic on one of my many flights from SA, with a green/blue Formosa fart!

      When logic fails, substitutes with demands of proofs!

      Mfer, here is an analogy for yr f*cked thinking - u claimed to be a product of yr parent & the insistent proof is DNA profiling.


      What make u NOW if the male DNA match also comes from yr 大伯 or 小叔?

      Who has been farting with many irrational words but w/o thinking???

  2. Could it be a CIA covert operation behind the protests ?

    1. NED, a covert branch of CIA.

      Contrary to the western medias claims that the HK demos have NO leaders. There r several stealth groups coordinate & financially support the riotings.

      The continuous usage of the HK rioters in protective gears deployment (umbrellas, goggles, masks & unique black garments) points to well organised material supports.

      The tactical attacks on various targets, especially damaging CCTV monitoring system, defaced national emblem & national flag, handicapping the MRT by blocking the automatic doors from closing, using construction barricades to obstruct roads, digging of road bricks to use as projectiles, ALL point to organisations working together.

      These organisations have leaders who have been well trained in mesmerizing the young blurred youths with superficial ideologies.

      Throw in the manufactured fears, fake news & HK's pressurized living conditions, u get a ready boiled cauldron of mess that could be exploited in any political gameplay.

  3. Will there be another Tainanmen Square in HK?

    I doubt it very much. The Hongkies are just killing themselves slowly thru their daily protests and pretty soon, the HK economy will collapse with the economy going down, unemployment going up, businesses going bankrupt, capital flight to offshore/overseas from the banking and financial system, more riots, robberies, thefts, crimes and finally capitulation because there is just no UN or worlwide support for their demands.

    China of course can hasten the process by just closing off all the borders crossings, blockade HK harbors, stop trading and business links from the mainland or simply remove/derecognising the HK dollar fron the financial system.

    There won't be any need for bloodshed nor emergency rule nor martial law by sending the troops in.

    All because the reality is that 30 millions Hogkies can never defeat 1.6 billions mainland China people.

    Just a herd stampede like a cow stampede by admitting 100 million mainland China people into HK will easily stop it without any guns, tanks, missiles or fighter jets.

    It's just a lost cause and can only hurt themselves more in the long run.

    1. The plotters know BUT the blurred & misled HK youths DON'T!

      Hence the appearance of 死士 - the sacrificial cannon ash of inconsequential morons!

  4. Tiananmen Square revisited ? But did the massacre really happened in that square ? Check out this :

    ""WIKILEAKS: A Wikileaks cable from the US Embassy in Beijing (sent in July 1989) also reveals the eyewitness accounts of a Latin American diplomat and his wife: “They were able to enter and leave the [Tiananmen] square several times and were not harassed by troops. Remaining with students … until the final withdrawal, the diplomat said there were no mass shootings in the square or the monument.”

    "But what about the iconic “tank man”? Well, if you watch the whole video, you can see that the tanks stopped and even let the tank man jump on the tank. He eventually walked away unharmed. In fact, there are almost no pictures or videos of soldiers actually shooting at or killing people (doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, but it’s a point to keep in mind)."

    "In an article from June 5, 1989, the Wall Street Journal described some of this violence: “Dozens of soldiers were pulled from trucks, severely beaten and left for dead. At an intersection west of the square, the body of a young soldier, who had been beaten to death, was stripped naked and hung from the side of a bus.”

    Read the full article here :

    1. 64 until today still a taboo subject in china. go figure.

    2. Taboo subject in China?

      Obviously u have not been 翻墙 (not inside of China BUT outside looking in) to read tons & tons of 64 comments/articles over in mainland China!

      All u have is just those from those farts from Formosa, BBC, CNN & VOA!

      Watch this:

      A typically clever twisting of fact by yr independent, pro-democracy western media!

      The TRUTH 64 tiananmen square incident WILL be revealed by the Chinese govt, in time.

      Just like all those atrocities done by those independent, pro-democracy western govts!

      Go figure, mfer!

  5. Why on earth would China send in troops to Hong Kong ?

    "People still seem to be confused about the relationship between Hong Kong and Mainland China. The media portrays Hong Kong/China almost like between New York and the US. It’s not. It’s more like between Puerto Rico and the U.S.It’s more like between Puerto Rico and the U.S.

    # Hong Kong’s education system is entirely in English, not in Chinese.

    # Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, was educated in Oxford. She, and her husband, and her two children, are all holders of British passports. Mrs. Lam is a classic British-trained civil servant until she rose to the level of HK Chief Executive, when she had to give up UK passport for a PRC one, because one really can’t be swearing loyalty oath to the British Queen while serving as the top leader in a Chinese city (according to Hong Kong’s Basic Law). The rest of her family are still British.

    # Hong Kong’s biggest bank is HSBC, which made its first pot of gold from financing the illegal opium trade into China, and now a top UK bank headquartered in London.

    # Hong Kong is run by tycoons, all of them having multiple foreign passports. Hong Kong’s Richest People The richest HK tycoon is a Canadian living in UK. Li Ka-shing China doesn’t mind if the UK offered all HKers UK citizenship at the time of Handover, like what Portugal did to Macao residents. The British government not only refused to do so itself, but tried to prevent Portugal from doing so to the Macao residents.The rich, and some middle-class HKers got the Anglo passports.

    # 14 out of 18 judges in Hong Kong’s highest court are foreigners. The latest appointed high-court judges are one from the UK and one from Canada. The President of Hong Kong’s bar association is also a Brit trained in Lincolns Inn.

    # HK Police Force trains at Scotland Yard, and there are many senior officers who are British, a legacy of past recruitment from the British foreign services.

    # Hong Kong has never, ever, paid a dime of tax to the PRC. Hong Kong’s GDP is not included in the calculation of PRC’s GDP.

    # There is a “hard border” between Hong Kong and Mainland China. Visa, passport, customs, tariffs, border patrol, the whole deal.

    OK then, the money is Anglo money, the prominent citizens are British/Canadian/Australian, the top executive is Oxford-trained, the judges and lawyers are all British/Canadian/Australian - Exactly what is there for China to lose anyway? The zip code? LOL! The zip code goes with the land, and the land isn’t going anywhere."
