
Thursday, August 08, 2019

Teo Nie Ching jumped gun on khat

Extracts from TMI's Groups accuse Nie Ching of jumping the gun on khat:

DEPUTY Education Minister Teo Nie Ching jumped the gun by issuing a statement saying that a consensus had been reached on the khat issue after a meeting with Chinese and Tamil groups on Tuesday, said the attendees.

They told The Malaysian Insight that many things that were not discussed with the deputy minister, including details on the teaching and content of khat calligraphy.

The issue of khat has been a humongous setback and embarrassment for the DAP 'Tigress' who, though did not die of distemper as Awang Besul did, 'died' of dumb-temper (in her political vibrancy, charisma and credibility) after she became deputy minister to Bapak Kasut Hitam.

died from distemper 

'died' from dumb-temper 

As someone said, 'The DAP politicians who became ministers and deputy ministers turned from being lions to lambs'.

Nie Ching & DAP cabinet ministers before GE14 

Nie Ching & DAP ministers AFTER joining cabinet  

It's not just Bapak Kasut Hitam's perpetual eff-ups that she had to parry and fend off but she also discovers her bizarre new found silence and kuai kuai compliance, an amazing belakang pusing from her pre GE14 vivacious but vitriolic vicious verbalisation during her election campaigns.

She had then voiced her determination to annihilate MCA and Gerakan but alas, now is quiet and timid as a mouse under the proximity of cats.

UEC? Zilch, Nie Ching.

Khat? Podah, she has been far too eager to 'wrap' up everything A.S.A.P, but shamelessly lied in saying a 'consensus' has been reached with Chinese and Tamil vernacular NGOs when there were still tons of details not yet discussed.

When push comes to shove, she shows her true colours and characters.

'New' Malaysia?


  1. And u!

    Sama2 lah!

    Outsider looking in, SO easy for everything to be done.

    Once inside, even the fart is been silencers.

    Liken to a mute, suffering in silence, due to all the NDA constraints!

    1. its not our problem, if all this dog cant take it, get lost.

    2. Not yr problem?

      Definitely man!

      Once in, can u also do a 龙应台 act of irrelevance. Right?

    3. long yintai resign, bila all this dog resign?

    4. How long she stayed on before she quit on the portfolio that she 'claimed' to be good at?

      On her own initiative?


      U forget all these 'dogs' r just into their jobs slightly more than a yr! And most of them DON'T have any portfolio experiences!

      Mana sama?

      Where is yr so called consistency & fair comparison?

      Oooop…… thousand maaf, not within yr f*cked-up definitions of fairness lah.

      Calling some freashies as dogs for inexperience job executions, & furthermore hijacked by ketuanan moles. U must be one mfer of closet ketuanan lover!

    5. moral ethic n principle has nothing to do with time n experience. moreover dap dog have been acting high horse for the past 20 years. read lct writes, he accuse the chinese while lge blame sinchew, tis is kind of worst dog from a chinese perspective, especially a chinese racist like u. only a similar toady could absolve this dog from their toadying action. in a way, i am saying u r no diff with dog.

    6. Mfer, what a twist of 老祖宗's eon of teaching - "moral ethic n principle has nothing to do with time n experience."!!!

      Thus, new born babies know moral ethic n principle! 五天就抬头的婴儿! U must be one of those, right?

      Ooop… u no Chinese but a Yankee doodle wearing a yellow skin ma! Thus, how could u understand the 5000 yrs old wisdom?


      I just want to burst yr spurious ego of dead-ended demoncratic fart chasing.

      Chinese racist? Just bcoz I don't join yr zombie dangdut happy hour chants?

      Mfer, in a surprisingly way, u behavehwrite just like that sinchew tay's fart!

      Perhaps, those Formosa 你民我主 poison is germinating very well within ALL u f*cks!

  2. The Chinese Educationists can rest easy, the teaching of khat now halved to 3 pages and more importantly made OPTIONAL and it is up to the teacher to decide; we know what the vernacular school BM teacher will decide.....

    Looks like Guanee’s 2 meetings with Toonsie had the desired effect; the message got through, the “small group (as Toonsie called it)” had a large voice (ha ha ha) and Nie Ching’s internal protest within the Education Ministry did the trick. Maszlee put in his place finally, his large ears pinned who says DAP needs to shout and scream like they are still in opposition? Now in government their job is to solve the problem from within, which they have done.

    Of course the three (or six) pages remains in the BM textbook, for all we know the books may have been printed already....but can be ignored if the teacher (or school) decides so....

    Syabas to DAP, the only Harapan party willing to speak up.

    Now MCA and Gerakan can please say thank you and explain why they allowed the teaching of Jawi in schools since 2015, and Sin Chiew newspaper can also explain why they didn’t make a huge fuss back then? It wasn’t an issue then right, so why make khat an issue now? Because you are in opposition?

    1. don't twist the facts - it has been the DAP grassroots who shafted their very angry objections down Lim GE's throat - he knows if he doesn't appeal to his Atuk, PH will breakup and he'll be dead by GE15. Nie Ching is just a beneficiary - she did eff-all

    2. That reflect a "good thing" that the grassroots still can voice out rather than just being dictated.

      So DAP is not lead by the nose by LKS & LGE?

    3. they were, but there's still a line drawn in the sand - as I have often written one of the CENTRAL PILLARS of Chinese culture is good standard education, and not even Divine LKS can oppose that

  3. the one that dare say no is still djz n chinese paper, lks lge lct tnc r just dog, we cant depend on this parasites. malukan cina.

    1. My school teacher who taught me how to read and write jawi was Mr Tan. He can write khat too.

    2. Mr Tan was my BM teacher. Included in my BM subject is Tulisan Jawi. Mr Tan taught us BM plus Tulisan Jawi.

    3. i hv no issue with khat or jawi, in fact i advocate to preserve anything cultural or historical. i am just imitating the before 509 dap, n i believe i am pretty mild wakaka.

    4. Wakakakaka….

      What a pair of stand-up comedians!

      Who r yr audiences - zombies, ketuanan freaks?

    5. when adult talk, toady n racist diam diam listen la.

    6. If I have to listen diam2 to a pair of enervating stand-up comedians, I will definitely puking up no ends.

      Thus an instant sling shot right to the bullseye's!

      Mfer, adult?

      Ya-loh, adults still wearing diapers bcoz they have no control of the leaky pees!

  4. Wakakakakaka

    Kaytee overdoing it just to Hentam DAP. Can Kaytee tell us how are the performances of previous Deputy Education Minister during the BN regime?

    Can he even remember who they are?

    Well, isn't it amazing that the current Dep. Minister is definitely more prominent and well known compared to all those previous Dep. Minister under the BN regime?


    1. why are you so fond of referring to previous BN govt, as if they are good examples for Pakatan to follow. Are you saying that because the previous Deputy Education Minister was rotten, so it's OK for Teo Nie Ching to be equally rotten? Shouldn't she be far far superior?

      Isn't this supposed to be a "New" Malaysia? Or, is it in your belief that there is no new Malaysia?

      Only reason Teo NC is more prominent is because she's a DAP member who we all observe more. But alas, she disappoints her supporters enormously

      your comparison of current DAP-PKR ministers with former BN ministers is shameful, lacks reform, progress or improvement, and smacks of 'pitiful, poor pathetic' excuses, but admitting there has been NO or very little change

    2. Wakakakakakaka

      Hit on Kaytee's raw nerve and generating more hypocritical statements.

      Do you honestly believe in New Malaysia?

    3. no you did not hit on any raw nerve but c'mon, your comparisons have been odious, misleading and (perhaps you may not realise it) pathetic attempts to make excuses for your fave Pakatan minister (or deputy) - excuse me if I got a bit bored and thus tired of your silly kerbau's

    4. How to compare hen there r not previous examples?

      Pick any issues randomly from the current affairs as if dap/ph MUST resolve like pressing a magic button.

      More so when the hot potato was been stealthily bulldozed through by the ketuanan moles with the help of a kindred spirited em!

      U pandai, u buat lah! Don't just fart at the sideways as if u can do better - naming others dogs!

    5. Wakakakakaka

      Superior? Kerbau? New Malaysia? We all observe more because DAP member? Shameful, lacks reform, progress or improvement, and smacks of 'pitiful, poor pathetic' excuses, but admitting there has been NO or very little change?

      Wow! True blooded Reformist or staunch DAP supporter?

      Since when you became one? And I know I hit a raw nerve somewhere not in this posting but previous ones.

      You know and I know in all these mind games and politiking!

  5. I suspect the pro-Lynas faction in Harapan (ie basically those that are pro-Toonsie) have under-estimated the groundswell sentiment, just like they under-estimated the anti-khat anger. Toonsie forgot that he doesn't have 2/3rds parliamentary majority. He can't push through unilaterally like in the past. The stubborn old man, it took two lectures from Guanee but in the end Toonsie conceded, he replied

    "Yes Guanee you can have ice cream, how much you want, I give you big scoop ok?"

    With Lynas, Guanee (and maybe Anwar too) may have to pull Toonsie aside, reminding him that Bersatu has only 13 seats, plus 13 frogs who have twitching hind legs DNA and 40-50 tadpoles who if accepted into Bersatu will make his party impossible to control.

    Wong Tack won't quit, neither will Fuziah, they don't have to because their parties have many more seats than Bersatu.

    Face reality Toonsie, tick tock tick tock....

  6. Ha...ha...ha NUTP now bending from the groundswell pressure....padan muka.

    I am sure all vernacular students are weak in BM (Rumi) / Mandarin / Tamil / Sains /Maths so the teacher can skip khat and focus on these other subjects instead...

    The National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) says it is up to teachers to decide the best method to expose their students to the art of khat.

    “Teachers have autonomy. They don’t teach according to the text books but syllabus. Now khat is part of the syllabus, how they teach it is up to them,” NUTP secretary-general Harry Tan told FMT.

    He said it would not be professional for teachers not to teach khat when it is already part of the syllabus.

    But he said teachers should also be allowed to decide what is best for the students.

    “If a teacher is teaching a group of students who are struggling in their studies, and they feel there is a greater need to focus on other areas of the syllabus, they can choose to do so.

    “All parties should give room to the teachers to make decisions using their best judgement.”

    1. Let me postulate.

      In SK, khat will be implemented in total as dictated by the ustaz/ustazah.

      In vernacular schools, same thing happen stealthily as most of the bm teachers r melayu. The ummat mindset dictates the upholding of khat teaching. The principals CAN do nothing, as upon complaints to the education supervisors, the principals will be kuai2 down!
