
Monday, August 12, 2019

Lim KS still denying CAUSEs of DAP's plummeting popularity

Star Online (extracts):

Kit Siang: DAP would lose 30-40% of votes if polls were called now

PETALING JAYA: If an election were held now, the DAP would lose the Iskandar Puteri parliamentary seat and up to 40% of votes nationwide over the khat (Jawi calligraphy) issue, says party adviser Lim Kit Siang (pic)

"DAP would be defeated in the Iskandar Puteri parliamentary seat and would lose 30-40% of our votes in the country if an election were held now.

"This is the extent of the misperception and misunderstanding about DAP in the Pakatan Harapan government which our long-standing supporters have about us," Lim said in a statement which was from a DAP briefing on the jawi calligraphy issue in Skudai on Saturday (Aug 10).

Lim, who is the Iskandar Puteri MP, was heckled on Friday (Aug 9) in his own constituency over the khat issue.

He said time was needed for the party's supporters and the people to realise that the DAP had not betrayed them.

He added that the party had not given up on its hopes and objectives of a New Malaysia of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity.

Lim said if the party betrayed the people, then there was no way that DAP could recover or recapture the support of the voters, even with the passing of time.

"In fact, the outcome can only be worse," he said.

Lim said after decades of the party's struggle and sacrifice, it would never betray the people.

He added that DAP leaders must have the stamina, perseverance and commitment to stay the course for a New Malaysia.

He also said Malaysia's nation-building was in a quandary in the last 15 months where every race, including, the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Ibans had been made to feel threatened.

"Every community is made to believe that its culture and ethnicity is facing an existential threat. But who is creating all these threats to all racial groups in the country?" he asked.

Why the eff has Lim KS talked about a "New" Malaysia when we know there have been very little changes from BN rule.

We still have an UMNO-ish PM, and UMNO-like Education Minister (who is far more stupid), and an UMNO-ish horrid MB of Perak who tok-kok all the time, believing he's immune to any criticism and teflon-ised from being voted out because of his Pribumi Atuk.

In Selangor, we have an UMNO-like MB who wants to defy the federal constitution and pass a bill to revert the religious conversion requirement for minors, changing from the requirement for BOTH parents to give consent back to the old (mistranslated) draconian 'one parent' only.

WTF - isn't MB Amirudin Shari from PKR, the party of so-called Reformasi?

Presumably so, in order for future religious conversions to theoretically see one parent (the one who did NOT give consent for the conversion) suffer like eff in the way long-suffering M Indira Gandhi has, so that Amirudin and his cohorts (you work out who?) can win the Malay votes, and to eff with the non-Malay votes.

And when the process to air his bill didn't work out well because of the clever tactics of and by a Chinese Malaysian DUN Speaker, Amirudin Shari has been alleged to plot with other Malay ADUNs (including those from UMNO and PAS) to change the Speaker.

Meanwhile, in Lim KS' own courtyard, he should stop tokking kok and ask himself why the DAP will lose approximately 40% of the votes they had enjoyed in GE14, and that he himself may lose his own seat in Gelang Patah?

Yes, stop tokking-kok about "This is the extent of the misperception and misunderstanding about DAP in the Pakatan Harapan government which our long-standing supporters have about us" and

"Every community is made to believe that its culture and ethnicity is facing an existential threat. But who is creating all these threats to all racial groups in the country?" 

That's akin to saying the old cliche "I was misinterpreted".

There is NO misperception nor misunderstanding by your erstwhile supporters - 'erstwhile' because they are no longer DAP supporters.

Don't be like your Chye-Chye, blaming others for your self-inflicted faults and pain.

I don't blame the general DAP Party but the DAP ministers and deputies, especially:

Lim GE and Teo Nie Ching, and even you Lim KS (a  non-minister but the most powerful DAP mover).

grow some buah guli lah 

don't learn bad habits 

concentrate on your party's poor performance rather than waste time doing Mahathir's bidding of hatred to attack Najib 

These two ministers (Teo only a deputy) have disgraced themselves by performing exactly like the people they used to criticise, condemn and complain about, namely, the MCA and Gerakan.

They cringe before Pribumi in exactly the same as the MCA and Gerakan were said to have cringed before UMNO. Today they have become yesterday's 'Yes-man' and 'Yes-woman'.

That's why your party people terima banyak biji telur busuk.


(a) Khat - still unresolved - Lim KS has the eff-ing brazen nerve to say he became a better Malaysian by studying Jawi. Is Khat the same as Jawi?

Nie Ching, the pre-GE14 fiery Tigress but now a mouse even has the shameless nerve to (a polite expression) 'jump the gun' in declaring the khat issue has been wrapped up following consensus with the vernacular NGOs.

(b) UEC - eff all achieved. Maszlee's 'holistic assessment' will take 5 years (until GE15 and perhaps even after). And what have you done, Nie Ching?

(c) Lynas? Now panic and scurrying to break bread with the party's gurkhas?

(d) Funding for Car No 3 - Lim GE must tell us the truth on public funding for Mahathir's obsession.

(e) ICERD, Rome Statute?

(f) Matriculation? Nie Ching?

(g) Why has the sole Pribumi ADUN become the MB of Perak? Why not Dr Bari or at least someone from PKR? Why has Lim KS allowed this dictatorial completely-unbalanced appointment by Mahathir?

(h) Capati after capati - tell me - Isn't the DAP part of this "New" government for "New" Malaysia? And the second strongest after PKR. Why has Mahathir been running the cabinet and issued policies like a one-man show, often to the disadvantage of non-Malays? 

Lim KS, we kicked you out in 1999 and we can in GE15, if you dare to stand in a predominately non-Malay constituency. Maybe you should seek sanctuary in Permatang Pauh or Langkawi?

Reminder of those politicians and parties "who would never betray the people", wakakaka:

MCA - kicked out of Penang government in 1969
Gerakan - kicked out of Penang government in 2008

DAP - kick out of Penang government in ...???

In the immortal words of the late (dearly beloved) Karpal Singh, you blardy well BERTAUBAT! 

kit siang you mongrel, bertaubat lah


  1. I think Lim Kit Siang's analysis is accurate, but you may not want to hear it for your own personal lucrative reasons.

  2. Poor Toonsie is still in denial that he has no dictatorial power. He is struggling with being PM 2.0 with minority power of a small party of idiots like Maszlee.

    In 1.0 he was dictator with 2/3 parliamentary majority.

    But in 2.0 he is PM only because of the goodwill and permission of the party that Ronnie Liew and Charles Santiago belongs to, ie DAP. His sarcasm (below) hides the frustration at the reality he faces.

    He couldn’t transform the country in 22 years, he sure as hell can’t do it in 2.

    On Wednesday party Secretary General Guanee will remind Toonsie that DAP has 42 seats in Parliament and like it or not he has to seek their permission before making any decision. And that includes the decision on Lynas.....I would not be surprised if a little surprise is in store.....

    Oh how the tables have turned; the party Toonsie used to harass and ridicule is the party he now desperately needs for survival.

    Praise be to Allah the Merciful.

    Mahathir takes a sarcastic swipe at Lynas, khat critics

    Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has responded sarcastically to those who had criticised his position on several issues that have not been popular with Pakatan Harapan's core supporters.

    Mahathir, when asked about DAP's Sungai Pelek assemblyperson Ronnie Liu's insistence that closing down Lynas won't spook away investors as the prime minister claims, sarcastically said he will consult Liu in future before taking his stance.

    "That was my opinion. His opinion is that when we kick Lynas out many investors will come. That is his opinion. My opinion is different.

    "I did not ask him. By right I should have asked him before I spoke," he told journalists during a visit to his constituency in Langkawi today.

    Mahathir was also asked about DAP's Klang MP Charles Santiago (below) expressing concern that the prime minister had been making unilateral decisions.

    Santiago had given the khat and Zakir Naik issues as examples.

    "Currently, it looks like there is too much power in the hands of the prime minister and so this power needs to be shared equally amongst all the component parties," Santiago had said.

    Responding to this, the prime minister sarcastically said that Santiago was his equal and therefore he would consult him in future.

    "In future, when I make a decision, I can ask Santiago whether he agrees or not.

    "If he does not agree, then I won't do it. I will get his opinion because he is equal to me," he said.

  3. Khat you flatly reject, but you can completely adopt the concept of 'bertaubat'. What hypocrisy. Scandalous!

  4. Toonsie really pissed off with Dong Zong. The problem is DZ has long been financed and infiltrated with MCA operatives. That is why in 2012 when the BN administration introduced Jawi/Khat, and Wee Ka Siong was Deputy Education Minister, DZ was silent. And even after Guanee and Nie Ching had negotiated a deal with DZ and Nie Ching has made a public statement DZ, they turned round and claimed no deal was struck and said Nie Ching had jumped the gun. At the instigation of MCA, DZ started a anti-khat petition.

    Sin Chew newspaper was also silent in 2012 but today very vocal against DAP.

    MCA accused DAP of politicising TAR-U because Guanee reduced funding scholarships but MCA is politicising PRIMARY school children. Shameful.

    I wouldn’t go as far as Toonsie to label DZ as racist, or the Perlis mufti calling DZ a “terrorist threat” but there exists an unholy trinity: MCA-DZ-Sin Chew.

    Dong Zong racist, says Dr M on objection over khat

    FMT Reporters - August 12, 2019

    PETALING JAYA: Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad today hit out at Chinese education group Dong Zong, labelling them “racists”, amid continued objection to the introduction of khat in the Year 4 Bahasa Melayu syllabus.

    Speaking to reporters after an event in Langkawi, Mahathir questioned why Dong Zong, which has been at the forefront of opposing the introduction of khat, did not complain when the previous administration approved the move in 2012.

    “Now they want to complain, now we are free, last time if you complain you go in (thrown into jail).

    “We have made a decision, if they don’t want to accept it, then don’t,” he said, in response to a question on Dong Zong’s petition against the introduction of khat.

    The education ministry has announced that plans to introduce six pages of khat lessons in the Standard 4 Bahasa Malaysia textbook next year had been revised. Only three pages would be introduced, and khat lessons would be optional.

    Yesterday, Dong Zong chairman Tan Tai Kim said the petition, which will also be supported by Tamil education groups, is being organised on grounds that “research by some scholars and literary experts” had shown that khat had been used as a medium to spread Islam.

    “Dong Zong is racist,” said Mahathir when asked to comment on its claim that khat was a medium to spread Islam.

  5. Suspicious as I am over MCA’s control over DZ, I note Ramkarpal’s admonishment of Toonsie over his labelling of DZ as a “racist” organisation which I think is too harsh. Many non-Chinese students are welcomed by DZ to study in Chinese schools. But for too long DZ have been working with MCA and the relationship has gotten too cosy. Similarly with Sin Chew newspaper.

    So yet again, DAP representatives speak up, from the state assemblies, parliament backbench right up to Cabinet ministers. No they are not dumb or subservient.

    Syabas in the New Malaysia.

    Bukit Gelugor MP Ramkarpal Singh said Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad labelling Chinese educationist group Dong Zong as "racist" was uncalled for and will only complicate efforts to reach a solution in the khat issue.

    "The labelling of Chinese educationist group Dong Zong as racist by Mahathir is certainly uncalled for and most regretted.

    "Instead of allaying the concerns of the Dong Zong on the khat issue, calling it racist will only distance it from any compromise or negotiations that should be had by all stakeholders on the matter," he said in a statement tonight.

    Ramkarpal said Dong Zong's concerns should not be brushed aside as they were not unfounded and the same concerns have been expressed in a large section of the Chinese community.

    "That there is dissatisfaction over the matter on the ground is a fact and cannot be taken lightly.

    "If there are valid grounds to disagree with Dong Zong, they should be rationally argued and their concerns should not be dismissed on account of racism," said the DAP lawmaker.

    1. Dong Zong came very close to endorsing Najib and. BN for GE14 , under heavy MCA influence.
      Only the objections of a vocal minority prevented that.

  6. Wow, you have really "ascended" to your sifu level and what you labelled LKS's "critism" at Ahjibgor also fit you well for your attacks against LKS

    1. Look, Najib has been kicked out for m the PM position - his party lost. There remains Mahathir's invincible hatred of him, because Mahathir has been and still is a man who never ever forgives not forget any slights to him or his precious sons - that's why he hates Najib, Anwar, KJ (and vicariously AAB).

      Guan Eng gave the game away right at the very start of the Pakatan govt when asked why he kept at badmouthing Najib's alleged financial follies - he said Mahathir instructed him to continue doing so, that was, badmouthing (exposing) Najib follies, beyond what is required. Thus we saw then Mahathir's invincible hatred towards Najib where toppling Najib was NOT enough - Mahathir is out to eff Najib up kaukau.

      Ask yourself why LKS kept at harassing Najib (and Zahid, another of Mahathir's but lesser target) but very seldom on other UMNO leaders?

  7. Within hours of Toonsie labelling Dong Zong as racist MCA jumps to DZ’s defence. Unholy trinity at work? Check Sin Chew newspaper today. Will they in turn defend MCA and push blame to DAP?

    Ah Wee should have advised DZ to publicly accept Nie Ching’s explanation on Khat after their closed door meeting last week. Instead DZ denied any agreement had been arrived at and accused her of jumping the gun, thereby embarrassing her publicly. Now even after Guanee and Nie Ching got a compromise solution (reduced pages, teaching made optional) DZ is embarking on a petition drive instead, at whose prodding I wonder.

    Toonsie on the other hand leads a race-based party. In fact, he has been a member of and led race-based parties all his political life. So accusing DZ of being racist (which they are not, only manipulated) is hypocritical.

    After 'racist' label, MCA points to matriculation quota and 'wealthy Chinese'
    Aug 12th, 2019

    MCA president Wee Ka Siong said objections to the introduction of khat lessons for Standard 4 pupils, which includes vernacular schools, were more about the future of multi-stream education and not about racism.

    "If defending multi-stream education is said to be racist, then what about the argument that the Chinese are wealthy and insisting on the matriculation quota system?" he said in a Mandarin statement on Facebook.

    Wee appeared to be referring to Education Minister Maszlee Malik's statement in May when he said the matriculation quota, which reserves 90 percent placement for bumiputera students, was because they needed help and the Chinese were generally more well off.

    The minister later clarified that he was not generalising that all Chinese were rich.

    Wee's statement comes hours after Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Moahamad labelled Dong Zong as "racist" after the Chinese educationists' group claimed the introduction of khat lessons was an "Islamisation" attempt and started a petition to scrap the plan.

    This was despite the Education Ministry making concessions by reducing the planned lessons from six pages to three pages for the Standard 4 Bahasa Malaysia textbook and making the subject optional.

    Using the hashtag "MCA is the backbone of Chinese education", Wee said the objections were not only from Dong Zong but also from the Indian community, religious groups and even Malay intellectuals.

    "We are not racist. Millions of us object to the policy not because we hate Jawi. To the contrary, we respect the cultural and artistic value and respect Jawi (if) it is introduced in arts education, as an elective or co-curriculum.

    Wee also took aim at Mahathir, pointing out that he was the only prime minister to have jailed Chinese educationists under the now-defunct Internal Security Act (ISA).

    The Ayer Hitam MP was referring to Mahathir's "Ops Lalang" crackdown in 1987 when he was the fourth prime minister.

    "Don't spread racial sentiment by using Chinese education as a political tool to split Malaysians for political objectives," exhorted Wee.

    He also questioned if the DAP would stand up to Mahathir.

    "Does the DAP dare rebut Mahathir and defend Chinese education?" he asked.

    1. Re your "Within hours of Toonsie labelling Dong Zong as racist MCA jumps to DZ’s defence", I too would have jumped to DZ's defence because DZ has been only protecting vernacular schools from Mahathir's RACIST intrusions. It's now new, that is, Mahathir's intrusion. Wasn't he also responsible for the debacle leading to his planned Ops Lalang, allowing a then naive Anwar Ibrahim (now Maszlee) to mess around with vernacular education?

      I haven't had a chance to rush to DZ's defence - maybe today I'll blog on Mahathir's most HYPOCRITICAL comment of racism, coming from the ultimate racist that he was/has been/is and forever will be

      And how could DZ have accepted Nie Ching's kerbau on the affair being wrapped after a consensus when there was NO consensus on issue?

  8. For 50 years, DAP promoted , encouraged and benefitted from racist and Islamophobic attitudes among Chinese.

    Now they are reaping the bitter harvest.

    1. Mfer, ain't u targeting the wrong party?

      W/O the constant chants of the alifbata by the ketuanan freaks/zombies, from WHERE r the seeds of the racist and Islamophobic attitudes among Chinese germinating!

      Oooop… lupa u punya otakrosak!

  9. Preserving culture is not racist. Preserving your own culture while banning other people's is

  10. Both DZ and Bersatu Youth should stop this petition thingy. Let Guanee resolve at Cabinet.

    Wrong for Dr M to use 'racist' label, but Dong Zong not in the right either

    Lim Kit Siang

    MP SPEAKS | Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohammad was wrong to brand Dong Zong as “racist”, but Dong Zong was not right to claim that the khat lesson for Chinese/Tamil primary schools’ Standard Four Bahasa Malaysia subject from 2020 was the beginning of Islamisation.

    Both these incidents illustrate the gravity of the misperception that engulfs the subject of khat in Chinese and Tamil primary schools.

    I was in Chennai, Salem, Bangalore and New Delhi when the khat subject controversy blew up and the briefing by Deputy Education Minister Teo Nie Ching at the gathering for Malacca DAP members yesterday was the first time I learned about the origins of the khat subject controversy.

    There were conspiracy theories that the khat controversy were invented either by Education Minister Maszlee Malik or the prime minister to serve their political purposes.

    In actual fact, however, the khat subject controversy was a legacy of the former government, as the final decision on the new textbooks for Chinese/Tamil primary schools to introduce the khat subject for Standard Four pupils in 2020 was made by the Education Ministry Curriculum Committee chaired by the then education minister and the then two deputy education ministers in a meeting on Sept. 30, 2015.

    Deputy Education Minister Teo only knew about the matter when the controversy blew up last month.

    As I said in Skudai over last weekend, if there had been no change of government in the 14th general election on May 9, 2018, the implementation of the Education Ministry's decision on the new curriculum in Sept 2015 would probably result in “Three Wants” in the new textbooks for Chinese/Tamil Standard Four primary school pupils – want to be compulsory, want to have examination and want students to learn khat.

    As a result of DAP intervention in Cabinet, the “Three Wants” had become “Three Nos” - no compulsion, no examination and no learning/writing of khat, but only an introduction.

    There is the proposal that the khat subject be scrapped for Chinese/Tamil primary schools, although it has already appeared for many years in the current Standard Five textbook for Chinese and Tamil primary schools.

    When I was in Salem, India last week, I noted the statement of the Education Ministry that it is “still accepting the views of various parties to ensure that there is fair consideration” as indicative that the Education Ministry is still open to views and consultation from all groups and parties concerned on the subject.

    This is an opening that should be fully used for a new consideration of the subject of khat in Chinese and Tamil primary schools.

    1. if lks is still in opposition, he will be the first to accuse islamisation.

      i remember well when my classmate fall in love with a malay, some propose look for dap, her mum said this would politicise the issue, n her mum is correct, thats exactly what happened.

      lks not that diff with mahathir in many aspect.

      every word he said abt khat today is politics talk, he is just a dog, dulu sampai sekarang dan selamanya.
