
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Khat & Proselytization


Dong Zong insists khat lessons is Islamisation, starts petition

The United Chinese School Committees Association (Dong Zong) will launch a petition to oppose the teaching of khat (Jawi calligraphy) in vernacular schools.
Dong Zong chairperson Tan Tai Kim said the campaign will be supported by several Chinese associations, education boards, parent-teacher associations and alumni groups and also Tamil education groups.
Tan said the association respected Islamic culture and khat as well as efforts to foster racial ties.
However, he said the petition was being launched as based on "research by some scholars and literary experts", khat was used as a medium to spread of Islam and forcing it onto non-Muslim pupils was unconstitutional.
"Non-Muslim students being introduced to khat is not only unacceptable to the non-Muslim community but it also violates Article 12(3) of the Federal Constitution," he said in a statement today.
Article 12(3) reads, "No person shall be required to receive instruction in or to take part in any ceremony or act of worship of a religion other than his own".
Tan said Malaysia was a secular country and as such should be administered in a secular way.
"This is the Merdeka social contract which was supported by the various races. It is important to protect the interest of all races and ensure harmony," he said.
The petition will call for the Education Ministry to only retain the introduction of khat alongside Chinese and Tamil writings for the Standard 5 Bahasa Malaysia syllabus.

Pushback from the non-Malay community had forced the Education Ministry to revise its initial plan to introduce six pages of khat lessons in the Standard 4 Bahasa Malaysia textbook, It is now just three pages and the lessons would be optional.
Education Minister Maszlee Malik has denied that introducing khat was a form of Islamisation.
Proponents of khat point out that it is the calligraphic form of Jawi, which is an Arabic script adapted for the writing of Bahasa Malaysia.
Since it can function similarly as romanised text, the script can also be used for English.
One of khat's proponents, Lim Kit Siang, acknowledged the anxiety of the non-Malay communities but said there was also a need for them to adopt a wider perspective.
He also said Malaysians needed to get over their fear of each other.


  1. DZ quiet as a tikus in 2012 when khat calligraphy was introduced in BM primary textbook. This policy was re-affirmed by the ministry in April 2018, just before GE14. Again no objection from DZ then.

    Now all of a sudden in 2019 DZ wakes up and realises the danger of khat and demands reversal. What can Nie Ching do? Hit the magic “undo” button? Where is it?

    I see a sinister trinity at work:

    MCA-DZJ-Sin Chew

    Education is being politicised by MCA. TAR University cannot be politicised by DAP but primary school can by MCA......

    Podah....(ha ha ha)

    MCA president Wee Ka Siong today said the khat (Jawi calligraphy) in the Year Five's Bahasa Malaysia textbook during the previous BN government was only the introduction of various forms of calligraphy.

    1. OK so MCA eff-ed it up during its times; do you propose for the DAP (now in government) to follow suit?

    2. dj is consistent. introduction mean introduction. mca is dog. dap no diff.

    3. Exactly, strange that back in 2012, Dong Jong did not 'kiu kiu tan'and eggs was not pelted at Wee's service center. Possible that DAP following through as government will loose millions in contracts as books and learning utensils have been printed and contracted...???

    4. MCA did not act like Chinese warriors whereas DAP, especially Teo Nie Ching acted like Chinese kam-si-tui

  2. If somebody fears something, but they are wrong, we need to tell them they are wrong.

    Jawi as a form of Malay written script is NOT Arabic language.

    Any Arabic text, including the Koran, will remain undecipherable for a non-Arabic reader.

    There is no objective argument of proselytization.

    1. Little drops of water
      Little grains of sand
      Make the mighty ocean
      And the pleasant land

    2. You are actually promoting the arguments of the Zombies who insist on banning any signs of the Cross or any other non-Muslim symbols visible from a public location.
      Then Malaysia becomes like Brunei.

    3. lks n dap play a major role to create this fear. ask him to say sorry to pas n muslim first then i start to believe his sincerity.

    4. Mfer, question first yr own motive before u fart!

      Why should lks says sorry to pas n muslim for their ZOMBIEIC chants/actions?

      U need to fulfill JANJI made during the zombie dangdut happy hours?

    5. then say sorry to chinese community n make a confession that he is a dog to agree on khat oso can. either way.

    6. "then say sorry to chinese community n make a confession that he is a dog to agree on khat oso can. either way."

      Ain't u the same?

      Mfer, thus yr superficial understanding of


      Wakakakaka…… 自作孽,不可活。

  3. Guanee and Nie Ching have done the best possible, given the circumstances, ie reduced khat to 3 pages and made optional. Remember, this new education policy was re-affirmed weeks before GE14. There is no magic undo button to halt a ministry run by thousands of people with Old Malaysia mentality and headed by a minister with Islamic Jurisprudence degrees.

    Meanwhile MCA should:

    a. own up and instead of pretending to be good boy and putting blame on DAP

    b. give support to DAP for a common cause (which they themselves caused ha ha ha) and

    c. stop manipulating and using DZJ and Sin Chew to drag this issue on, all this nonsense about petition etc

    d. stop politicising primary school education, MCA are already famous for accusing DAP of politicising TAR-U

    1. mahathir said Khat under BN government was to be in Arts, which means not under BM as dictated by Pakatan Edu Min

  4. That would mean.....our black shoe minister 'Khe Gao'.....!!!
