
Thursday, August 01, 2019

Kemunculan Raja Kerbau

From Sun Daily:

‘Deep state’ slows the reformation of New Malaysia: Kit Siang

Iskandar Putri MP Lim Kit Siang

Sunpix by Adib Rawi Yahya

KUALA LUMPUR: Iskandar Putri MP Lim Kit Siang said that the “deep state” is in fact an important reason why institutional reforms for a New Malaysia has not been as rapid as they should be.

Lim who is also DAP’s adviser said this in Pantai Remis referring to Foreign Affairs Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah’s statement today who reiterated that the deep state in Malaysia is out to undermine the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government.

“The deep state would be more assertive and obstructive if it is convinced that PH is transient and temporary as had earlier been hoped for by Umno leaders, implode and disintegrate in a matter of months,“ he said in a statement, today.

Lim said PH has to convince the people that the government in Putrajaya is stable, cohesive and committed to the five pillar-promises for a New Malaysia as contained in PH’s manifesto during the 14th General Election, so that the battle for the hearts and minds of the deep state could be won.

“We want a deep state to support the emergence of a New Malaysia instead of one seeking to block and defeat institutional, political and governance reforms without which there could be no New Malaysia,“ he added.

The deep state refers to a ‘state within a state’ pursuing its agenda outside of the national political leadership. — Bernama

Meanwhile from FMT:

Flogging the dead horse of the deep state

According to our foreign minister, Saifuddin Abdullah, it is the “deep state” that is now trying to undermine the Pakatan Harapan government. Deep state is commonly defined as a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy or action.
No one knows for sure how tenacious and widespread the deep state is. I think we can’t even validate its existence. But somehow, we are now attributing the government’s numerous failures to it.
When we can’t ratify ICERD, we blame it on the deep state. When we can’t find Pastor Raymond Koh and others that have mysteriously gone missing, we blame it on the deep state. When we can’t find Indira Gandhi’s daughter, we attribute it to the deep state. When we are not sure how mass graves happened, we blame it on the deep state. I think soon, we will also blame the deep state for our failure to close the Teoh Beng Hock case.
The foreign minister said he hopes the new government will ratify more international conventions and treaties going forward even though it miserably failed to ratify ICERD. Ironically, the new treaties being considered for ratification are: (i) the convention on civil and political rights, (ii) the convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, (iii) the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, (iv) the international convention for the protection of all persons from enforced disappearance, and (v) the convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families.
Seriously, I think there is no need to indulge in ambitious and grandiose talk. Have we even begun in earnest to solve the problems that are in our hands right now?
I just find it too convenient and simplistic to use the deep state as the reason when we have a new government, new Cabinet, new home minister, new IGP, new AG, new auditor-general, new MACC chief and new chief secretary to the government and new Bank Negara governor. Are we implying that all our new bosses do not know or can’t find out what is going on in their respective departments and agencies? Where should the buck stop, really?
I believe the government is a powerful institution. I also believe the deep state, if it exists, is ultimately under the purview of the government of the day. The deep state can’t exist out of thin air; it would need huge finances and resources to operate.
The government of the day can’t claim ignorance of the deep state unless its policies and objectives are in congruence with the deep state. So stop giving more excuses and start owning up.


And over at Malaysiakini, good old Commander (rtd) S Thayaparan states in his Malaysiakini column on:

Stop using the 'deep state' as an excuse for inaction

(extracts only)

Have you noticed that whenever Harapan backtracks on positions concerning human rights, they always claim that the public needs more education on the subject? Yet when they create laws that restrict free speech or deepen the fissures when it comes to religion - they assume Malaysians are educated enough to understand why these laws are needed.

The problem with illogical arguments is not that they come from the 'deep state' but rather they form the basis of the political discourse in this country. In what other country do arguments of racial and religious superiority taken seriously as a means to maintain stability either in the form of the social contract or Bangsa Malaysia.

As long as Harapan lacks the political will to carry out reforms, they will always blame this imaginary 'deep state'. The problem with not carrying out reforms is that all it does is embolden the 'deep Islamic state'.

In order to take on these anti-democratic forces in this country, Harapan has to commit to serious reforms, many of which would lay bare the toxic confluence of religious, racial, royal and corporate power in this country.


So dear Lim Kit Siang, stop your Kerbau-ing.


  1. lks the parasite shd retire, please bring mahathir along.

  2. If lks is a parasite then at least he is gamingly showing his acts in the open!

    What r u?

    A delusional rd f*ck playing on keyboard to get orgasm, RIGHT?
