
Thursday, August 01, 2019

Deep State meeting?

From Malaysiakini:

Dr M admits meeting opposition, tightlipped on Azmin's presence

Geraldine Tong  |  Published:   |  Modified: 
Dr Mahathir Mohamad admitted there was a meeting with opposition leaders, which is speculated to be related to the prime minister's post.
However, the premier downplayed the issue, saying he meets with various individuals often, including representatives from NGOs.
“Did you spy on me?” he replied when quizzed on a news report regarding the meeting at a press conference in Putrajaya this morning.
“The meeting happened but I meet everyone, not just the opposition, even NGOs.
“As you know, PAS president Haji Hadi (Abdul Hadi Awang) says he supports me all the time. Nothing new,” he added.
On whether Umno and Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) leaders were present, Mahathir said: “They came to see me, so I met them. I heard what they wanted to say. A lot of them expressed support for me. Thank you very much.”
However, when asked if Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali was at the meeting, the premier, with his trademark sarcasm, responded: “This is a secret meeting, I cannot tell you.”
Quoting a source, The Star reported that opposition leaders had met Mahathir on Tuesday night to pledge their support for him to serve out a full term.
According to the report, those present were reportedly former Umno vice-president Hishammuddin Hussein, PAS vice-president Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar, PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan, and GPS chief whip Fadillah Yusof.
The Star also claimed that Mahathir had asked a high-ranking Pakatan Harapan minister to attend the meeting but did not mention the individual's name.

No, it wasn't me 

 No, it wasn't me

No, it wasn't me 


  1. mahathir is the deep state? no wonder.

  2. In the Malaysian context the Deep State exists in the minds of people who have been indoctrinated into a particular “way of thinking”, some call it “religion”, often since they were young, into the belief that their way of thinking is perfect, and their purpose in life is to bring others into their fold, using whatever means fair or foul, persuasion, subtle brainwashing, assimilation, marriage, conversions, language, political trickery or finally if needed, force.

    The thought of the PM’s post going to Anwar is not that they think Anwar is bad (ok some of them do think he is bad...ha ha ha) but the fact that the post will go to a multi-“ways of thinking” party. The Deep State is preconditioned to insist that the top job must go to a party that is exclusive and follows their “way of thinking”.

    And what is their “way of thinking”?.

    Ha ha see and read about it every day.
