
Friday, August 09, 2019

Car No 3 - "privately" funded? Kerbau!

From Sun Daily:

Darell Leiking made the annoncement, but 

he is PERSONALLY in charge 

CYBERJAYA: Innovative technology and solutions provider, DreamEDGE Sdn Bhd, has been chosen as the anchor company for the new national car project, Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Darell Leiking said.

DreamEDGE according to him, would receive support from Daihatsu Motor Company in advanced technology.

“The project will be fully privately funded but the company is eligible to apply for grants from the government,“ he told reporters in a briefing here today. — Bernama

What I and millions of Malaysians fear with the return of Mahathir has come true, to wit, Car No 3 and more waste of hundreds of millions if not billions of ringgit from public resources (taxpayers' money) a la Proton with the useless defunct auto-window.

If the project for Car No 3 is privately funded, why is Putrajaya involved in the selection of DreamEDGE Sdn Bhd as the anchor company for the project?

... Unless Atuk (and thus Pakatan government) is personally involved and remote-controlling the process.

And the most frightening part of Darell Leiking (MITI)'s announcement has been "but the company is eligible to apply for grants from the government" which will see the rotten ridiculous return of Mahathir's Proton-ish Kerbau and the pending waste of billions.

And I read that, despite Darell Leiking's statement that Car No 3 will be "privately" funded, Khazanah's subsidiary Silterra (all GLC and therefore not 'private' companies but owned by Malaysian public) would be contributing or financing said project to an initial tune of RM30 million.

If the SilTerra's subsidy/financing is confirmed,

see Star Online's Silterra poised to contribute to 3rd national car project, and

The Edge Market's Dr M says private entities like SilTerra will fund third national car project


... then there is deep set deceit in the Kerbau offesive stench of the project being 'privately funded'.

Welcome back, and you're already truly at home, Mahathirism. And Lim KS and DAP are still sleeping or acting 'dunno'. Podah.

Lim Kit Siang - from hero to zero



  1. "What I and millions of Malaysians fear with the return of Mahathir has come true, to wit, Car No 3 and more waste of hundreds of millions if not billions of ringgit from public resources (taxpayers' money) a la proton"

    U must pray hard & fast that mamak eats his words & stay longer than the less than a yr duration.

    Even if he stays on, can he bulldozed the funds through when he has ONLY 13 MPs under his bag!

    Unless, all the other ph component parties r dead meats of no consequential plays that they r willing to let ph, hence their regime, sinks!

    Bloody mimpi putih of the nth kind or hallucinations induced by whatsoever grass yr master supplied!

    Fart leaking from the pressurised fart chamber as the trial of SRC getting to close & the room at bamboo resort has been booked!

  2. Wakakakakaka

    And we have now instead TDM using Darell Leiking from Warisan, another party of PH coalition to do his bidding to announce the 3rd National car project to face all the brickbats coming from critics of this national car after all the heat thrown at PPBM/PKR ministers earlier.

    After Lynas, Khat and now again 3rd National car.

    A pattern of creating animosity towards PH component parties and their leaders all seem to be emerging to cripple them for a specific agenda only TDM/PPBM knows about.


  3. Tapi Lynas dapat bebas cukai 12 tahun, sekarang kita nak bagi tanah lombong timah percuma so they can dump radioactive waste....oh I forgot dulu kerajaan bodoh boleh bagi incentive, sekarang Malaysia Baru, kerajaan pandai, incentive langsung tak boleh bagi....but don’t worry Guanee will keep an eye on the old man, tak akan bagi satu sen pun....nanti pokai ha ha ha....and Toonsie still confused if Proton is our national car, he drove Jokowi in one today to buy ta-pou lunch, “power window dah beres” he told Jokowi proudly....

  4. we cant fight him, we can only drag.
