
Saturday, July 20, 2019

When gay sex is haram and when it is halal?

From Finance Twitter:

Azmin Ali Indirectly Admits He’s A Homosexual – Suddenly Chua Soi Lek Looks Like A Saint

As expected, Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Abdul Hamid Bador declared that an explosive gay sex video implicating Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali is genuine, but the identities of the two men in the clips cannot be determined. It would certainly be a big surprise if the top cop said the identities of the two men have been positively identified, as that would go against Mahathir’s conclusion.

Perhaps the police chief should send the video clip to the U.S. for identification. If that is beyond the police budget, China could do the job too. China “Hikvision” products and solutions were part of the Chinese surveillance system where facial recognition databases have almost every one of the nation’s 1.4-billion citizens. Even the U.S. and U.K. have been using their products.

Cameras from Hikvision can produce not only sharp, full-color images in fog and near-total darkness, but also possess AI technology. Although the gay sex video was not recorded using Hikvision, chances are the company possesses the software to identify if the two men in the low-resolution clip were indeed Azmin Ali and Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz.

Haziq Aziz admitted he was one of the above two lovers and alleged Azmin Ali as his partner

Because Mr. Haziq has already admitted to be one of the men in the video clip, it isn’t difficult to authenticate the other man, whom Haziq claimed was his sex partner Azmin. What the facial recognition software needs to do to establish its capability and reliability is to match Haziq with highest accuracy. Then the other man can be matched against Azmin Ali.

For the police to rely only on the local Cybersecurity Malaysia to conduct the verification of the video clip is laughable. To prevent the Royal Malaysia Police under the new leadership of Abdul Hamid Bador from being labelled as the lapdog of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, the homosexual video clips should be sent to both China and the U.S. for ultimate authentication.

Unfortunately, both PM Mahathir and IGP Bador appear to have failed in the handling of the gay sex scandal with utmost professionalism and integrity involving Azmin, the blue-eyed boy of Mahathir. The premier had already demonstrated his bias when he announced that Azmin was innocent and the clip was fake – even “before” the police could start the process of authenticating the video.

Hamid Bador became the IGP because of his allegiance to Mahathir

The 94-year-old prime minister’s remarks have essentially destroyed the credential of IGP Bador, who was appointed due to his extreme loyalty to Mahathir. It makes the police chief a lame duck – even a political tool – as he could not possibly go against the “wish” of his boss. Hence, the mocking that the police cannot identify who the porn stars in that gay video are but can confirm 100% it is “not Azmin Ali”.

Today is not 1998. Mahathir and the police should stop insulting the people’s intelligence. The prime minister should explain why a “homosexual Anwar” was unacceptable in 1998 but a “homosexual Azmin” is welcome in 2019. Ahh, Mahathir said – “I see this as a political move, not because of crime. The crime is that there is a coalition to bring down Azmin.”

Going by Mahathir’s logic, did he admit that a crime was committed by himself back in 1998 when he brought down Anwar Ibrahim using the same modus operandi? Heck, back in 1998, there was no sex video clip when the former deputy prime minister Anwar was sacked for sodomizing his wife’s driver, Azizan Abu Bakar. Was it not a political move back then?

the gospel by Mahathir

what Anwar did was haram
what Azmin has done is halal? 

Perhaps Dr Mahathir should explain to the people the difference between the homosexual activities conducted by both Anwar and Azmin to the extent that the premier was absolutely convinced Azmin’s extracurricular is “halal” (allowed) but Anwar’s was “haram” (forbidden). Both men screwed their male partners, were they not?

It didn’t help the situation when top cop Abdul Hamid Bador offered a statement mixed with political statement – that the police investigation into the matter showed the existence of an “evil conspiracy” masterminded by a leader of a political party aimed at shaming the reputation of a particular individual (Azmin Ali). It is not the job of the police to make judgements.

As far as the gay sex video is concerned, both men – Haziq and Azmin – have committed homosexual acts, a crime punishable to a 20-year in prison and whipping. Although Mahathir dislikes the fact that Haziq shamelessly confessed that he was one of the two men in the sex video, that does not give the prime minister and the police the right to discriminate only Haziq.

why is only Haziq held in custody? 

While Haziq is still being detained on a 6-day remand order, Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali appears to be protected by the authorities, or at least the impression from the public is such that the powerful prime minister has given the instruction to the police to put all the blame on Haziq while Azmin is being painted as an innocent lamb.

Wait a minute. Are we sure the other man in the video clip was Azmin Ali? There’s only one way to find out – send it to the U.S. or China to be identified. But without Azmin realizing, he has indirectly admitted it was him in the video clip. On Wednesday (July 17), Anwar Ibrahim suggested that Azmin should resign if he is conclusively identified as one of the two men in a recent viral sex video.

Without thinking wisely, Azmin Ali hit back at lightning speed at his boss Anwar Ibrahim, saying that the PKR president should “look at the man in the mirror”. When former PM Najib Razak was condemned for stealing money from 1MDB funds, he once retaliated and suggested that Mahathir had also stolen money during his time. So, it takes a crook to recognize another crook.

Mirror and not Police will determine the guilty one
we live in Malaysia Sakti  

Clearly Azmin’s foolish retaliation can be interpreted as telling Anwar that since both of them are homosexual (or heterosexual), PM-in-waiting Anwar has no right to lecture him about quitting. However, Azmin has forgotten that Anwar, despite his cry of political persecution, had been punished by the law and sent to prison. But Azmin has not even been arrested, let alone charged for involving in the unnatural sex.

Like it or not, Anwar was right that Azmin should resign – if it’s proven – that it was indeed the Economic Affairs Minister caught in the gay sex video. Anwar didn’t say Azmin must resign immediately. Azmin’s refusal to resign in the event that it’s established that both men in the video clip were Haziq and he could drag not only PKR, but also the Pakatan Harapan government down.

Perhaps that’s what Azmin Ali determines to do – to drag Anwar and everyone together with him if the selfish blue-eyed boy of Mahathir is forced to resign. For the greater good of the coalition, the power-hungry Azmin should think twice about going nuclear. Suddenly, former MCA president Chua Soi Lek, who was involved in a sex scandal, looks like a saint.

Despite his earlier decision to stay, Mr. Chua tendered his resignation as Health Minister, MCA vice-president, Johor MCA chief and Labis Member of Parliament on January 2, 2008. As compared to Azmin Ali, Chua quit with honour after he held a press conference in Labis, Johor, where he admitted to being the man in the sex DVDs circulating in the state of Johor.

Apparently, the two DVDs showed Chua Soi Lek having sex with a woman whom he described as a “personal friend”. Mocked and insulted as a “sex actor”, Mr. Chua was allegedly framed by his own colleagues – Wee Ka Siong and Liow Tiong Lai. The four-star Hotel Katerina in quiet Batu Pahat was the hotel where Chua engaged in an extra-marital affair with the young woman.

Chua’s mistake was bonking his “woman friend” – Ms Angela Yam – in the same hotel in the same room for convenience sake. Four cameras hidden in the suite recorded him having sex without his knowledge. When caught with his pants down, he took the responsibility and confessed of his affair and apologised and when that failed – he resigned.

apa malu boss ku

Unlike Azmin, Chua did not throw tantrums and cries like a baby and blame everyone but himself. Miraculously, Chua made a comeback 2 years later and emerged victorious as MCA president in 2010. Yes, he did not bonk another man, but committed “natural sex” with another woman and yet, he resigned. Mahathir is doing more harm than good to his own community by trying too hard to protect Azmin.

don't try to teach grandfather how to suck eggs

do you know there are 4000 parts in a Proton car?


  1. If you read Azmin's press statement he NEVER DENIED that he was one of the persons in the video. He just went on about vicious libel, nefarious plots, threats against his family (which he never clarified) etc.

    But he never said "I am not in the video" or "I am not gay/bisexual"

    KUALA LUMPUR, June 12: Following is the media statement issued by Minister of Economic Affairs Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali today pertaining to allegations made against him on social media.

    I refer to the various media reports today publishing the allegations of an individual regarding a sex video purporting to implicate me. I categorically deny this vicious libel upon me.

    This is nothing but a nefarious plot to assassinate my reputation and character in an attempt to destroy my political career. Judging from recent political developments, this is clearly the latest in a series of concerted attempts over the past few months to vilify me, which includes intimidation against the safety of my family and I in the final week of Ramadhan, and vile and baseless accusations of corruption.

    I utterly condemn this brand of gutter politics. It has no place in this era of New Malaysia, where we are working to rebuild the nation through institutional reforms.

    I have instructed my lawyers to take the appropriate legal action against the individual who made these abominable allegations as well as against other perpetrators. I will avail myself of all legal means at my disposal to expose these culprits.

    I will not submit to these cowardly acts and heinous attempts to distract the public from the pressing concerns of the nation and the successes of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the planning and implementation of national development policies that are sustainable and inclusive.

    I trust the Royal Malaysia Police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission will take all necessary action with regards to this matter.

    Minister of Economic Affairs
    12 June 2019

    1. Wow...what did Pakatan do to you...
      How much of a true believer must a person be to first say

      "If you read Azmin's press statement he NEVER DENIED that he was one of the persons in the video."

      And then quote him saying this:

      "I refer to the various media reports today publishing the allegations of an individual regarding a sex video purporting to implicate me. I categorically deny this vicious libel upon me."

      Next, Pakatan will ask for your left kidney...

    2. Whether Azmin is gay or not the unauthorised recording and distribution of the video would be libel and damaging to his career.

      If he is not gay or bisexual just simply say so, but he did not. He only denied the “viscious libel” but he did not deny being gay or bisexual.

      He only criticised the recording and distribution of the video. Very sly.

    3. "He only denied the “viscious libel” but he did not deny being gay or bisexual."

      My condolences to your mental faculties.

    4. "recording and distribution" are not libel unless the contents are untrue. You cannot "deny" recording and distribution, only the content.

      Nice try. But I sympathize with your psychological needs. Just hold on to your kidneys.

  2. 'the police cannot identify who the porn stars in that gay video are but can confirm 100% it is “not Azmin Ali '.....WTF...???!!!

  3. If Azmin is not one of the actors in the sex video,then why not he show up for the PKR retreat in PD?Guilty conscience?Is he not the PKR deputy president?Or soon to be no longer the PKR deputy president?He did not have the guts to face the audience even for a fifteen minutes speech.

    After this episode is over,he will relocate to Indonesia.How to face the people after this.This is what he get after going against his mentor.Remember what Anwar got when he tried to get too smart with Mahathir?Mahathir has said it many times over,Malays have very poor memories.

    1. Azmin dare not show up at the PKR retreat because he knows there is video#4 (and more?) just waiting to be sent out via WhatsApp chats. As soon as he gets up onto the podium to address the gathering the video will be sent out, for maximum embarrassment.

  4. Wakakakakakakaka

    What Halal or Haram?

    Why should it is classified as such when so many engaged in sodomy and buggery but of course behind closed doors and not videoed, reported or talked about.

    And most of the victims are wives, girlfriends, young boarding/religious school boys, trainees etc.

    You just need a #MetooMalaysian to let all the Malaysian hypocritic demons be exposed by victims who can go report it anonymously.

  5. tis have to ask hadi, is there a syariah compliance gay?

  6. The reason Chua Soi Lek had to resign was political.

    He was in DVD having an affair with a Little Dragon Lady, something many Chinese married women can relate to and find highly objectionable. No way he could stay on.

    His comeback in 2010 was after MCA's drubbing in GE 12 2008 , and the party was desperately looking for a different leadership. Unfortunately Chua could not make any difference.
