
Monday, July 15, 2019

Under Mahathir the SB is even more powerful

Extracts from Asia Sentinal:

Malaysia’s Special Branch, a secretive division within the Royal Malaysian Police force (PDRM), has functioned as one of the country’s most covert units, or did until earlier this year, when the human rights NGO Suhakam accused it of being behind the disappearance of two social activists, Amri Che Mat and Pastor Raymond Koh.

The new Director General of Police, Abdul Hamid Bador, denies the accusation, claiming that the unit has no operational capabilities.


According to ex-detainees the special branch methods to interrogate suspects include stripping them, forcing them to stand for long periods of time in the cold, intimidation, threats against families, isolation in spotlights or darkness, sleep, food and water deprivation, ‘good cop, bad cop’ routines, and truth drugs. The aim is to make the detainees completely dependent on their captures to break them down mentally.

Detainees have no right to lawyers, no right to judicial review, or other legal recourse. The SB itself has no known system of checks and balances, which leads to abuse. The 2005 Dzaiddin Royal Commission into Police Reform found that many SB actions fall outside the law. Interrogations also contravene the 1984 UN Convention Against Torture, a treaty which the Malaysian government has refused to ratify.

Mahathir as Prime Minister has always been close to the Special Branch. In 1987 he cracked down on his critics in what was known as Operation Lalang, rounding up more than 100 politicians, social activists, academics, students, artists, and people seen as being critical of the government. The prime minister’s hold over the unit is just as strong today with his staunch ally Abdul Hamid Bador, the newly appointed IGP. Mahathir in support of the SB was dismissive of Suhakam’s findings about the abduction of Pastor Koh.

This is in stark contrast to former Prime Minister Najib Razak’s experience. Suspicious of the SB is that it built its own security apparatus from the Malaysian External Intelligence Organization, known as ME10.

Building ME10 up to more than 1,000 operatives, Najib bypassed the SB. The charges against the former Director-General of ME10 Hasanah Abdul Hamid for misappropriation of election funds can be seen as payback for the letter she wrote to the CIA before Najib lost the federal election last year.

Today, the SB has a budget of more than RM500 million, which doesn’t include the slush funds it has to run secret and sensitive operations. Over the last decade SB staff have more than doubled to over 10,000. This doesn’t include 10-15,000 informers that the SB is handling across the country. This represents about one SB operative to 1,500 citizens, a ratio not unlike the old East German secret police, the Stasi.

Rather than use sodomy to destroy an adversary of Mahathir, ironically the SB is now using misinformation dissemination, aka ‘deepfake’ to protect a Mahathir ally.

Many more clandestine operations to handle the transition are certain to follow.

The SB is now in the hands of a person who has used it before to blackmail, silence, incarcerate, and detain his critics. If Malaysia aspires to be a true democracy, then the SB is totally out of control.

Who is a subversive or terrorist is left for the SB to decide. Extra-judicial abductions are unconstitutional. Many detainees have been prisoners of conscience or prisoners for their religious beliefs.

Under Mahathir the SB is even more powerful now than it was under the last BN Government.



  1. Stop the Bullshit with trying to praise Najib.
    Whose administration was it under when Pastor Koh and Amri disappeared, probably the work of official organs of power as Suhakam said.

    And whose administration for more than a year continuously stonewalled, refused to seriously investigate the disappearance ?

    What Pakatan Harapan is now trying to do is to pick up a investigation into a 2-years old Cold trail, a near impossible task as professional detectives will tell you.

  2. Hasanah's letter to the CIA painted Pakatan Harapan , a lawful and loyal Opposition at the time as a national security threat.
    For a Civil Servant drawing a salary from taxpayer funds, that amounted to Treasonous activity.
    The misappropriation charge is a very light prosecution. She should have been charged with far more serious crimes.

  3. So long as the post of IGP appointment is under the advise of the PM to the Agong, the problem of any IGP without integrity going astray to serve political Masters will never go away.

    And that goes too, to all other critical Govt. appointments which are also subjected to clause of "Advice of the PM to the Agong".

    So, when will the current MPs enact those Bills/Acts/Laws to curtail such powers of the PM in critical appointments to be under the PSC?

  4. If SB is now even more powerful under Toonsie then why they sabo his blue eyed successor Azmin?

  5. Grrrr…

    When did u learn to twist like this:

    "The new Director General of Police, Abdul Hamid Bador, denies the accusation, claiming that the unit has no operational capabilities."


    The new Director General of Police, Abdul Hamid Bador DIDN'T say so.

    It was mentioned by that jibby ass-licker, the retired inspector general of police, Musa Hassan.

    Tsk… tsk… sigh…

  6. Under Toonsie's New Malaysia many institutions are more powerful.

    A good example is the Public Accounts Committee now chaired by UMNO MP Datuk Noraini Ahmad (hence no bias ha ha ha). The PAC found Jibby guilty of breaching the law, specifically Section 54(2) of the GST Act 2014.

    Quick KJ, make a polis report on this too ha ha ha...

    No money missing? Ask the 121,429 companies and individuals who did not receive their GST refunds. And also thank them because they effectively gave Jibby an interest free loan of 19.4 billion.

    1. Under YOUR Toonsie's New Malaysia, Nurul Izzah had to merajuk because the PAC Chair was held by a Pakatan govt person and Mahathir continued act 'dunno'. T'was ONLY after Nurul acted angrily, with mucho support, that the PAC Chair was finally given to an UMNO person - PODAH to Mahathir

  7. Legal procedure dictates that intentionally transferring of fund into a different a/c to meet immediate needs IS criminal offence.

    The PAC is wall-flowering the act, unlike lge who called a spade a spade!

    PAC chair? Anyone STILL remember that pathetically elected/reelected chair under jibby for the 1MDB report?

    Silence? Not interested! Old news! But the sop is still the same. RIGHT?
