
Friday, July 05, 2019

The 'better' pre-uni students

Extracts from Malaysiakini:

STPM vs matriculation students: Who stands a better chance?

PARLIAMENT | The Education Ministry has stressed that it does not differentiate between Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) and matriculation for entry into public universities and that it is decided based on meritocracy.
But based on data from the recent 2018/2019 academic year, students who go through the matriculation system stands a better chance of gaining entry into a public university compared to an STPM student.
According to a written reply dated July 3 by Education Minister Maszlee Malik, 33,197 STPM graduates and 20,907 matriculation graduates applied for entry into public universities.
Of the 33,197 STPM graduates, 24,375 or 73.4 percent were admitted into public universities, while of the 20,907 matriculation graduates, 20,269 or 96.9 percent were admitted into public universities.


  1. Cina don't even bother to pretend there is no favouritism in the private sector.

    Govt should just be open about favouring Malays.

    No need to hide fairness.

    Cina get govt money for SRJK(C) and no laws against favouring sons in private companies, so it's only fair Melayu get special treatment from the govts of the Raja-raja Melayu and Agung.

  2. Cina get govt money for SRJK(C) - but Cina also represent biggest bloc amongst taxpayers yet receive no NEP benefits

    1. More tax means more wealth. Who protects the wealth? Who enforces the laws that let you keep it and protect it from others? Who provides the politics and social conventions that even makes that wealth possible?

      That's why the Cina who pay taxes and complain, continue to stay here and continue to pay taxes.

      Tanah Melayu is not North Korea, you keluar atau masuk lu punya suka hati.

      Your nenek moyang chose to come here on their own free will.

      This world is huge. Even China is huge. But Cina choose to stay here and continue to pay taxes to Melayu govt.

    2. Otakrosak cuba baca tu:

      Figures provided by Parliament in 2015, showed that bumiputra households make up the majority of the country’s top 20% income earners (T20), but the community also sees the widest intra-group income disparity. According to data from a parliamentary written reply, the bumiputra make up 53.81% of the T20 category, followed by Chinese at 37.05%, Indians at 8.80% and others at 0.34%.

      So which groups overall are the top 20% income earners in the country? Answer: bumiputras by a whopping 16.76% to the next group, the Chinese!

      However, when the comparison is made within the bumiputra group itself, T20 earners only comprise 16.34%. The remaining comprises the middle 40% income earners (M40) at 38.96% and the bottom 40% income earners (B40) making up the majority at 44.7%.

      This means that in spite of almost 40 years of affirmative action, handouts, subsidies and quotas, bumis as a group has a large disparity between its haves and the havenots. That raises the question if it means practically none of the government assistance has in fact gone to help the bumis that truly needed help but has gone to further enrich those who are already having it all!

      To the Malays, I say, “You should look into this disparity instead of pointing fingers to other Malaysians who work hard to uplift themselves without any help from their own government”.

      This is a Parliament report, not yr usual fake news!

      More tax means more wealth & yet not willing to help his/her own kindred!

      Who enforces the laws that let you keep it and protect it from others?

      Too bad! It used to be the Nons who helped to run an efficient administration. But look it the administration now as quoted by the world bank!

      As for the protection, w/o the Nons SB contributions, what have yr militia done as in the dismayed sulu invasion by a bunch of ragtag 'fighters'?

      DON'T make my toe laughs itself off lah, historical blurred rd ketuanan f*ck!

      Who r the bloodsuckers of the melayu lagi?
