
Thursday, July 11, 2019

Thanks to PKR for our Entertainment

From Malaysiakini:

Assemblyperson accused of affair with Selangor MB files police report

PKR assemblyperson Juwairiya Zulkifli (photo, above) has lodged a police report following allegations she’s been having an affair with Selangor Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari.
The Bukit Melawati representative further insisted that she was not at the location of the purported sexual dalliance captured on a closed-circuit camera (CCTV) recording.
She was referring a CCTV recording purportedly of Amuridin and her at a hotel in Sandakan, Sabah, last May 11.
Juwairiya further stated today that she has also lodged a report with the Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and is contemplating legal action.
“My side has lodged reports with the police and MCMC on the slander which could tarnish my image and credibility as a Selangor state representative.
“I have discussed with my lawyer on legal action...What is sure, it is slander and I stress I was never at the location at the alleged date,” she said in a statement uploaded on her Facebook.
Amirudin has denied the allegation and is also mulling legal action.

Amirudin Shari 


  1. Not as bad as the Perak DAP Exco arrested for allegations of Rape.

  2. Finally, straight sex. Jangan kalah DAP.

  3. pkr is really a big family party. n we dun use force wakaka.

  4. In these days of “Me too” politicians need escorts of the same-sex with them 24/7, no wait, Azmin had that and it didn’t work either....but really I think the real drama, suspense and entertainment in being played out at Jibby’s trial. KWAP pensioners need to know what happened to their 4B that Jibby transferred to SRC’s bank account in Switzerland. Even SRC’s chief doesn’t know.

  5. The allegation post has been taken down. No substance behind it at all.

    Looks like a piece of crap.

    The Assemblywoman is single and pretty. That makes her a likely target for such allegations.

  6. Wakakakakakakaka

    You just laugh at all the village/kampung politics being played around by supporters/plotters, strategists of politicians.

    Let's make a guess, among all the politicians elected into Parliament/State Assemblies and all those holding high posts whether in Federal/State institutions, NGOs, Religious institutions, GLCs, GLICs etc, how many of them are gays, lesbians, LGBTQs, Hamsap, Gatal, womanisers etc and whether they do it overseas or locally in hotels, motels, homes etc?

    The only way for Malaysians to find out is to start a #Metoo movement on all the social media platform like FB, Whatsapp, Twitter etc and allow all those village/kampung political idiots free access to go ahead and slander until their hearts content as well as the victims, friends, community, office mates, families etc.

    It also serves as a good platform for all victims of sexual violence, sexual harrassment, sex predators, paedophiles whether local or overseas citizens to expose all of them.

    Of course, some politicians being what they are, when exposed will also counter with excuses like "Malu apa, Bossku" when caught and exposed.

    Some will even say it is their right based on race, religion, priviledges, victimised, right etc or use the instruments of power, wealth, media etc to suppress such crimes.

    Let the public judge all of them, based on all the exposures in social media with everyone including victims, sympathisers, supporters, plotters, hypocrites contributing their say and see whether such exposures incriminating anyone will stand the test of time.

    This is because the current narrative of sex scandals, affairs, accusations is in a very controlled environment of social and print media by political operatives which intends it for short term gains but never in the long term use and victims of such sexual harrassment and crimes have never have a platform for anonymous disclosures of truth on those perpetrators.

    This will also allow victims of sexual crimes who complain or reported such cases being suppressed, intimidated, forced or paid to withdraw their accusations to seeing real justice for themselves even if it take 10 years, 20 years or during their lifetime.

    Open it to even children for those who are victims of incest and paedophiles or sexual harrassment so that they don't have to suffer the pain of such crimes by such perpetrators.

    It doesn't matter whether sexual crimes or slander done can be hidden for years and years due to manipulation of power, wealth, politics, position, religion, race etc, for with time with such a public domain, the victims can at least seek justice for themselves.

    You'll be surprised how many Malaysians (whether adults or children, students or employees, rich or poor) are victims which goes hidden and unreported and how many live their lives bearing such pain or seeking for justice.
