
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pribumi MB in Perak like Israelis, taking land away from farmers

From FMT:

Help us, farmers appeal to Perak footballers given their land as reward 

This group of farmers in Ulu Chemor, Hulu Kinta, has been cultivating the state land for over four decades but are upset it is being taken away from them

PETALING JAYA: A group of farmers is urging the Perak football team to come to their rescue after they were issued eviction notices by the state government which plans to grant the soccer players their plots of land as gifts.

In an open letter, the farmers — who own 2-5 acres (0.8ha to 2ha) each — said their families had been tilling the land in Ulu Chemor, Hulu Kinta, for over four decades and it was their only source of income.

They said they were shocked when they received a notice from the Kinta Land Office on July 5, ordering them to move out within 14 days or risk a RM500,000 fine or a jail term of up to five years.

The farmers said they had no objections to the footballers being presented with land in appreciation of the team’s excellent performance.

But they wondered why it had to be their land.

“It’s not as if we have other plots of land that we can cultivate.

“We are small farmers, not big commercial farmers with tens of acres of land each.”

The farmers went on to say that they had sent a letter to the menteri besar yesterday, appealing to him to utilise a small portion of the land alienated to government-owned companies like Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Perak (PKNP), MB Inc and Perak State Secretary Incorporated (SSI) to reward these football players.

On May 3, Menteri Besar Ahmad Faizal Azumu had awarded land to 39 Perak footballers and officials for winning the Malaysia Cup final last year against Terengganu.

“We sincerely hope that you, the victorious Perak footballers, will support our appeal and ask the MB to call off this eviction exercise,” the farmers pleaded.


Extracts from MM Online:

Perak offers to rent out GLC land to Hulu Kinta farmers facing eviction (extracts):

IPOH, July 27 — The Perak government has offered to rent out land belonging to the State Agriculture Development Corporation (PPPNP) to seven farmers from Chemor, after the state-owned land on which they have long toiled, were awarded to the Perak football team.

The farmers who received a 14-day eviction notice dated July 5 had on Thursday handed over a letter to Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu, seeking his help to intervene in this matter.

The Mentri Besar’s Office in a statement said that the government has no intention to take action on the encroachers despite occupying the state land without paying any revenue for more than 50 years.

“According to State Land and Mines Office record, a series of discussions were held with the farmers. An initial understanding was agreed, before the notice was issued to them.

“The illegal farmers were offered to rent land in a new location at Tanah Hitam, Chemor. The land was in the process of being transferred from the state government to PPPNP,” the statement read.

The statement also said that the 14-day notice given to the illegal farmers is a standard procedure for giving them time and space to prepare to clear the land.

“The move is also part of the state government’s effort to resolve encroachments in the land owned by the state and government-linked companies (GLCs), which have been going on for decades.

“The government is committed in solving illegal encroachments and squatter problem, but at the same time will help small scale farmers to continue their farming activities in a legitimate way by renting out the state and GLC’s land at a very affordable rate,” the statement further read.

On Thursday, PSM chairman Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj, who represented the seven farmers, told reporters that those affected are small scale farmers who occupy a small piece of land measuring between 0.81 hectares and 2.02 hectares each.

Dr Jeyakumar said that the government should consider giving the farmers a temporary grant or licence to occupy the land as they are not big scale or commercial farmers and are merely cultivating to make ends meet.

On May 3, Ahmad Faizal awarded the said land to 39 Perak footballers and officials for winning the Malaysia Cup final last year against Terengganu.

Azumu takes away from farmers the land which they have cultivated for more than 40 years to give away to state footballers, and now offers to rent un-cultivated land elsewhere to them.

everything he has done have been worse than UMNO, because he was from UMNO
a typical Pribumi man 

While the land might not have belonged to the farmers, they would have been given those land freehold under a PKR-DAP or Amanah MB.

But with the sole Pribumi ADUN being MB, he has virtually 'robbed' those hardworking farmers of the land they have sweated with blood, toil, tears and sweat for more than 40 years - just to make footballers happy.

Recall Azumu had been against freehold land being given to farmers who worked the land for ages?

It's time to get rid of a minority Parti Pribumi form holding the MB position.

Meanwhile in Turkey Parti Pribumi Mahathir informs Turkish press about the seizure of Palestinian land by Israelis to form the State of Israel, which act has been the cause of terrorism.

Mahathri should look at Perak where his appointed MB Azumu is like the Israelis.

Mahathir's hooked nose Jew 


  1. What Perak is doing is wrong but don’t forget the mass appropriation (I want to say robbery but better not ha ha ha) of native land in Sarawak for the last 5 decades by politicians and their tycoon cronies and the stupid (corrupt?) government that approved the Lynas plant which generates so much waste mine tailings. This humongous land area is rendered useless forever.

  2. Replies
    1. yes, but the farmers worked on them for 40+ years. The worse part is the MB seizes them so as to gift them to state footballers. Why couldn't he gift them to those poor farmers who toiled on those land for more than 4 decades

  3. The farmers worked the land and reaped the harvest for forty years, presumably tax free. What more do they want. About time they retired and play with their grandchildren. They're worse than the crooked nose! Scandalous!

    1. I understand - most of the poor farmers are Chinese, and a few Indians - footballers who knew NOTHING about the land which have been worked on and improved will now get them, thanks to racist Azumu

  4. For the record, the short-lived Pakatan Rakyat Perak State Government of 2008 offered New Villagers, I.e.those the land on which their houses were built, Full titles. Tenant farmers' agricultural land was never part of the offer.
    Anyone who farms government-owned land under TOL knows very well Condition 1 - they do not own the land, and the government can take back the land at any time without compensation. An agreement is an agreement.
    In top of that, there are many illegal farmers, who are there without permission and pay no TOL.
    It's not clear from the article which category those are in. Looks to me they are "illegal".

    Of course, they can appeal the decision, but if they are illegal squatters, they have no legal discourse. 40-years or 1 year does not change their illegal status.

    1. take the cultivated land back for what?

      To give to footballers

    2. As someone who had to undergo considerable pain amd expense to evict someone who had illegally encroached on a piece of my land, I have little sympathy for illegal occupiers.

      The best that I can admit to the ones illegally on government land is they may stay as long as the government has no other use for that land. Once the land is needed for other purposes, they have to leave, there is no legal recourse for compensation.

      Give to footballers kah or to build a school or something else is a totally separate matter.
      And please don't pull Race into this matter.

    3. everything in Malaysia is racial

      and to say 'giving land worked on for more than 40 years by Chinese farmers' to footballers doesn't matter is the worse statement I have read
