
Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Orangutans, orang putih, orang Malaysia & palm oil

Extracts from FMT:

Environmentalist blasts Kok over rebuke of international school

Students speak about deforestation in a concert at an international school in Kuala Lumpur, in a screenshot taken from a clip making the rounds on social media.

PETALING JAYA: An environmentalist has criticised Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok over her response to a video showing international school students speaking out against the palm oil industry at a concert, saying everyone has the right to express his or her views.
Eco-tourism and Conservation Society Malaysia CEO Andrew Sebastian also told FMT that the students should be praised for taking an interest in an issue, researching it and making a stand.

your face needs some palm oil cream 

“She (Kok) should not thwart the voice of the young,” he said, adding that her criticism was “appalling”.
Commenting on the video yesterday, Kok had accused the school of not supporting Putrajaya’s efforts to counter the anti-palm oil lobby, saying it should not sabotage the government’s initiatives.
She also said she was prepared to explain to the school the benefits of palm oil and the steps taken by industry players towards achieving sustainable palm oil.
Sebastian said environmental destruction due to palm oil had been well documented in the country. He also claimed that evidence existed showing how lowland rain forests and river reserves had been affected.
“I am deeply disappointed with the minister,” he added.
“I understand that she is the primary industries minister, but she seems to have forgotten or failed to acknowledge the bad practices which have taken place within the industry.
“I hope her colleagues at the energy, science, technology, environment and climate change ministry will correct her.”
He also suggested that Kok invite the students to perform for her, saying she “might learn something”.
Kaytee notes:

Well, eff Andrew Sebastian and those supporting his silly idealism of environmental concerns and consciences. There is a time and place for everything, but Malaysia is not for anti-palm oil campaigns.
Promotion of the environment and orangutans should not be confined to only palm oil estates, especially when palm oil plantations in the Peninsula do NOT affect those orange-suited apes as they DO NOT live here.
The orang putih (not quite orangutans) and their acolytes seem more concerned about orangutans than the livelihood of struggling orang pekerja ladang sawit (estate workers of palm oil estates) and small plantation holders-owners.

workers livelihood?
no fight with welfare for those cute apes
In Sabah and Sarawak there have long been orangutan sanctuaries such as Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre (Sabah) and Semenggoh Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre (Sarawak) - apa lagi orang putih, who devastated their own wildlife and forests long ago, mahu?

Conservationist calls for a Boycott of the Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre

No one can please those conservatives save themselves and their idealism
I am not sure whether Andrew Sebastian and the principal of the International schools are orang Malaysia, but for a school located in Malaysia to speak ill of one of Malaysia's agricultural assets, vital for the economy of Malaysia and contributing to at least some RM100 billion or so to the national GDP (approx. 6%), it's to say treasonable at the worst, and non-sensible and inappropriate discourtesy to the host nation at the best.
It's like telling the Thais they can eff their rice fields for jungles to regrow for tigers, or to Italians to destroy their olive trees for woods to come back to protect the Eurasian lynx.
It's also known that the International school had DECLINED an invitation to listen to the Primary Ministry's brief on palm oil industry, straightaway showing their pre-set Western prejudice.
As I mentioned above, being anti-palm oil is treasonable at the worst, and non-sensible and inappropriate discourtesy to the host nation at the best. But in Malaysia, there is no place for anti-palm oil nonsense, kiddie shows or not, full stop.
FMT reportedStudent activist Asheeq Ali has accused Teresa Kok of trying to stifle free speech after the primary industries minister hit out at an international school for organising a concert where students gave a presentation seen as supporting the anti-palm oil lobby.

Asheeq said Kok’s criticism of the school goes against Pakatan Harapan’s promise to restore freedom of speech, and urged her to retract her remarks.
What eff-ing free speech when the anti palm oil show was orchestrated/choreographed by the staff of the school and NOT by the students.
In reality, palm oil plantations do serve ecologically as secondary jungles where many wildlife forms exist.

banteng in palm oil estate 

wild boar in palm oil estate 

spotted owl in palm oil estate

but alas, other wildlife forms existing in palm oil plantations won't do - they must be orangutans, the preference of Westerners 
And Tunku Munawirah Putra, the Parent Action Group for Education spokesman, has been incorrect to say the the students’ performance shouldn’t be blown out of proportion. She stated: “Students should be allowed to express their concerns over issues. It should not be seen as an attack on the palm oil industry.”
Nonsense, as mentioned above the show was NOT conceived by the kids but at the direction and guidance of the school teachers. When a Malaysian teacher/principal speaks out against palm oil, that person is attacking the palm oil industry and thus, a Malaysian vital economy and Malaysia itself.
It's like being a musuh dalam selimut to Malaysia!

Malaysia fears those pseudo-Malaysians 
The phenomenon of Malaysians badmouthing or stabbing Malaysia in the back has long been a lamentable shameful act, one born out of cultural cringe and an inferiority complex of obsequious obedience to Western imperatives (eg. to deride alleged orangutan-threatening palm oil plantations - oh, those poor cute orangutans).
Andrew Sebastian should go live amongst soya farms in the USA and canola fields in Europe, which once were (hundreds of years ago, less in the USA) verdant leafy woods teeming with deer, boars, bears, birds and wolves. Bye bye.
Although my friend Teresa Kok is from the DAP, wakakaka, I still support her and palm oil, and indeed all patriotic Malaysians should. She has worked hard for the palm oil industry and we can certainly do without "some" unthinking Malaysians sabotaging her valiant dedicated efforts.

Dirgahayu palm oil & Sweetie Teresa 
And as a last word of civic duty advice to Malaysian gay couples, eg. Haziq and "partner" (wakakaka), they should consider using this marvellous natural lubricant, made wholesomely in Malaysia from the rich earth of our country, instead of K-Y jelly.
Promote palm oil lah in every which way, even via the back way, wakakaka.


  1. World population is growing fast. The need for edible oil (and smooth complexion) will grow in tandem. Palm oil yield (tonnes per hectare) is the highest in comparison to other edible oils like soya bean, corn, canola or sunflower so it has the least environmental footprint, from a land area perspective. And being a perennial crop you plant oil palm once and after maturity you can harvest the fruit for a couple of decades. All the other edible crops are annual, meaning after every harvest the entire plant in the crop field is dug up and burnt, like paddy, releasing huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. That they don’t teach.

    That said Tiger Teresa is right to cap the area for palm oil. 6 million acres is enough. We have better use for our land and labour shortage will always be our handicap.

    Don’t wait till CNY for your next video Teresa. Make one now entitled “KulitKu Licin”, preferably comedy and parody, and send a copy to every school child in Malaysia. And also teach those rich kids to stop eating hamburgers instead; grass or corn-fed cows fart a lot of greenhouse gases. The Amazon jungle is being lost at a rate of one football field EVERY MINUTE, in order to plant soya bean or to use as grazing land for cows to make steaks and hamburgers to feed these pimple-faced kids and their rich parents.

  2. Maszlee should instead instruct all international schools to put this in their curriculum.

    The most environmentally destructive food ever invented was by the orang putih. Just one quarter-pounder hamburger consumes:

    14.6 gallons of water
    13.5 pounds of animal feed
    64.5 square feet of land
    0.126 pounds of methane (ozone depleting fart)
    4 pounds of total carbon footprint

  3. sabah sarawak no palm oil meh? there r always peoples in this world that want to conserve many thing be it tiger, oranghutan, whale, shark etc, lable n accuse all this as simply western propaganda is indeed a stifled of free speech. n what abt bakun dam n many other development? which is more important, penan livelihood or country asset?

  4. Why must politicians again get involved in education of children of which concerts like these are also considered part of educating children to have a broader outlook of world views when they grow up?

    And in this case, about Environmental protection whether bias or not, Mat Salleh prejudiced eyes or not or even suspected hidden agenda of anti-palm oil lobbyists.

    Why look at it as if such exposure to environmental education will turn out to be disastrous to the Nation Palm Oil industry or as a noble and patriotic deed by a Minister/politician?

    Wouldn't the Minister/politician be more effective dealing with adults who are matured and more educated in all those anti-palm oil countries and institutions instead of chastising children still learning and gaining knowledge to be matured adults with a worldwide knowledgeable view via their educators?

    Or does the Minister/politician think the children in such international schools should follow the national schools or religious schools or vernacular schools way of education which produces only children with Myopics views of anything outside of their own small world?

    Can't Malaysian politicians keep out of the Educational system for children and leave it to skills and knowledge of professionally qualified educators to prepare them for their own future instead?

    It is a fact that any educational system once adulterated with political interest by any politician myopic views can only produce adults with myopic views of things and they become handicapped lacking knowledge when competing with the world.

    Politicians themselves are the ones who needed to be taught what a wholesome education means for children for their future.

    1. people who are for or against an issue should NOT use children for their own interests

  5. If someone welcomed me into his house I would not make fun of his decor or what he watches on his telly...

  6. holy capati, what's wrong with your own spit, it's the most natural lub with anti viral anti bacteria properties, real man don't go to the kitchen when he is already half way to heaven

    chabor, hate to say this, but I'm with you on this one, give them hell, the adults I meant not the kids, we are all behind you, two steps behind

  7. Teresa was also quoted as saying that several international schools refused her staff from giving talks promoting the benefits of palm oil.

    The right of rebuttal is fundamental to any right to free speech.

    1. obdurate insistence by school not to see other viewpoints or explanation

  8. Yes..keep on pushing TK. I am 100% behind you (two steps like mucking fuddled). Palm oil drives the food down.

  9. In global terms, certainly in Indonesia, clearing of jungle for palm oil planting continues to be a major contributor to deforestation, as we are reminded every June - October as the wind direction almost daily brings the smoke from jungle clearing .
    It is industrial scale deforestation, not the small scale burning from individual farmers.

    The interior of Borneo is definitely a hotspot.

    1. Hmmm…

      Where's the yearly haze stems from Sumatra, where fires are used for deforestation?

      Economic… economic…

      The whorld palm oil commodity price is at its lowest & falling.

      See the correlation?
