
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Minister Mujahid should stay clear of non-Muslim affairs

From MM Online:

Malaysian beer makers told not to confuse Muslims

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mujahid Yusof Rawa speaks during a press conference in Putrajaya February 13, 2019

Picture by Mukhriz Hazim

PARIT BUNTAR, July 14 — Beer manufacturers in the country have been told not to confuse consumers especially Muslims by producing alcohol-free drink.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mujahid Yusof stressed that alcohol-free beer is only confusing Muslims and it is not a wise move.

“Using the name alcohol-free beer is confusing as the process of producing the drink including distillation is carried out in the system used to produce alcohol products.

“We know the alcohol-free drink is produced by a beer manufacturer but it would cause confusion as some Muslims thought they could consume the drink,” he said. [...]

Mujahid who is also Parit Buntar MP was commenting on a viral promotion of zero-alcohol beer by a beer manufacturer at a convenient store. [...]

Meanwhile, the Malaysian Islamic Development Department also uploaded information on the issue entitled Alcohol and Liquor on its Facebook site yesterday.

According to Jakim, the soft drink is made from the same process of making alcohol drinks and as such Muslims are prohibited from taking the drink made from the alcohol product system regardless of whether they contain alcohol or not. — Bernama

While I understand where the Religious Minister is coming from, he must NOT be presumptuous that beer manufacturers have been targeting Muslims in their promotion of 'alcohol-free' beer.

There are non-Muslims who wish to drink alcohol-free beer for a variety of reasons, eg. religion (Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, etc), legal driving, medical conditions, health, etc.

Yes, there are religions other than Islam which either discourage or prohibit drinking of alcohol. For example, in Buddhism when an adherent chants the daily Pancasila or the 5 Precepts of Buddhism, where 'precepts' are general rules, and NOT commandments, which are reminders intended to regulate behaviour or thought of a Buddhist, the 5th precept is:

Suramerayamajja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

I undertake the precept to refrain from intoxicating drinks and drugs which lead to carelessness (heedlessness)

The reason is that by refraining from intoxicating drinks and drugs, the Buddhist is free from danger, free from animosity, free from oppression to limitless numbers of beings.

Mind, in actuality, many Buddhists (Chinese, Thais, Koreans, etc) drink, with quite a few rationalising that as long as he/she doesn't reach the state of 'heedlessness' he/she is OK, wakakaka.

I observe that the ambiguity amongst Buddhists of Buddhism versus love of drinks is also prevalent among our 'countrymen', the Sikhs. Many Sikhs who I know (my close mateys) love especially whiskey (scotch) and VSOP Brandy.

Be that as it may, I believe that beer companies promote 'alcohol-free' beer, not because of Muslims, but more because of non-Muslims who want to imbibe 'alcohol-free' beer.

alcohol-free beers 

Many Muslims do not realise that the alcohol content in freshly squeezed orange juice, or a very ripe banana (say, in a milk shake), organically contain
0.5% alcohol by volume (ABV). It's Nature's product.

That's roughly the same percentage of alcohol found in some 'alcohol-free' beers, and even more than in other 'alcohol-free' beers. Technically, it still contains alcohol but not enough to get you drunk.

alcohol-free beers  

The best known 'alcohol-free' beer are:

  • Heineken 0.0 – 0%.
  • Nirvana beers – 0-0.3%
  • Estrella Damm Free – 0%
  • Beck's Blue – 0%
  • BrewDog Nanny State – 0.5%
  • Budweiser Prohibition Brew – 0%
  • Marks & Spencer Low Alcohol Czech Lager – 0.5%
  • Erdinger Weizen Alkoholfrei – 0.5%

Non-alcoholic beer now counts for 2% of Europe’s beer production by value. Sales of European non alcoholic beer rose to reach nearly €900 million (RM4178.29
 million) in 2017. Do you think the Malaysian market can sell such volumes?

So, Minister Mujahid may stop worrying, no one is trying to 'confuse' Malaysian Muslims other than Muslim leaders in Malaysia.

And it would be best if he keeps his fingers out of non-Muslim business. OTOH, he should worry about narcotics including cigarettes that Malay-Muslims seem fond of.


MM Online - Heineken clarifies sale of ‘non-alcoholic 0.0 beer’ only for non-Muslims above 21 (extracts)

Heineken Malaysia have assured the public that sales of their non-alcoholic 0.0 beer is available at the non-halal sections and only sold to those above the age of 21.

“We are aware of the concerns expressed in various forums and media regarding Heineken 0.0. We wish to again clarify that Heineken 0.0 is non-halal and is only targeted at non-Muslims, aged 21 and above,” Heineken Malaysia said in a statement.

“Products are only available at the non-halal zone of supermarkets and convenience stores with clear signage indicating that the product is strictly for non-Muslims, aged 21 and above.

“In addition, for stores without designated non-Halal areas, we are placing clear signages to inform consumers that Heineken 0.0 is strictly for non-Muslims, aged 21 and above.”

Chinese teach their young ones early, wakakaka 


  1. Beer drinkers as a community in Tanah Melayu are like the Catholics of China. The Sovereign State gets to decide its internal matters.

    Tuntutlah ilmu sampai ke Negeri Cina.

  2. Yup.... Fuck You Mujahid.

    I know non-Muslims who like to drink non-alcoholic Cider, and others non-Alcoholic Guiness Malta.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Did u realised that they serve Guiness Malta at a zombieic function?

      I was so tempted to take a shot & upload the picture. But my pal stopped me, saying biarkan!

  3. Methinks the Minister better concentrate on preventing Moslems from intoxicating drinks and food which contains alcohol like Air Nira, Tempoyak, Ketum rather than bother about what beer companies produce to be sold and consume by Non-Moslems.

    Why do Moslems have such bigoted ideas that the beer companies, sellers are forever conspiring to sell to Moslems and make them drunk or high?

    And that Moslems are brainless to even think for themselves what is permitted or not and what can be consumed or not. If Moslems are suspicious of any drinks or food, shouldn't they just abstain from buying and consuming such food or drinks instead of going about banning such food or drinks being sold to Non-Moslems.

    What a waste of taxpayers monies (including from beer companies) to pay to such bigoted Govt. servants.

  4. "While I understand where the Religious Minister is coming from, he must NOT be presumptuous that beer manufacturers have been targeting Muslims in their promotion of 'alcohol-free' beer."

    Presuming that alcohol companies are no nobler than tobacco and oil companies is perfectly reasonable.

  5. "OTOH, he should worry about narcotics including cigarettes that Malay-Muslims seem fond of."


    Time to do the same to alcohol.

  6. i think its confusing, to non muslim. n i somehow suspect the beer co target customer is muslim.

    1. Is it confusing to read yr write & thinking about those mfering Formosa independent f*cks?

      No! Definitely NO.

      Confusing only for those small-minded people, or just plain zombies!

  7. Top 7 non-alcoholic beers sold in Saudi Arabia listed below.

  8. No problem selling non-alcoholic beer in many Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia but I understand Malaysian brand of Islam is superior.

    1. How not to labour under the impression that the Malay Islam is the most supreme, more superior than that from Saudi ? Not too long ago, most Malays think that their Islamic prophet is a Malay ! Ha Ha Ha Ha. Malays' alternative facts include that Malay civilization starts only from the 14th century arising from the Malacca Sultanate. They like to bury the fact that their ancestors are actually Hindus and had been worshiping those stone idols which they abhorred so much now. Another LMAO his-story, Ha Ha Ha Ha.
