
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mahathir's glaring double standards between 1998 and 2019

From Malaysiakini:

Sex scandals: Najib points to Dr M's contradicting stand in 1998 and 2019

Najib Abdul Razak has pointed out the difference in Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's response to sexual allegations against PKR president Anwar Ibrahim in 1998 and Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali, which surfaced last month.
In a brief Twitter posting this afternoon, the former premier said: “In 1998. This was a moral issue, not political issue. In 2019. This is a political issue, not moral issue.”
Although he did not mention names, it is obvious that Najib was referring to Mahathir's remarks regarding the sex video implicating Azmin.
In a blog post yesterday, the prime minister said he would not allow himself to be used by the mastermind behind the video.

“This is not a question of morals, it is a political problem. It will be handled as a political issue,” he added.
Mahathir also denied he was defending Azmin when describing the video as fake even before the authorities completed their investigation, but was merely expressing his rejection of gutter politics.
However, during his first tenure as prime minister, Mahathir stressed on morals when explaining his reason for sacking Anwar as his deputy in 1998 based on allegations of sexual misconduct.
During a news conference then, Mahathir described Anwar as someone whom he regarded as a friend, colleague and to a “certain extent”, his protege.

“But action has to be taken because this man cannot be allowed to become a leader in a country like Malaysia,” he said.
“I actually interviewed the people he sodomised and the women he had sex with, the driver who brought the women to the place where he met them...
“They had not only performed sodomy, but during the process, he was doing...I don't know what you call it, he was masturbating this man...,” he added.
Anwar has always maintained that the two sodomy charges against him, in 1998 and 2010 during Najib's administration, were fabricated.
The current video scandal is also speculated to be linked to another power tussle between Mahathir and Anwar.
This is because Mahathir is said to prefer Azmin, who is also PKR deputy president, to succeed him despite an agreement that the leadership baton would be passed to Anwar.
Anwar has denied involvement in the video, which according to the police is part of plot spearheaded by a political leader with the aim of tarnishing the minister's reputation.
Police have found that while the video is most likely authentic, the facial recognition process failed to link Azmin to the recording depicting two men engaging in sexual acts.
Kaytee notes:
Wakakaka, no doubt Najib was char-koay-teow-ing but he has been spot on about Mahathir's disgusting Kerbau-ish demonstration of double standards in 1998 and now.
In 1998 he demonised Anwar, not so much for alleged sodomy which most neutral observers said was sheer fabrication with even the police dragging a mattress into the hallowed halls of a courtroom, but to remove a then-worthy successor who, as alleged, he feared won't protect his precious sons.
Read what he did in 1998, when he took over the job of the police to conduct the following:
I actually interviewed the people he sodomised and the women he had sex with, the driver who brought the women to the place where he met them...
“They had not only performed sodomy, but during the process, he was doing...I don't know what you call it, he was masturbating this man...,” 
Then (1998), he was all out to finish off Anwar, descending to such grubby details so as to hentam Anwar's reputation..

Today? Wakakaka!
'ere the police could start its investigation he has already dismissed the videos as fakes. What then could poor Bador do in the actual investigation other than to declare the police couldn't identify who's in the clips, but then they could arrest and remand not only Haziq, but also Farhash Wafa, an aide to Anwar. And the IGP even talked about a wicked plot by the leader of a political party. Why didn't IGP go ahead and name him.
May I ask, what has been the basis of the police remanding Farhash Wafa? And why was the remand being extended? What security risk to the nation did Farhash pose?
Was Farhash remanded on Azmin Ali's complaint?

Interestingly, UMNO's Lokman Adam claimed his efforts to have the videos investigated in Indonesia have produced positive preliminary results that Azmin Ali was one of the two gay sex lovers. Lokman added:
"We know that Azmin is protected because he is Dr Mahathir's favourite and [IGP] Hamid said what he said because he is a Mahathir loyalist. I have lost respect for the IGP."


  1. najib is now a opposition leader, lks is now a dog leader.

  2. Wakakakakakakaka

    Remember the favourite song of TDM? It's the song sung by Frank Sinatra "My Way".

    And all those who idolise TDM like "God" instead of a Master Politician must surely be disappointed when now they realise he is just that and nothing else.

    TDM and PPBM is just like Hadi Bawang and PAS or Ahjibkor, Zaid and UMNO who have no holes barred even when using Religion or Race to justify whatever they want when playing Machiavellian politics.

    Only dumb people are forever fooled by those politicians who use rhetorics of religion or race to trap them in their grasp of having an illusionary dream world by voting them into power as their only basis of voting leaders.

    I think TDM is too old to remember the last lyrics of the song which starts with "And now, the End is near..."


  3. Wakakakakaka…

    Sama meh?

    In 1998, mamak was fighting & removing a 'formidable' enemy who aimed to topple him.

    In 2009, the sodomee has nothing to do with him.

    U might want to argue that manmanlai is still there. But the is that the same manmanlai of 98? Besides, no matter how mamak wants to delay the handover of pmship, manmanlai is still the official heir designated. Who can out lasts who, both in physique & people support?

    Yr mamak dynastic building IS just part of yr kpi to create as many doubts/disharmony, not amongst the converted, but the people out there!

  4. This has always been what amazes me when Mahathir decided in 1998:
    "....But action has to be taken because this man cannot be allowed to become a leader in a country like Malaysia....”

    Not the Cabinet, not the Umno Supreme Council, not Umno members, heck not even Malaysians were allowed to decide then if Anwar was to be allowed to become a leader. He alone will decide what is good for the country.

    And to this day, the ISA lives on, though in a different spirit....Ikut Suka Aku.
