
Monday, July 22, 2019

Mahathir's destabilising powers & Injury to Azmin Ali

From Malaysiakini:

Mahathir is the source of instability

Kim Quek  |  Published: 
LETTER | Many people may be aghast at this claim. How could it be? Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is the saviour of the country for having toppled the corrupt-to-the-core Umno-led regime. So how could he have caused such trouble to the country?
But let me ask this question. If Mahathir has not been entangling the premiership's succession for so long, enticing Azmin Ali and unsettling Anwar Ibrahim, would it have led to the present crisis in PKR that may not only break up the party but also trigger the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan coalition? 
The latter is a high possibility, considering the inherent incompatibility between Mahathir and Anwar. The sex video is only a spark. But the explosive elements have been accumulating for some time.
To prove my point, Mahathir has only to announce his categorical commitment to hand over power to Anwar on a specific date, which should be a decision reached at a Harapan presidential council meeting and the turmoil in PKR would subside and the Harapan coalition could return its focus to fulfilling its reformasi pledges to the electorate.
Why can’t Mahathir do it if he has no intention to dishonour his commitment to the Harapan consensus before the last election? And why can’t the collective leadership of Harapan insist that this is done?
Unless the source of conflict is eliminated as suggested above, the present conflict will only worsen, leading to a tragic ending.
It is, hence, imperative that Harapan must be decisive now if it doesn’t want to risk losing its only chance to save the country from unrelenting decline.
Now, a word on the motive of sex video plot. My advice is to keep an open mind. 
Do not confine the possibility as only an attempt to injure Azmin politically. There are other possibilities such as a manoeuvre to prevent Anwar from assuming the premiership or a conspiracy to break up the Harapan coalition. The respective motivators should be self-evident.
Our priority at this movement is to save the coalition as suggested, relegating the sex video issue to a due resolution in accordance with the rule of law.

The writer is the author of the banned book The March to Putrajaya and the bestseller Where to, Malaysia?
Kaytee notes:

I was going to write about this, that Mahathir has been the main source of instability in Pakatan, but alas, noted socio-political activist Kim Quek beat me to it, well, at least on the title, wakakaka.

Kim Quek has been right in all the points he highlighted and the one which caught my attention:

If Mahathir has not been entangling the premiership's succession for so long, enticing Azmin Ali and unsettling Anwar Ibrahim, would it have led to the present crisis in PKR that may not only break up the party but also trigger the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan coalition? 

Indeed, why couldn't Mahathir have done that as per the pre election agreement, if he has no intention to dishonour his commitment to the Harapan consensus before the last election? And why can’t the collective leadership of Harapan insist that this is done?

To answer Kim Quek on his two questions above, firstly Mahathir has NO intention of handing over to Anwar, well at least initially - I have to admit I'm not sure now that blue-eyed boy has been 'soiled' (far worse than Soi Lek who only engaged in natural sex which no doubt had won the silent admiration of non Chinese, though the reprobation ire of the cheongsum aunties, wakakaka).

I've often mentioned why Mahathir natural proclivity has been NOT to hand over the PM-ship to Anwar, namely, (a) Anwar has been (I suspect still is) his detested enemy since 1997 - Old Man has not/never forgiven Anwar, and (b) Anwar did his son Mirzan wrong in holding back on the latter's humongous required bailout on his shipping line during the Asian Meltdown era - no one effs around with Mahathir's Chye-Chye unforgiven.

(c) Having returned to the PM-ship, much to his own surprise, and realising he has been given a 2nd chance to remedy all his mistakes (incurred on his own arrogant presumptuousness during his original reign up to 2003) he has decided to now fix those but he requires time, certainly more than the prescribed two years, so eff Anwar.

Secondly, why couldn't/can’t the collective leadership of Harapan insist that it be done? Well, let's first eliminate the ineffectual voice, that of Amanah. Then PKR itself by the very issue itself has been split into two, just the way Mahathir has intended. If Wan Azizah has made some 'noise', I reckon her complaints and unhappiness would have been more effective than the combined efforts of Anwar, Nurul, Rafizi etc etc etc. But she didn't.

What about the DAP then? Who knows what Lim KS has been thinking, but whatever, I don't like it. You can guess and it won't be far wrong.

Avarice changes a man, even like some in the DAP.


  1. Toonsie is right about UMNO being Dumb and Dumber too. After every party election the average IQ of its leaders goes down. The problem is his new party Bersatu has started from a very low base and the import of frogs from UMNO is bringing their IQ down too. Fortunately DAP has a few bright sparks to keep the government engine running.

    1. Wakakakakakakaaka

      If you read TDM's mind, it is not so straight forward of what he really meant about UMNO being Dumb and Dumber.

      He is, in fact conscious of UMNO having a lot of intelligent and skillful politicians/leaders unlike PAS which are populated by more dumb/zombies politicians who measure their intelligence and leadership qualities by how to dress, interpret the Koranic teachings and giving false hopes of living in an illusionary perfect Islamic State so as to achieve an equally illusionary life in a place called Heaven.

      What TDM meant, is more towards him not understanding, how those more intelligent, clean and principled leaders/supporters in UMNO can allow themselves to be sodomised by Kleptocrats and rabble rousers within UMNO and thus bringing the whole party and BN down with them.

      Now, isn't that Dumb?


    2. You are clearly a chauvinist racist, degrading the Malays & thinking the Chinese of this country are the superior race, just like the Nazi's doctrine of supremacy of the Aryan race!😬😡

    3. U buat terbalik ke?

      Siapa tu yang betul2 memainkan concept ketuanan alifbata?


  2. I demand a snap election so that I can vote PAS into power.
    I want the Malaysian Chinese punished for betraying Najib.

  3. Wakakakakakaka

    TDM days as PM are numbered when his own and party political conspiracy to retain the post of PMship and lead the country are finally bared naked for all to see after this latest AA sex scandal.

    Whether this latest AA sex scandal plot is engineered by TDM/his party or DSAI/Cats or any other political party has failed to dent 2 important things intended ie:

    1. DSAI is destined to be the PM with the support of the PH Presidential Council and MPs with the numbers required currently.

    2. PKR is not going to breakup and neither is the PH coalition and Govt.

    However, what is surprising is that why the East Malaysians have not woken up to demand also a DPM post in the wake of the current numbers game and are who are really the Kingmaker during this turmoil and needed by interested West Malaysian political parties in deciding the future PMship. Are they less Machiavellian in politics or are they Dumb politicians?


  4. I prefer Sabah-Sarawak ..>SACK PKR from their State...Join Other Party and then SACK MALAYA to have opportunity to Realise the Singapore Dream.....No need Nation State...Sack Malaya like Malaya + Sabah-Sarawak Sack Singapore 2-1 + Singapore = REAL Progressive nation...then let Malaya Crumble to Bits and $2 Trillion Debt and become ISIS Training Ground and become the Failed Islam Nation to be divided up!! Always remember no Islam Arab Malay Bias run Administration, state or nation is EVER good in this World.....and an ex PM that can owe $1.8 Billion in 7 Years back Taxes is a testerment to the Sultan -Agong uselessness.....cos they are part of the Proceed of Crime!! Try to imagine how much needed to generate $1 Billion Tax owing....Arab Melayu Malaysia Stupid must wake up

  5. Toonsie is also destabilising power in Sarawak. No more safe havens for the rich and powerful there. Nothing is sacred any more in the New Malaysia. Syabas.

    Toonsie’s appointed foxhound is on the loose, sniffing for clues. The white haired rabbit will have to dig deeper to hide.

    Francis Paul Siah, don’t give up on Putrajaya, you can count on this foxhound to catch crooks. I just hope there is enough time to catch this rabbit before he is called to meet the Big Rabbit in the sky. But just in time for Sarawak elections.

    All the Kong Kali Kong noisemakers you have been quiet lately, please repeat your call:

    “Latheefa’s appointment was non-process-compliant, did not get Parliament approval, she did not earn her ribbons and fruit salad, she must resign etc etc.”

    But this feisty lady is here to stay. She has found her true calling in life. I trust her.

    She never fitted into that PKR cesspool.

    MACC confirms probe into ex-Sarawak CM Taib, welcomes more info

    Ainaa Aiman - July 22, 2019

    KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief Latheefa Koya today appeared to suggest that former Sarawak chief minister Taib Mahmud is under investigation, in the wake of calls for him to be probed for abuse of power and corruption.

  6. A trace of mind changing coming soon?

    "Having returned to the PM-ship, much to his own surprise, and realising he has been given a 2nd chance to remedy all his mistakes (incurred on his own arrogant presumptuousness during his original reign up to 2003) he has decided to now fix those but he requires time, certainly more than the prescribed two years, so eff Anwar."


    What happened to that recalcitrant mamak who CAN never change?

    1. who says he has changed? He is exploiting a 2nd rebirth to remedy his errors of yesteryears, ie. to continue doing EXACTLY what he did but with, what he now hopes, greater quality control

    2. Wakakakakakaka

      Obviously TDM quality control is messed up in this 2nd resurrection of Pharoah. It backfired badly unlike those days when everything is done in a carefully scripted and controlled environment to produce the desired outcome.


    3. Another buat tak tau twist!

      If mamak CAN never change then WHY must mamak2.0 remedies his last 22yrs of effort in molding HIS way into Malayana?

      His errors?

      Wakakakakaka… can a recalcitrant recognize his OWN faults/failures?

      Be a man(??), admits yr faked observations.

  7. The joke of the day....maybe of the year....

    Our previous Finance Minister ISSUED BOUNCED CHECKS....ha ha wonder he left a national debt of 1 Trillion and didn't even know it....

    ‘We didn’t want it to come out that PM of Malaysia didn’t have funds’, ex-AmBank manager tells Najib trial
    Published on 22 July 2019


    KUALA LUMPUR, July 22 — A former AmBank relationship manager disclosed in court today that Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s reputation as the then prime minister would have been badly damaged if word had leaked that cheques he issued from an overdrawn account had bounced.

    The prosecution’s 54th witness, Joanna Yu Ging Ping, explained why she would contact Low Taek Jho — better known as Jho Low — when she could not reach Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil, the main person mandated by Najib to act for his accounts.

    Under questioning from Datuk V. Sithambaram for the prosecution, Yu explained that the bank branch would inform her when Najib issued cheques from the overdrawn account and how she would handle the matter owing the sensitivity of the Pekan MP’s position then as both PM and finance minister.

    Sithambaram: You didn’t contact the account holder and you couldn’t contact the mandate holder, why didn’t you just let things take its course because there seems to be blame on you. There are some saying you are (a) rogue banker, is that so?

    Yu: We as relationship managers do not handle current accounts. Sometimes, the branch will draw to our attention that Najib’s accounts have an overdrawn situation. Sometimes, we see cheques presented by another account that do not have money. If we do not do this the PM’s cheques would have to be returned. We do not think the PM’s cheques being returned to be good umm, it is not good.

    Yu appeared hesitant with her replies at first, perhaps owing to her inability to articulate herself, but regained her composure when Sithambaram pressed her to clarify.

    Sithambaram: Not good for what?

    Yu: I mean not good, not good for the PM. I mean he is the PM of Malaysia. When you issue a cheque you must have funds we didn’t want it to come out that the PM of Malaysia didn’t have funds.
