
Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Mahathir'll be punished in elections for highhandedness & abuse of power

As I have written in an earlier post Mahathir ignores UMNO Omertà, to wit:

Dei, apa Omertà, Podah! 

Breaking the UMNO-Melayu Omertà was something which AAB and Najib carefully avoided in order to respectfully observe that sacrosanct UMNO code, which though may be unwritten but has been deeply embedded in Malay culture-traditions, but which Mahathir did not give an eff about, wakakaka, though I find it hard to blame him as he is a Mamak.

But I believe that because Mahathir broke that code by attacking-harassing both UMNO-kakinang, AAB and Najib, the greater Malay society today has and will not forgive him.

 While Herakles (Hercules) was in the underworld obtaining Cerberus (3-headed guard dog of Hades) for one of his labours, his father Amphityron, wife Megara (daughter of lawful King of Thebes, Creon), and children were sentenced to death in Thebes by Lycus (the usurping ruler of Thebes)

Herakles family family took refuge at the altar of Zeus, and Herakles arrives in time to save them, though the goddesses Iris (the messenger goddess) and Lyssa (the personification of Madness) caused him to kill his wife and children in a frenzy.

Herakles madness that made him commit 'filicide' the killing of one's own son, was at the instigation of (stepmother) Hera, Zeus’ jealous wife, who resents that Herakles was Zeus’ son, as well as the god-like strength he has inherited

Clinton Richard Dawkins, FRS FRSL is an English ethologist, evolutionary biologist, and author. He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, and was the University of Oxford's Professor for Public Understanding of Science from 1995 until 2008

Dawkins was confirmed into the Church of England at the age of 13, but began to grow sceptical of the beliefs.

After learning about Darwinism and the scientific reason why living things look as though they have been designed, Dawkins lost the remainder of his religious faith.

He said that his understanding of science and evolutionary processes led him to question how adults in positions of leadership in a civilized world could still be so uneducated in biology, and is puzzled by how belief in God could remain among individuals who are sophisticated in science

In short, he is an atheist

Nay, he won't be forgiven for committing what they believe to be an unnecessary 'fratricidal' or, if you like, 'filicidal' or 'nepoticidal' vengeful act of destroying Najib every which way.

As Farrah Hani Izzudin, a letter-writer to MM Online put it (see my other post Azmin Ali's Waterloo?):

Malays have a thing about observing public decorum and jaga air muka (care for another person’s face). This is especially so when it involves political leaders, given centuries of feudal mindset ingrained in the community’s psyche. Older generation of Malays tend to use indirect references or euphemisms when they want to run down somebody.

[kaytee notes: there are exceptions like Chef Wan who, though of FELDA stock, said FELDA folks lepak and breed like cats, meowakakaka - as I suspect, methinks he has biar adatnya mati liao lah]

Regardless of whether you agree or not, that's how most hardcore UMNO member feel. In socio-politics, it's perception that matters and eff logic or/and law.

Maybe Mahathir has slowly realised his UMNO sin, not that he regretted it a bit, but which may explain his current political behaviour and ultra-ist proclivities, even in Pakatan, in an effort to re-burnish his by-now very much tarnished Malay-ness and Pribumi credentials.

But alas, instead of repenting, Mahathir has stepped on the gas to be perceived as not only wanting to destroy Najib but also UMNO the party (his own UMNO Baru) per se, wakakaka.

From Thai PBS World:

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has predicted the collapse of Umno which is the backbone of the Barisan Nasional coalition that had ruled the country for almost six decades before being toppled in the May elections, the New Straits Times Malaysia Online reported.

Speaking at a meeting with members of the United States Council on Foreign Affairs in New York on Wednesday, Mahathir said many Umno members are leaving the party now that they no longer fear former prime minister Najib Razak.

“Umno is fragmented now, it is going to collapse. There is no future for Umno anymore, because people as a whole detest Umno,” he said.

Mahathir has gone for overkill in his vengeful war against Najib and by consequence, UMNO, and seems to be repeating the predictable. He continues to make enemies and quarrel with everyone - both against the opposition BN and PAS, and in his eagerness to burnish his Malay-ness, even friends within Pakatan.

He is actually losing support he already had, all because of his arrogant high handedness. And indeed because he has been seen to be cavalier and disrespectful of the Pakatan manifesto promises or any promises (including his own, eg. not to accept any UMNO frogs), and reverting to being the Old Mahathir of 1981-2003, he loses even more support, including potential ones, that could have gone to him.

T'was said, the last straw in the adverse perception against Mahathir has been Latheefa's recent big move. Instead of going for Peh Mor, her MACC stacked more charges against Zahid and charged Najib's stepson Riza Aziz, already cleared of charges in the USA.

Also, a series of postponements of the 1MDB case and new charges of income tax issues against Najib has added to the ugly perception of dodgy allegations against the former PM as being nothing more than an Old Man's bitter vengeful political persecution.

As I have mentioned, with the rising anger by both Malays and UMNO members now directed against Mahathir for destroying UMNO and waging a perceived personal vendetta against Najib, and by Pakatan supporters for his Capati-rised U-turns, there have been mucho comments unfavourable to Mahathir currently on the Malay media network.

Even some former 'gullible guppies' have taken the 'Road to Damascus', wakakaka - good on them!

Saul’s road-to-Damascus experience 

Thus he must be dreaming to fantasise he could entice UMNO members (other than the worst lalang and katak puroo) to join a comparatively small party like Pribumi, whose only existence depends on a 94-year old Man.

Today, Zahid said there's no way UMNO will every join him with his partner being the DAP, which of course has been intended to warm the cockles of the Heartland's hearts as Zahid wanted it.

KJ chickened out swiftly after a brief flirtation with Mahathir's proposal for a Greater Melayu Unity (and to eff with the 'nons'), a naughty tease that had sent the Young Brat into premature orgasm.

Hishamuddin by nature has been more circumspect as he has some kamcheng with Azmin Ali, who incidentally has lost much Malay support since the alleged gay sex video clips came out in the open - the worst being Haziq brazenly confessing he's one of the gay couple in that Sandakan frolic and alleged Azmin Ali as his partner on Brokeback Mountain.

The perception now amongst UMNO members is of a Mahathir hellbent on destroying UMNO for a third and final time, meaning forevermore.

This very angry perception has even extended to a prevailing suspicion that Mahathir has already registered the name "UMNO Malaysia" (UMNO III) in readiness for his and his son's use after the pending annihilation of Mahathir's very own created old "UMNO Baru' (the current UMNO).

Many UMNO members even believe Mahathir may repeat his past episode of UMNO Baru seizing assets of the original UMNO, wakakaka, ie. this time of "UMNO Malaysia" seizing assets of UMNO Baru.

if you're confused by UMNO this, that, Old, Baru, Baru-er, II, III, Malaysia etc, think about even-more confused poor kaytee


But it's said this time, UMNO as well as Pakatan (non-Pribumi) voters will punish Mahathir and anyone associated with him in the next GE for such highhandedness and abuse of power.


  1. Even though I am Malaysian Chinese I will vote GE15 (if there is going to be GE15!!) :
    1. PAS : to take revenge against the 93% of Chinese who betrayed Najib in GE14. Najib treated the Chinese very well but was rudely betrayed. I urge Malays to punish Chinese at GE15 (I suspect Mahathir/Anwar are going to subvert GE15 by abolishing the British model and replacing with Iranian model in order to maintain power forever a la Iranian mullah schemes.....)

    2. To ensure that the next GOVt will put these people in jail : Lim Guan Eng, Tony Phua, Nga , Anthony Loke, Theresa Kok, Anwar, Khairuddin, Matthias Chang, Mukhriz, Tommy Thomas, Muhyiddin, Tony Fernandez, Daim, Professor Jomo, Zeti, Shukri, Robert Kuok, Vincent Tan, Maria Chin, Ambiga, etc. for their part in destroying Nalaysian democracy and cohesion

  2. Wakakakakaka

    Quote: "Mahathir'll be punished in elections for highhandedness & abuse of power"

    Really? And who will still be left standing before the next GE to even suggest punishing Ceasar?

    And what UMNO Omerta? There's only one in UMNO which is called "Mahathir's Omerta". Break it at your own peril.


  3. omerta is a figment of your own imagination, you've been watching too many don corleone movies, when thieves and scoundrels are involved it's usually every man for himself as penang lang will say kui kan kui, it's a dog eat dog world out there, wake up and smell the roses otherwise we won't have privatisation, the 4th floor boys, the 1mdb src

    because of your idol, bersatu was still born remember? that must have infuriated the old man, can you blame him if he wants to even the score, can a non umno member seized it's assets? this time kuli will have something to say about that

    opposition chatter, your own perception, voters dissatisfaction and disillusionment is not indicative of probable electoral punishment or annillation, too early to predict, he may just step down and shatter your dream of seeing him get his comeuppance wakakaka
