
Friday, July 05, 2019

Mahathir meludah dilangit AGAIN

From MM Online:

Dr M invites Malay parties including Umno to join Bersatu

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today invited all Malay parties including Umno to join Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) in efforts to unite the Malays

Picture by Mukhriz Hazim

JOHOR BARU, July 5 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today invited all Malay parties including Umno to join Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) in efforts to unite the Malays.

The Bersatu chairman said that he found more and more Malay parties were being formed, which reduced the potentials of the Malay parties to win the election.

“Yes, join Bersatu. When our group is big, we become strong, but don’t stop others from joining the party (Bersatu), let them join.

“If we are split, we become weak, united we stand, divided we fall (bercerai roboh, bersatu teguh). (But) we find that there are people forming new parties, (now) we have become six, soon there will be 10, (then) 100. There are 30 people in one party, How to win (the election),” he told reporters after attending the Johor Bersatu Aidilfitri Open House gathering at the Dewan Serbaguna, Johor Jaya, near here this afternoon.

The Prime Minister said this when asked whether he was inviting all the existing Malay parties to join Bersatu to strengthen the Malays.

When asked whether there will be objections from other Pakatan Harapan component parties, Dr Mahathir said: “That is their problem. We have no connection with other parties. Although (they are) in Pakatan Harapan (PH), they too get new members.

(a) all Malays (left unsaid is "no other race")

(b) join Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Pribumi)

(c) to unite all Malays (left unsaid is "under Mahathir")

Pribumi is a party exclusively for Malays and no Chinese, Indian, Eurasian is allowed to join. To cut through the bullshit, it is a racist party meant only for Malays that can only be formed by a racist.

Mahathir wants ALL Malays to join Pribumi to make it strong, because he said “If we are split, we become weak, united we stand, divided we fall".

'We' in the above case means 'Malays' (only).

Did you hear Mahathir say: I want ALL Malaysians of all races to join Pribumi to make it strong because if we are split as Malaysians, we become weak, united we stand, divided we fall"?

Now we come to the WORST part of this sly cunning deceptive man. Remember Mahathir saying before GE14 that he would NOT accept any UMNO frogs? Wakakaka.

Now, he is inviting UMNO members to join his Pribumi party.

Malays say this opportunistic pretend-forgetfulness belakang pusing like a putar-belit-ing snake is "meludah ke langit" (spitting at the sky and having his sputum falling back on his own face) - padan muka, but alas, he is so racist thick skin and opportunistic that he doesn't care).

But it goes to show this old man cannot be ever trusted.

And finally, When asked whether there will be objections from other Pakatan Harapan component parties, Dr Mahathir said: “That is their problem. We have no connection with other parties.


He doesn't give a shit about his coalition allies, to who he has vowed not to accept any UMNO frogs. Such is his arrogance, racism, inconsideration that he now reverts to his previous monstrous  dictatorial self, a self who despises Chinese and other 'nons' and who had, as we remember it before the GE14, criticised Najib for showing too much attention and pampering to the Chinese who he warned would rule Malaysia.

eff you Najib, why must you pamper those Chinese who want to rule Malaysia and may yet do that 


  1. Toonsie sounds desperate because he is desperate. His time is ticking out. He knows that. Anwar is banging on his door. The blue-eyed boy he wanted to hand power to just got snookered. His own Bersatu party is tiny, has limited grassroots support compared to PAS and UMNO and has no leadership talent. His deputy is old and sick. In essence Bersatu will collapse once he steps aside. Once he hands power to Anwar the PM position will be in the hands of a multi-racial party; it will never come back to Bersatu or any other Malay-only party. So he makes this desperate cry for Malays to unite and join Bersatu.

    But LKS knows this won’t happen. There is simply too much bad blood & history between UMNO-PAS-Bersatu leaders.

    Toonsie had no choice but to seek help. Last week he & LKS had a 45-minute face to face meeting, only the second such meeting since GE14. Toonsie asked LKS to support Bersatu when he steps down but LKS played coy. He knows he has the upper hand with 42 parliament seats and Bersatu can’t increase many more. The line of frogs have dried up. Hence Toonsie’s desperate plea to all Malays to unite. LKS is just biding his time because he has an army of young and capable MPs ready to take on more positions in the government. Bersatu have scant talent. Mukhriz simply doesn’t have it. Never will. Syed Saddiq will be eaten alive. The rest in Bersatu are merely department supervisor level, can handle only school shoes and KDK fans.

    PKR is shaky and ready to split. UMNO may be deregistered soon. PAS is too right-wing. Amanah and Warisan are too small and will go along with the winning side. DAP is the only stable major party right now. They are all biding their time keeping their heads down, buat tak tahu, playing Sudah-Aku-Punya as the Malays argue and spit (sorry I meant split, no I did mean spit.....ha ha ha).

    Oh how the tables have turned. The man Toonsie humiliated, oppressed and jailed in the past has become the cornerstone of his survival.

    Enam kementrian termasuk Kewangan sudah diCAPATI, sikit-sikit lama lama jadi.......DPM....Bersatu has become the bitch’s bone.....ha ha ha

    1. wakakaka, not a bad analysis though I wouldn't count UMNO out yet, and one important person you forgot to mention, Rina Hatun, wakakaka

  2. So UMNO is reconstituted and DAP is compromised and discredited - that is the point of the 2018 tsunami. Genius Cina.

  3. Problem:
    Malay ruling party had a Cina bitch. But bitch was useless.

    New Malay ruling party, with new Cina bitch. Bonus: supporters become useful idiots.

    Prepare for next cycle when the new bitch also becomes useless.

    1. dun kid us la, its a indian in power, malay tis chinese tat,dun make us laugh la.

    2. That's why Melayu laugh harder when Cina babi accuse others of racism. Thank you for providing Melayu with daughters you don't want who are then raised as gadis Melayu. Pukimak Cina racist fucking pig, pergi mampus fucking Tiongcocksucker.

    3. a bitch that curse n swear to conseal her profound insecurity, n hv to kiss an indiam pm to defend her maruah. pity.

  4. An organisation, political &/or apolitical, is entitled to chant slogans to attract the like minded.

    Logical game plays by politikus lah!

    That's the source of their life blood. There IS nothing sinister/conspiracy as a narrow-minded f*ck want to reinterpret.

    Thus US Republican would sing the same tune to attract the Americans. Though the racial tone is just below the surface.

    Closer to home, dap would say the same thing too to entire new members, though most of the time the song is been deciphered as a Mandarin subtitled by the forever ketuanan inflicted melayu.

    Thus, mamak ISN'T the only one plays it. Such political Machiavellian speech IS been done ALL OVER the world! Fair game mah.

    So, is mamak ANY special?

    BTW, yr idol jibby &/or Sharia complimented lier hadi said SO many time along their political lives. R they any better such that ONLY mamak is been targeted by u?

    1. kt is okay with a robber n u r okay with a thief, interesting.

    2. And u?

      U r OK with a demoncratic that elect their life long supreme court judges based on their sopo leaning!
