
Monday, July 15, 2019

Hong Kong anarchy and a duped colonial

Extracts from FMT:

Mall clashes at latest Hong Kong anti-extradition march

Riot police use pepper spray to disperse pro-democracy activists inside a mall after a march at Sha Tin District of East New Territories, Hong Kong, July 14. (Reuters pic)
HONG KONG: Riot police and protesters fought running battles in a Hong Kong shopping mall Sunday night as unrest caused by a widely loathed plan to allow extraditions to mainland China showed no sign of abating.
Police used pepper spray and batons against small groups of protesters, who responded by hurling bottles and other projectiles, in a night of fresh violence in the international hub.
Sunday’s clashes took place at the end of another huge rally – this time in Sha Tin a district that lies between the main urban sprawl around the harbour and the Chinese border.
Violence broke out briefly in the afternoon after the rally as protesters seized a junction and built barricades, causing an hours-long stand-off with riot police.
But the worst clashes happened late evening inside a shopping mall where hundreds of protesters fled after police moved on the barricades and then charged into the shopping complex, AFP reporters on the scene said.
Once inside, chaos erupted as police found themselves pelted from above.
At least one officer was seen knocked unconscious and there was blood on the floor of the mall.
Police with shields and batons charged up to higher floors and made multiple arrests in a building filled with luxury fashion stores.
Volunteer medics were also seen to be giving aid to a protester who collapsed.
By 10pm most protesters had left the area.
Kaytee notes:
The HK protesters have already won their point of contention, namely the extradition clause which could have allowed Mainland China to extract HK people to the mainland. But the violence continues.
You may ask why? Once civil unrest takes place with the protesters winning and the issue settled, anarchy would sometimes take over. There are always a few hotheads who like/love to continue the chaos. It's boring to go home - that's human nature.
Personally I don't have sympathies for the protesters, especially violent ones, once the issue has been resolved, and it has.
Additionally I feel repelled by Hong Kongites who rather waved the Union Jack and said they miss the British colonial government. What stupidity. What lack of pride.
The Poms not only treated them like second class citizens but also abandoned them in 1997 via a contrived call for Hong Kong to have its independence.
British PM John Major gave Chris Patten the job of Governor of HK to convince and mollify 7,000,000 British citizens of slanted eyes and yellow skins why they should fight for the independence of their own Hong Kong island without the necessity of being shipped to Britain.
During that period, the Poms even changed the law of migration which denied British citizens of HK extract the right of entry into the UK. But they reverted the law after 1997 to enable white settlers in Falkland Islands, Bahamas, etc to continue to enjoy the rights of that entry law.
Chris Patten exceeded in his task most successfully, with 7,000,000 Hongkies duped kaukau. Today it repulsed me to see a HK old lady waved the Union Jack during the protest without realising the significance of being a Chinese under the oppressive powers of a colonial European nation. Podah.


  1. y not u move yr ass to hk instead of ausralia?

  2. The issue has NOT been resolved.
    Legally, the Extradition Bill remains at 2nd reading.

    The protests continue because of the deep suspicion that the Hong Kong Administration intends to simply re-progress the Bill once the protestors have gone home.

    1. There is NEVER a real intention to demonstrate against the misunderstood/been distorted Extradition Bill.

      The REAL purpose IS to create chaos to such an extent that Beijing has no choice but to revoke the one-country-two-system governing format.

      To do that, chaos follows by 64Tiananmen Square crackdown MUST be enacted in full.

      This is been orchestrated by a well trained/organised paid scums who r also been promised to be given political asylum.

      Two 2016 Mong Kok riot perpetrators, Ray Wong, 25, & Alan Li, 27, jumped bail and disappeared in 2017, neither surfacing in public. But now, they have emerged to say they are under protection in Germany, among the first individuals from the former British colony to have received asylum abroad.

      This is their ONLY way to get out of HK.

      Meanwhile, all those other young impressionable blurred/disillusioned/pommie worshippers r been conned in a herd-liken frenzy to demonstrate against a regime that provide them freedom to demonstrate & decent living.

      Wondering, how many of these bunch of blur-sotongs/prawns have been adequately advised by the returnees from the 97 exodus?

      Tough life in a gweilo land, working as a modern day serf after fighting to migrate for the fear of 97 return to motherland China. Changed the mind to return to HK & discovered all were not what they were been told/thought! Able to get a new leaves of life too, while still holding on to a proverbial 2nd passport for just that emergency.

      The pommie trained them well. So r the kids!

  3. With impending Brexit looking to be an ugly one and the high economic cost to follow Britain should re-look at giving Hong Kongers (and other commonwealth countries for that matter) the right (or privilege if you want to call it that) of permanent abode, provided they bring in the right skills and of course, money. The City of London is about to lose it's standing as a top financial centre, and let's face it HK too (Shanghai is replacing it) but with the financial acumen of the Hong Kongers they can maintain London as a great financial centre. After all the HK chinese built the tiny colony from literally nothing (like they did in Singapore) so London is easy.

    There's another 30 years or so before HK reverts back to full Chinese control, so there is still time to manage this immigration properly. I'll send Boris an email about this idea.

    1. Brexit has its foundation in some Poms disliking non-Anglos coming into the UK, wakakaka, and you want to tell Boris to accept Chinamen?

    2. Well Boris had no problem when he was the Mayor of London to accept Malaysian money (8.4Billion from EPF, PNB etc) to revitalise Battersea Power-station. He was there at the opening ceremony, with Jibby. And of course most of the buyers of the condos in Battersea will be Asians and Middle Easterners.

    3. Liken to the days of the opium war, all the pommie want r the money!



      Want to be a modern day serf, maybe.

      No skill & ability?

      Stay where u r!

  4. The protests have actually become a focal point of the fears of many HongKongers' fears, more than just the Extradition Treaty itself.

    There is a fundamental mismatch in expectations between many HongKongers and the PRC.
    Most Hong Kong residents expect their existing freedoms, legal system and independent judiciary to continue unmolested as "One Country, Two Systems" for 50 years until 30 June 2047.
    China sees 2047 as a Wind Down-by date, by which time, when the gate barriers are lifted, Hong Kong and China will be essentially seamlessly the same. To achieve that , Hong Kong's systems will need to be steadily more and more aligned with China long before that.

    The other fear is a potential Xinjiang by the South China Sea.
    Facial recognition CCTVs at every corner, tracking every move of anyone labelled as "Unreliable". People get stamped and treated as Unreliable based on behaviour, social media posts and communications, without actually having committed or been convicted of any crime.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      I work out acomputer algorithm to accurately counting the NUMBER of demonstrators/crowds using Facial recognition CCTV technique.

      The Facial recognition CCTV app scans all the faces in the large & compacted crowd for identification to match the DB.

      What I did was to reprogram the software to replace the identity matching schema with a number counter.

      Every time when a subject is been scanned the counter advances by ONE count. The cumulative count is the total number of participants from the beginning of the march till the end of the scanning. The counting can be very fast as no more time lapse (even though it's less than a second) in DB matching.

      The accuracy is about 80% due to

      1)miss counts caused by sparsely disbursed groups of crowd not within the march

      2)possible recounting due to chaotic mixing of retreating participants within the marching line.

      3)must have a visible line of march to start & stop the count.

      Well, this is not a professional job BUT a personal amusement to seek proof of plucking number from sky.

      My program shows there were about 350k during the 612 while closer to 500k on 614. Give or take a 10% margin.

      These two dates r used bcoz the formation of the marchline were quite easily identified.

      Hahahahhhhaaaa… 1mil on 612 & 2mil on 61!!!! Indeed, windfall from heaven for those paid perpetrators to claim their dues from the master!

  5. She's probably a Christian.

  6. Malaysia is actually missing a golden opportunity to attract skilled and/or rich Hongkoners who are looking for greener pastures. A few have already come to Malaysia under the MM2H scheme but many many more are attracted elsewhere like Singapore, Canada and ANZ. If we had these financial people running Labuan Financial Centre starting 20 years ago we would have a truly global financial centre of our own. Instead Labuan today is still a sleepy island.

  7. Britain’s future after Brexit (especially if it is a no-deal one) is a bi-lateral trade agreement with Trump’s USA and re-vitalising links with its commonwealth countries; yes there is still plenty of goodwill and linkages amongst commonwealth nations. And finally Britain still holds plenty of appeal to Hongkongers, so if they play their cards right they can benefit from the discontented people there now. Plenty of mainland Chinese people live in Britain now, and hold British passports, so why not Hongkongers?

  8. Honkies would make a very good example in the study of Human Behaviorial Sciences. It is easier when 2 big elements are not impactful or not significant ie culture and race.

    Beneath all the politics and issues of Sovereignty, Autonomy, Freedom, Human Rights etc, there remains the stark reality that human beings are born naturally with fears of the unknowns and hidden shadows of threats spread by intent or acquired unknowingly thru ideologies to their well being, interspersed with protectionism of what they have acquired.

    It would do well for the Hongkies to state truthfully what are really their fears and what they really want to protect for themselves instead of using ideologies, politics, rallies, show of power etc in this game of getting support from countries outside of Hong Kong to their cause.

    There doesn't seem to be any possibilities at present the way the Hongkies are playing the political or ideological game to win any significant concessions and try expanding it by bits and pieces when the real truths are not made known to everyone in the world to support their cause.

    Does China have legitimate sovereignty over the island of Hong Kong at present? Are the demands by Hongkies legitimate or truthful in the eyes of the outside world?

    I think, in the current scenario, it's a matter of time, the Hongkies themselves will understand they are fighting for a lost cause which will lead to nowhere.

    China muted response is not surprising and does not need to flex or show it's military or economic power on Hong Kong to bow and kneel as what most other Nations do to solve internal crisis or rebellions for they know, time is on their side with the backing and support of their own 1.6 billion citizens.

    Even in a game of politics and ideologies, Hongkies should at least be truthful of expressing their fears and wants and hope for reconciliations or special treatments if that is the goal.

    That way, might achieve something credible when all the chips are on the table with everyone watching how China deals with the cards.

    1. what hkers want is a fair legco election not dictate by ccp, n this is according to the agreement in basic law. ccp, as usual, never stick to what they promise, similarly like what the agree on wto, ccp is a liar cum bully. most hker know where they stand, of course there always people that want independent, this happen in hk taiwan xinjiang tibet sabah sarawak etc etc. if kt now agree sarawak hv the rights to secede, y not hk? why kt choose to live under the queen n not xi huangdi if uk/west is that bad? what a hypo.

      many msian especially chinese take a total diff stand when facing a totalitarian regime ie umno n ccp. whats the diff hker protest with our bersih? cbmf no shame ccp ass licker.

    2. HK was seized by the Poms - it belonged and still belongs to China. Under the Pom, the HK people were 2nd class citizens, subordinated to sucking white dicks - only reason why HK has been given 50 years of "1 country 2 systems" is because of Taiwan. China wants to show Taiwan it can also exist like HK

    3. The 120 year-old Colonial story is of limited relevance to today's Hong Kong. No doubt Hong Konger's never had political freedom, but an Independent Judiciary and legal due process they certainly had , especially in the final 2 decades of British rule. The protests revolve around that.

      Last year two different bookstore owners in Hong Kong disappeared. They had committed no crime, only irritated Beijing by running bookstores specialising in selling books banned in China. They didn't even write those books, only carried them in their shops.
      They resurfaced in Hong Kong, confessed to their "crimes" and vowed never to offend the Motherland again.
      Anyone believe their Confessions were given freely or the CCP was not involved ?

    4. This 白眼狼 can never see the truth about CCP!

      All he has is those accumulated shit-dirts he collected from what he wanted to see/read.

      "only reason why HK has been given 50 years of "1 country 2 systems" is because of Taiwan."

      Please lah, 1country-2system predate ANYTHING about Taiwan's return to motherland!

      Don't twist! There r knowledgeable people who know the in & out of the issues.

      U can work this magic on blurred, fashionable & anmakausai youngsters. It would be a show of yr dead-brain tissue if u raise such a claim in a forum.

      But then, what's SHAME? A dollar a dozen for this gutless instigator who try to con the impressionable to be his good life cannon ash!

    5. british seize many thing, what abt penang spore s n s? some secede some no, hard to say who belong to who, what abt xinjiang n tibet? if history can be used as basis, what abt australia new zealand north south america n europe? in fact many new countries exist after wilson 14 points, so who is right n who is wrong? i think we better skip this topic.

      whats the problem if britain granted democracy to hk only after they left? whatever their hidden agenda, is democracy not a good thing to hkers, its a stupid argument. why hker n taiwanese want to reject freedom n democracy in exchange for being a chinese under a authoritarian regime?

      deng xiaopeng believe after 50 years, we cant tell the diff btw mainland n hk, he believe china will be equally or much more develop compare to hk, n hkers n taiwanese will embrace ccp with open arms. in economics n wealth term, deng is correct, in lacking humanistic freedom n liberty, no sense of shame tellind lies no etnic no moral, cold hearted cheating killing brainwashing, china is far far superb, hence even after another 100 years, hker prefer to be a hker n same to taiwanese, except some wumao in msia that wanna kiss ccp ass.

    6. Mosie, my previous part reply to that 白眼狼 about the alleged abduction of the HK bookstore owners:

      As the ultimate governing authority in HK, the Chinese govt, or as u claimed the CCP, can actually do what they like in the returned territory! But they didn't, as reflected in those recent series of brain-dead demonstrations instigated by paid 丧家犬!

      So what do u thing that the CCP wanted to kidnapp an insignificant bookstore owner who sells books oppose communist n xi huangdi? In fact, similar kind of activities r a plenty in HK. Why just target this particular bookseller? If the CCP will to kidnap everyone of them, present day China WON'T be what she is of today. Think about that mfer!

      Has that bookseller been involving himself with subversive anti-China underground activities with bookstore as a front? U tell me lah!

      If the Chinese authority ONLY charged him for trafficking offences THATS giving his family face, or more correctly bangsa maruah. That's what u known as preventing shame parading for the Chinese race as there r still 丧家犬 willing to jeopardise the hard-earned national prosperity.

      Ooop… have u read what happened to one, Lam Wing-kee who gave a long press conference in the presence of HK legislator Albert Ho in which he detailed the circumstances surrounding his eight-month detention, and describing how his confession and those of his associates had been scripted and stage-managed. Lam indicated the involvement of the Central Investigation Team, which is under direct control of the highest level of the Beijing leadership.

      He has been richly rewarded by his master despite the fact that the Chinese authority kindly let him free.

      That's an act of lowest shameless display that such kind of lowlife could do to earn a buck! He should be shot!

    7. we dun know what the bokkseller did, pls go thru proper due process, or pass a sedition law. dun act like no shame gangster kidnapped tis n house arrest tat.

      btw, could it be ccp is one that abducted the few missing person here in msia? no wonder our govt until today buat tak tahu.

    8. Still bend on fitnahing CCP for the abduction!

      Mfer, u yrself have just admit u don't know what the booksellers did!

      China has her own espionage counterintelligence unit. U obviously DON'T know how/what it does for a living!

      Maybe acting just like the bolihland's Malaysia External Intelligence Organisation (MEIO). Writing to foreign country for help to create revolution. Or better still, scamming the money while helping to be the moneybag man! Wakakakakak

      Getting on & on when u have nothing better to say!

      Can I suggest u give tsai ing-wen a taste of our demoncratic fart on how she is treating TV commentator Huang Chih-hsien(黃智賢)? Maybe she will listen to a exformosa sopo dropout!

  9. Young Hong Kong residents should stop and ponder
    1. Where is their drinkable water from
    2. Where is their food eg pork, vegetables etc from

    Can Hong Kong survive without water supply and food from China if they insist on going against China? Singapore threatened to go to war against Malaysia if the water supply from Tebrau is stopped. Can Hong Kong go against China militarily if the water supply is stopped?

    1. Electricity supply too!

      "These include a contractual agreement of 70% electricity output from the 2 x 944 MW Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant and some peaking power/pumping load from Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station in Conghua."

      In short, HK is feeding on the kindness of motherland China for her prosperity.

      The Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge (HZMB) is also a planned investment to bring future sustainable prosperity to the 珠江Bay's region.

      W/O such farsighted future planning, HK will lose her investment attractions as almost all her current leading edge advantages over the China have been overtaken by Shanghai/Beijing/Shenzhen.

      Many syiok-sendiri fools still thinking that China needs HK's financial connectivities/skills. In fact, Shanghai has long overtaken that role while the port activities of HK is a distant 5th after those of China!

      吃米不知米原 - eat rice doesn't know from where the rice comes from! The failure of the modern youth of HK!

    2. y not ask ccp to kick out hk like how msia did to spore see whether they can survive or not?

    3. Wakakakaka… moronic daydreamer!

      Not even over yr dead body will u see that happen! China shall never allow ANY piece of her territory to be annexed/taken.

      U want to link RedDot with HK in initial conditions? & expect them to survive?

      RedDot had a sincere street fighter politician who was bending on every which sopo tricks to make S'pore working on her own terms.

      HK had/has NONE such leaders! For the longest time HK has only a serfdom mentality. So, too with most of the hongkies of young & old.

      Most critically the present day outspoken hongkies r runners with a pommie heart. The pommie had mold them well to learn to avoid&escape, at the instant of trouble, instead of stay & fight!

      The current herd of unthinking youth, misled to wave the pommie flag, proves conclusively they r pawns. Readily to be the cannon ash for those pommie lovers who trick them into a fighting for a demoncratic system.

      W/O motherland China as her hinterland for commerce, water & electricity supply, HK is destined to die standing as yr induced initial conditions similar to RedDot, r totally absent!

      Fortunately, or unfortunately (for u) China will not do that to HK by removing her bloodline, thus the continue survival of HK!

      Enough… why should I wasting my time to enlighten a railtracked CCP hater. Keep to yr mimpi putih in our cozy fart chamber lah. U too will die broken hearted!

    4. HY, Hong Kong belonged and still belongs to China in the same way Penang belonged and still belong to Kedah and thus Malaysia - no snowflake chance in hell of seceding

      S'pore? It was Tunku who kicked it out (eventually to her blessings, though initially the Sings panicked)

    5. kt, thats y i wrote kick out hk, or else whats their basis to claim hk cannot survive if spore did? the diff is obvious if one read the respond of 2 idiot above, tar is kind hearted, ccp is cold blooded.

    6. Wakakakakaka…

      "tar is kind hearted, ccp is cold blooded."

      When did u trying to be a wordsmith?

      Pushing out to the wolves infested pasture alone (perhaps expecting mother England to come to the rescue) vis-a-vis an over caring by a worrisome mother - kind hearted vs cold blooded!

      百眼狼 U need a overhaul of yr demoncratic infested brain, if there is still one!

    7. threatened with water food electricity, damn low class.

    8. Did that happen?

      Or is yr petrified jelly playing trick with yr increasingly deranged rd ability?

  10. Come on Malaysia, billions of dollars in private wealth looking for a home.

    Nervous Hong Kong Millionaires Are Moving Their Cash to Singapore

    By Chanyaporn Chanjaroen and Alfred Liu
    July 13, 2019. Updated on July 15

    Private bankers are being flooded with inquiries from investors in Hong Kong who are worried about the long-term effects of the political crisis in the Chinese city.

    While the Hong Kong government has shelved the controversial law that sparked the latest round of unrest -- one that would have allowed criminal suspects to be transferred to the mainland for trial -- a new tier of wealthy investors are setting up ways to move their money out of the former British colony more quickly, bankers and wealth managers said.

    A major Asian wealth manager said it has received a large flow of new money in Singapore from Hong Kong over recent weeks....,,
