
Friday, July 19, 2019

From Sterling Stalwart to Sneaky Snake

From Star Online:

Kit Siang misleading the people, says MCA

DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang

From being so vocal in the past, DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang has not only grown quiet since Pakatan Harapan captured Putrajaya after the 14th General Election, he appears to have "mudah lupa" (forgetting easily), claiming that he has “never said that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was corrupt.”

With a blink of an eye, Kit Siang assumes the media and the public are gullible.

The Iskandar Puteri MP should be aware that in this modern age of information technology, networks and development, as long as there is a Google search engine, whatever Kit Siang said about his former nemesis cannot be denied, as they are easily traceable.

How long will the DAP supremo be able to present this mask considering that his blog postings, press statements, or are available on the Internet. Does he really believe that the public are that naïve?

If Kit Siang does not search for information on Google, we are willing to help him refresh his memory for free. These are just a few examples:

Feb 12, 2015: If Malaysians are asked as to who are the top political leaders, past and present, who should be languishing in jail for five years, different names would be mentioned but Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would not be among them. This shows the rot in Malaysia, but it is a rot which was started during Dr Mahathir’s 22-year premiership, and by Dr Mahathir himself.

Dec 8, 2014: It was during his (Dr Mahathir’s) reign that Malaysia began its slide into corruption. Under Malaysia's first three Prime Ministers, corruption was never a major problem and was under control."

Feb 23, 2013: In the forthcoming general elections, Malaysian voters should not only pass a verdict on Najib’s non-transformation in the past four years, but also pass judgment on Dr Mahathir’s 22 years of authoritarian and corrupt policies when he was Prime Minister from 1981 – 2003.

Feb 29, 2012: Dr Mahathir wants “all Tuns” and “their sons and grandsons as well” to be investigated. I will endorse Dr Mahathir’s further defining the scope and extent of the investigation into the RM100bil losses caused by the financial scandals when he was Prime Minister.

Jun 3, 2012: If Pakatan Rakyat forms the Federal Government in the next general election, there should be a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the RM30bil Bank Negara forex losses scandal in 1992, as well as into all the other financial scandals during Mahathir’s 22-year premiership. Barry Wain, in his book, “Malaysian Maverick”, estimates that Malaysia lost RM100bil just in four financial scandals during Dr Mahathir’s premiership. But this is what Dr Mahathir does not want and most afraid of.

Additionally, Kit Siang’s sudden reversal of opinion on Dr Mahathir despite decades of criticism against the former for corruption, power abuse and dictatorship shows that he himself and DAP are bankrupt of integrity. Whatever commitment they gave or criticisms against the federal government in the past does not hold water.

It is unfortunate that these days, Kit Siang has spiralled into an apple polisher to protect his son’s official position from being annihilated by former rivals. The true colours are Kit Siang are thus revealed and voters who balloted for the Rocket are in for a major let down.

Since helming the Federal Government, Kit Siang and DAP have only succeeded in whitewashing their former foes whom they had formerly for decades labelled as corrupted, power abusers and dictatorial.

While in the past they had vehemently objected against projects by the then and present Prime Minister, e.g. national car plan, Vision School, crooked bridge, since taking office, they have grown unquestioningly subservient. They have become loyal fans for Dr Mahathir and u-turned to support these policies by default.

If Tunku Abdul Rahman is remembered as the “Father of Independence”, Dr Mahathir as the “Father of Development”, then Kit Siang deserves the title of “Father of Whitewashing". The nonagenarian Prime Minister is urged to bestow this auspicious title to his long-time opponent. In fact, he should praise Kit Siang for finally admitting to his decades-old mistakes.


  1. in short, dap no diff with mca. mca leader is dog, lks is oso a dog, but lks is a better actor n liar.

  2. Poor Ah Wee, he doesn’t realise the more he criticise LKS the more he is admitting the failure of all his MCA predecessors.

    MCA is the Father of the Blind, Deaf and Dumb for the last 60 years.

  3. Wakakakkakaka

    Hate him, love him, accuse him, despise hi, praise him or his party or whatever?

    As of today, at least, it cannot be denied LKS and his party has also contributed much thru his politics towards a much better Malaysia in terms of getting rid of Kleptocrats, corruptors, more Freedom and Liberty, better governance, Human Rights observance etc.

    If he and his party are condemned as Racists, at least they are seen less so in public eyes.

    If he and his party are condemned as Religious Bigots, at least they are also less so in public eyes.

    If he and his party are condemned as Hypocrites, that looks like pure politiking, and those saying so should look at themselves in the mirrors first.

    "Apa nak Malu"

