
Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Faith in Pakatan govt utterly destroyed

Extracts from MM Online's The final straw that breaks my trust in our government:

by Disappointed Pakatan supporter

Am I the only one that is beyond disheartened by this?

Yes, it is by no means the first time I have been disappointed by PH.

There was the government’s refusal to release the report by the CEP to the public after promises to be more transparent, there was Mahathir’s going back on his promise of consulting the cabinet before making big decisions when he independently appointed the head of MACC, there was the abandoning of his pledge to adopt a UN treaty against racial discrimination, and I can go on and on.

However, for some reason all these individual disappointments are not quite the same as reading an official report, and seeing those red lines displaying Malaysia’s continued deterioration when it comes to public sector’s utter deficiency.

Isn’t this exactly what PH promised to fight against?

As Todd summarized, “Recent appointments being made behind closed-doors and refusal to share key government documents, such as the report by the Council of the Eminent Persons, have damaged confidence that the government is committed to doing things differently.”

Mahathir's style of government 

I agree with Todd for the most part, but in all honesty, at this point, my faith in Pakatan Harapan is not damaged- it has quite literally been destroyed.


  1. Oooii useful idiots...start working...tidur kah?

  2. This is selective anecdotal reporting from one reader citing one (World Bank) report. Let me cite a counter one from IMF:

    IMF praises Malaysia's resilient economy
    MARCH 11, 2019


    KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian economy continues to perform well despite external headwinds, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said.

    The IMF commended the government for the resilient economic performance over recent years, noting that growth was solid without signs of inflationary pressures.

    The country’s economic growth had averaged above five per cent over the past five years, leading to higher per capita income and reducing already low poverty.

    “Economic growth is now moderating, and is estimated at 4.7 per cent in 2018, underpinned by robust domestic and external demand,” the IMF said in its report after concluding its annual discussions with the government officials on Malaysia’s economic development and policies.

    The fund concluded that Malaysia’s financial sector appeared resilient with sound profitability and liquidity indicators and low non-performing loans, and supported the broadly neutral monetary policy stance.

    It agreed with Malaysia’s planned gradual pace of fiscal consolidation in 2019 and over the medium term to support debt reduction and strengthened fiscal buffers.

    The IMF pointed that Malaysia’s headline inflation had dropped from an average of 3.7 per cent in 2017 to an estimated one per cent in 2018 as domestic fuel price adjustment was suspended, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) was zero-rated and replaced by the narrower-base Sales and Service Tax, and food price inflation declined.

    The credit-to-gross domestic product (GDP) ratio was declining, while on the external side, the current account surplus was estimated at 2.2 per cent of GDP in 2018, the fund said.

    The account surplus had gradually narrowed in recent years as growth drivers had shifted towards domestic demand, itadded.

  3. Leaked

    Secret Memo

    From: Distinguished Member of the Malay Elite

    To: Operatives of the Malay Deep State

    TRADOC is preparing a new manual based on our current understanding of the nature of our power. This is a preview.

    Our power is now bipartisan.

    Political contests that in the past take place as UMNO (all incarnations) internal politics now happen at the national stage as inter-party contests. This allows the recruitment of politically marginalized communities as supporters, both as an outlet for their frustrations and a way to expend their energies in a way that does not threaten the status quo.

    Watch this space.

  4. And another “thumbs up” for the Harapan government compared to the BN one, from American Chamber of Commerce.

    US firms keen to reinvest, thanks to PH govt's transparent approach

    NST APRIL 28, 2019


    KUALA LUMPUR: The current government has set itself apart from the past administration by being more transparent and open to a collaborative working environment, says American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM).

    These were the key attributes that could help Malaysia play catch up with advanced economies such as Singapore and Hong Kong in attracting foreign direct investments (FDIs), it said.

    "Malaysia is sitting in a very strong position and is a very resilient country. So, now it is the time to build upon it and make sure that the environment is welcoming to businesses,” AmCham president Ramzi Toubassy told NSTP group. Also present was Amcham executive director Siobhan M Das.

    Toubassy said Malaysia has always been business-friendly, AmCham had never had the ease of access to the government in the past.

    “In the past, they would come up with policies and inform us what the policies were and it would be too late for us to advocate,” he said.

    “I think the new government has been open to collaborative model of working. That is the difference I have seen. The Pakatan Harapan government is more receptive to questions and they are more likely to reach out and understand something that is evolving,” he added.

  5. Leaked

    Secret Memo

    From: Distinguished Member of the Malay Elite

    To: Operatives of the Malay Deep State

    Reminder: Do not hide our existence.
    I repeat: Do not hide our existence.

    Our main role is now as scapegoat.

    Whichever party is in power will need to break promises to our useful idiots.

    The useful idiots need someone to blame if they are to continue being useful. This is now our main role.

  6. Wakakakakakakaka

    I wonder how many straws were broken when DOJ initiated and confirmed that Malaysia's 1 MDB sovereign Fund scandal was real and not an illusion created by foreign powers and kept hidden from ordinary Malaysians both by the great Kleptocrat PM and his abettors as well as Govt. enforcement agencies and institutions operated and managed by Deep State players and actors.

    Where were those stories?

    But what takes the cake for mostly 65% Malaysian Moslems is that even so called Islamic parties and Institutions, who, to most ordinary Moslem folks depend on as their protectors and guardian of their faith and believe were also found to have colluded and abetted by either closing one eye or shouting rhetorical support for their Kleptocratic and corrupted leaders to the extent of even issuing religious fatwas/edicts to justify such actions in support.

    And now to top it all, even go to bed together or marriage of convenience (Kahwin Misyar/Nikah Mutaah) or for Moslem Ummah unity or to jihad against Kafirs/Kafir Harbi or whatever can be found in all the Holy books and Hadiths just to justify the need for collaboration between Kleptocrat leaders and their political parties to achieve political aims of power and wealth. So many Moslems straws were also broken seeing how their Moslem's kleptocratic/corrupted leaders, clerics, institutions, NGOs, political parties etc were abusing their beliefs and faiths in them all these while and eventually revealed to be just like ordinary mortals who lust and greed for power, wealth and posts.

    Where were their stories?

    I bet, those untold stories easily overwhelm whatever stories of disappointment against the current PH Govt. which is just less than 2 years old and still muddling thru good leadership, governance and restoring the faiths and beliefs of all Malaysians.

    Wakakakakakaka Do not use straws for the sake of environmental protection. Use broken hearts or disgust instead.

    1. No need so long winded laarrr, simpler to say:

      "Napoleon is always right" - Boxer

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      & yet Napoleon died on the remote island of Saint Helena in the South Atlantic, at the age of 51 when the British exiled him!

      He Didn't even had that right to die on his beloved motherland.

      How RIGHT it was!

      RD moron trying to quote history? Better take a lesson from mom &/or KokTalk lah.

  7. This anonymous writer starts with a personal agenda, to Hentam the PH government, then selectively looks for quotes to support his agenda.

    Government civil service performance is a long term endeavour. If it has been deteriorating over the years, it will take years to turn around.
    If the World Bank report was on 2018, about 1/2 of whch was under BN, why talk squarely on the PH government ?

  8. Here's another anecdotal comment, also from the World Bank. It says Malaysia will reach high-income status by 2024, a 4-year delay from Vision 2020; Toonsie says that is due to the diversion caused by 15 years of the two recalcitrants Badawi and Jibby, ha ha ha.

    Malaysia on track to achieve high-income status by 2024, says World Bank

    Manirajan Ramasamy - July 1, 2019

    The World Bank says Malaysia’s economy will grow by 4.6% this year.
    PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia is on track to achieve high-income economy status by 2024, World Bank lead economist Richard Record said.

    He said Malaysia’s gross net income per capita stood at US$10,460 as of last year.

    The World Bank has set US$12,375 as the threshold level to define high-income economy status, Record said, adding that Malaysia’s target was achievable.

    He was speaking at a press conference after the launch of the Kick-Off Conference on the 12th Malaysia Plan organised by the economic affairs ministry and the 20th edition of the World Bank’s Malaysia Economic Monitor report, themed Re-energising the Public Service, here today.

    Record said the World Bank’s forecast that the Malaysian economy will grow by 4.7% this year was lowered by 0.1% to 4.6% because of weaker investment and export activity.

    He said while private consumption was expected to continue to support domestic demand, its growth was projected to decelerate to 6.6% this year.

    “This follows a robust expansion in 2018,,especially during the zero-rated Goods and Services Tax (GST) period,” he said.

    Record said that in the public sector, continued rationalisation of government expenditure would continue to weigh on its contribution, with the growth rate projected to stand at 1.8% for the year.

    He said the Consumer Price Index was projected to average about 1% for 2019, mainly due to the diminishing effect of changes to consumption tax policy towards the second half of the year.

    On the on-going trade war between the United States and China, Record said Malaysia was benefiting from trade diversion in some export products as a result of the tension.

    “Malaysia’s export of tariff-affected products to the US and China has increased in value by more than US$1 billion since the tariffs were imposed, ” he said.
