
Sunday, July 21, 2019

Bador, speak now or forever hold your peace

Extracts from MM Online:

IGP on fight against terrorism in Malaysia and why we still need Sosma

By G. Prakash

Inspector-General of Police Datuk Abdul Hamid Bador. — Picture by Hari Anggara 

KUALA LUMPUR, July 21 — Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Abdul Hamid Bador credits Malaysia’s counter terrorism success to the sharing of information with international counterparts who have more experience in fighting extremist ideologies.

The Counter Terrorism (E8) Division of the Bukit Aman Special Branch department has racked up an impressive number of arrests and stopped planned attacks from happening here.

“We have been watching closely the developments taking place in the Middle East as there had been earlier concerns that the defeat of the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria and Iraq could lead to frustrated fighters who have yet to fulfill their mission to become martyrs,” Abdul Hamid told the Malay Mail.

“The concern is that they would return to their countries of origin like Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines and will conduct their final act in their home country.

“But so far this has not been realised except for maybe the Philippines but that too investigators are not sure if the perpetrators are those returning from that region,” he said, referring to the Middle East.

In March, major news outlets reported that the IS has lost the last pocket of territory in Syria and Iraq which it controlled, bringing a formal end to the caliphate it proclaimed in 2014.

The group controls no territory in Iraq and Syria, attacks are down and the number of foreign fighters it continues to recruit is a fraction of what it was at its height.

But the notorious terrorist group remains a serious, violent threat. Many of its top leaders are still alive and it continues to carry out attacks.

Abdul Hamid said police are always concerned when it comes to terror threats in the country and are constantly vigilant.

“We are constantly monitoring social media and at the same time we have increased the engagement with foreign intelligence organisations, sharing information especially with the experienced ones such as Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and of course our long-time partner Indonesia who has been very cordial with us.

“We have been brotherly with these countries in our joint effort in tackling this issue,” he said.

‘Don't take away Sosma’

Abdul Hamid said terror networks feared Malaysia's Internal Security Act (ISA).

“For them, they knew ISA is the end for them... that's how it was. But now that ISA is history, we have this powerful legislation the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) 2012, which helps us.

“I want to share with the public... if Sosma is taken away from us, it means you take away our 'guns' to fight terrorists... the public should be educated about this,” he said.

Abdul Hamid said such laws allow the police to act, not to wait until a threat is in the advance stage.

“We know our limits. I for one would not allow the police to use torture tactics, I have made it very strict to my men in the counter terrorism department.

“That is why I have made it clear that there must always be CCTVs in interrogation rooms and everywhere else. I always remind my men to not tackle this issue by torturing the subjects as that will make it worse.

“We will not implement torture tactics to illicit confessions,” he said.

Abdul Hamid said the terror suspects are misled on ideology and it is important for the authorities to use experts from religious departments to reason with them.

It doesn't take one to be a rocker scientist to know that under a Mahathir government Sosma will be retain, enforced and even enhanced, and to eff with the Pakatan Manifesto Promises.

Can the IGP explain why PKR member Wan Ji Hussin was bashed by a cop when he was detained under the Sedition clause for allegedly insulting HRH Sultan Selangor?

Can the IGP further explain why Wan Ji is now Police probing preacher Wan Ji for defamation under Section 500 of the Penal Code after he had claimed he was beaten up by jail wardens. 

Intimidation into silence or withdrawl?

I rather not hear anything ANYMORE from IGP Bador. When he was first appointed I had hopes, but alas now I find he is no different from previous IGP of recent times, ie. since 1981.

Bador, speak now [of the Truth] or forever hold your peace.


  1. Why mix up issue of Civil Liberties, Human Rights, Abuse of Powers, Prevention of Terrorism, Security of a Nation with also the PH Manifesto?

    Isn't the purpose of the IPCMC is exactly the reason why it is needed to balance and counter all the fears of abuse of powers towards Human Rights and Civil Liberties?

    So, those quibbling about the fears or continued abuse of powers by authorities entrusted with enforcing the Laws should be the ones strongly supporting the IPCMC Bill and to ensure it has enough teeth to prevent abuses and protect Civil Liberties and Human Rights.

  2. Bador is not all Bad(or)....ha ha ha...

    You forgot to give credit as Bador is the first IGP (since 2003 Norian Mai, Mohd Bakri Omar, Musa Hassan, Ismail Omar, Khalid Abu Bakar, Mohamad Fuzi Harun) to formally accept IPCMC, which was recommended by a Royal Commission 14 years ago, ie in 2005.

    Note: from 2005 to 2018 the PMs were Jibby and Badawi. They did not accept IPCMC. Why? Not even bothered to put it in their GE manifestos?


    Now after 1 year in power PM Toonsie, his Harapan government and his appointed IGP will soon formally adopt IPCMC. Syabas.

    Police give nod for IPCMC, IGP says it will not erode powers
    Published on 10 May 2019


    KUALA LUMPUR, May 10 — The police have finally given their consent for the formation of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) some 14 years after it was first proposed.

    Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Abdul Hamid Bador said today that their consent was based on the guarantee that police powers would not be diminished, Malaysiakini reported.

    The IPCMC was mooted by the Royal Commission to Enhance the Operation and Management of the police in its report published in May 2005.

  3. Ah Mok in Australia is also subject to anti terrorism laws that provide for preventive detention.

    Extract from Australian government website
    "The police can detain people under preventative detention orders only:

    where there is a threat of a terrorist attack that is capable of being carried out, and could occur, within the next 14 days, and the order might help prevent it
    immediately after a terrorist act if it is likely vital evidence will be lost.
    A person can be detained for a maximum of:

    48 hours under Commonwealth law
    14 days under state and territory laws
    14 days under a combination of Commonwealth and state and territory regimes.
    Australia's Commonwealth laws on preventative detention orders are found under Division 105 of the Criminal Code Act 1995. This department administers the Act."

  4. They found a loophole. Transfer detainees to MACC. Pakatan supporters will then help explain away delays in investigations. UMNO supporters will just watch and laugh: "your turn now!"
