
Saturday, June 08, 2019

Latheefa's appointment via Mahathir's “my way or the highway”


Yoursay: Concerns mount over Dr M’s ‘unilateral’ MACC chief appointment

Yoursay  |  Published:   |  Modified: 
YOURSAY | ‘The PM must follow the Harapan manifesto and fulfil promises made to the people…’
FairnSquare: A very frank and responsible response by PKR president Anwar Ibrahim, expressing his concerns in a very non-confrontational manner.
His statement that "we will ensure MACC remains independent" is very reassuring. I think he handled that situation well and we should appreciate him sharing his opinions openly and in a mature manner.
The younger politicians should learn from his reaction, which reflects concern but also expresses assurance that the concerns can be addressed.
Anonymous #33227154: Anwar is absolutely right. The prime minister must follow the Pakatan Harapan manifesto and fulfil promises made to the people by having a democratic and consultative government, instead of dictatorship.
Appointing Latheefa Koya as MACC chief commissioner without consulting the cabinet breaks Harapan’s promise. By doing this, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad actually created a bad legacy for himself and the coalition.
Caripasal: In any corporation or in politics, the procedure of the selection itself is much more important than the candidate. The candidates must be discussed, and consensus obtained from the parties involved.
This is the appointment of a very important and transparent institution, not the appointment of a spy. All candidates must be carefully discussed at a meeting, just as the board of directors in any corporation would, before the final decision is made by voting or by the chairperson.
The candidate nominated by the prime minister might not be the best until it is discussed thoroughly. A discussion of candidates ensures the best candidate is appointed with the least dispute.
Of course, Anwar, being the president of a bigger party in the coalition, has the right to demand an answer, as the Harapan government, including the premiership, is formed by general consensus.
Anonymous 2475091498015598: In my humble opinion, the appointment must be discussed with the cabinet or at least with the deputy prime minister. This is a sinister move by Mahathir, and an autocratic one. He is not flawless or infallible.
It's not the best decision, as there are a number of people who can head the MACC. One person doing things his way is not the Harapan way.
Enough of “my way or the highway” kind of actions. Former Bar president Ambiga Sreenevasan, ex-minister Zaid Ibrahim, Permatang Pauh MP Nurul Izzah Anwar and a few more are eligible, too.
Guuunner: The outrage is very reasonable. Just imagine if it were Mahathir who was being accused of kleptocracy with regard to the 1MDB scandal, and he had just announced the “early retirement” of Mohd Shukri Abdull and installed Latheefa as his “preferred” MACC chief commissioner.
Would you experience déjà vu vis-à-vis former attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail, who was replaced by Mohamed Apandi Ali? Would you still support Mahathir?
It’s about reforming the government so that it will be managed institutionally, instead of according to the old way whereby the prime minister has absolute power to do anything he likes.
Gerard Lourdesamy: The parliamentary select committee on public appointments has yet to be institutionalised. This would require an amendment to the constitution and various parent acts. Until that is done, the PSC is only an ad hoc committee.
However, the prime minister should have consulted with the cabinet and informally with the PSC before nominating Latheefa. That, I believe, is the Westminster practice.
Now that the appointment has been made, all parties should get behind it. Just like the appointments of the chief justice and the inspector-general of police, the prime minister has made the right choice with Latheefa.
Those unhappy with the appointment can bring it up in cabinet, parliament and the Harapan presidential council. But a public campaign to vilify Latheefa and the prime minister is hardly fair or appropriate.
JW: Oh, Harapan Wangsa Maju MP Tan Yee Kew, you appeared pretty confused and deluded.
It is one thing to take Mahathir to task for unilaterally making the appointment. I fully agree that everyone should be concerned because Mahathir's unilateral move is a clear indication of his authoritarian, democracy-be-damned way that marked his term as prime minister the first time around.
It raises all kinds of justifiable concerns about what kind of Harapan government Mahathir wants to set up.
That would have been a very good reason enough, Tan, to sign the petition. But then you questioned Latheefa's capability of staying independent as MACC chief. Why? Just because she was openly known for being a PKR member?
Latheefa has openly resigned from the party. Is this not a good move? This way, the rakyat can scrutinise her future decisions or moves to make sure she will not be biased towards any Harapan component parties or biased against opposition parties.
Is that not far better than not knowing the political affiliation of an appointed person and blindly assuming that he or she will be independent?
Anonymous 1404366050: I noticed the opposition is visibly quiet on this issue. I wonder why.
If I were them, I would just keep quiet and enjoy my honeymoon term, let the present government clean up the mess in the backyard and the party infighting continue for the whole term.
Then, I would comfortably take over a new, unclogged and nicely painted house without sweating over it. Harapan, please get real. Too many cooks spoil the broth.


  1. Back in 2015, Najib castrated the MACC investigation into 1MDB by firing ("transferring") the MACC chief, replacing him with His man, and transferring out the chief investigator.
    At the same time the Attorney General was fired and replaced by a Najib lackey , the Bank Negara Governor was replaced.
    The Night of The Long Knives as Lim Kit Siang called it. It is NOT an expired issue.

    Since Najib himself was a subject of the 1MDB investigation, this amounted to massive obstruction of justice.

    Some people spoke up strongly against the Najib actions then - I respect them.

    Those, like MCA Wee Wee and Ah Mok, who were totally silent then, but want to be heroes now, I have no respect for them at all.

  2. Forget Toonsie, Support Latheefa.

    When the wrong person makes the right decision forget the wrong person, support the right decision.

    We are objecting Latheefa’s appointment because we hate Toonsie, not because there is anything wrong with Latheefa.

    Watch this video, the past MACC chief supports Latheefa and explains why she is the right choice and we must support her. Why ask her to resign when she is the right person for the right job? Because we hate the person who chose her?

    And when she starts doing a great job catching thieves are we still going to demand her resignation? Will that not only be undermining her authority and help the thieves she is trying to catch?

    Forget Toonsie, focus on and support Latheefa in her very challenging job. She has offered herself for the tough task ahead, which is infinitely more than what you Kong Kali Kong noisemakers will ever offer.

    P/S and I have yet to hear any alternative names as fearless as Latheefa.
